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SteamID64 76561198055312047
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:47523159
Country France
Signed Up November 5, 2014
Last Posted July 11, 2023 at 7:31 AM
Posts 358 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.5
Windows Sensitivity 1
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Steelseries Rival 100
Keyboard Steeseries 6Gv2
Mousepad Asus ROG GM50
Headphones Headphone
Monitor Asus Strix XG258
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#3957 PC Build Thread in Hardware
I'm looking to build a pc from scratch and it will be a first time for me.

The main goal is for it to be able to run tf2 with good fps to fully use the 240hz monitor that i already have AND to be able to read, watch, edit and render heavy 4K photos and videos at a good speed (which my old 2013 pre-build computer was unsurprisingly not able to do after 8 years of service). Other than that i would like to be able to also run csgo/gta 5 decently those are the only other games that i play from time to time.

I'm looking to buy the parts of the computer this month or the next one.

Budget could be around 1,5/2k but it's highly flexible i dont mind putting more if it makes a huge difference or less if it's not going to change much for my need.

Additionnal to that, i'm looking to have high internal storage capacity around 4To to store all the photos/videos files.

As i said, it's a first time and i dont know too much about computer so any advice if i'm delusional about something or build idea is high appreciated. Tell me if i forgot something or if you have questions.

Thanks in advance


posted 10 months ago
#2 A new NTF2CL takes place this weekend in News

You'll also be able to watch live on my channel twitch.tv/olgha to follow how the better team wins the cup :^)
(+ we have Aelkyr in)

posted 11 months ago
#26 wats ur favorite jojo stand in Off Topic

Wamuu stays the best

posted about 3 years ago
#16 How to Become a Better Scout Player? in TF2 General Discussion
Young_SanityvStylaxfunhaver19981. High refresh rate monitor
3. you must have low sense
4. only track NEVER flick
5. Stay alive.
7. make yourself healable
8. Do not overextend

Kinda makes no sense when some of the best scouts in the game use high sens too, including our lord and saviour B4nny.
I use high sens as well. High sens is for the chads low sens is for the virgins.

Sorry but it's not by playing video games in a certain way that will make you a chad or a virgin

posted about 3 years ago
#655 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
Vouri5600x auto oc +200mhz
16gb 3000mhz
dxlevel 81
2639 frames 15.872 seconds 166.26 fps ( 6.01 ms/f) 27.810 fps variability benchmark1.dem

anyone that knows things does this sound right? is this just cos im bottlenecked by the gpu or is there smth i can do to improve it now?

710gt is harsh Vouri, you better find a retailed gpu for like 50 bucks which will work way better than what you currently have. Yeah you're being bottlenecked by you gpu atm

posted about 3 years ago
#25 How I made TF2 run beautifully in Hardware
WazrachWow! Thanks for the comments guys, that means a lot. I'm really happy to hear people are finding a new way to enjoy their games, not just TF2. Speaking of which, I can now play TF2 at a steady 119FPS with Mastercomfig Medium High, thanks to the Ryzen 5 5600x I just installed in my system earlier. The difference between that and the 3600 is night and day.

I should have mentioned that .001 is technically OK in some cases, but the best starting point is actually .01. So now I'm using a cap of 118.993 as my refresh rate is 119.003 (experimented since last time which is why it's not the same). If you're experiencing any issues with this trick or you can feel noticeable VSync delay, I suggest trying the new -0.01 cap rather than 0.001. Also, set VSync on driver-side as well as in-game. I will now update the guide with this information.

so you don't get your framecap up at 224hz because you do like the backlight strobing available on 119hz right ?
because i assume you're getting these 224 fps all time with the 5600x

posted about 3 years ago
#25 Closing thoughts on S37's plugins in TF2 General Discussion
Stylaxremoval of 150 bodyshot

That's stupid, but about that, it would be cool to have opaque spawn doors on every maps, it's really frustrating to be seen by the sniper while you can't see him, then he just has to tap w once, and kill a medic in sight without even trying to shoot the head, which is lame to play against as medic. I'd rather tell myself that if i die to a sniper in spawn, he had to quickly adjust his aiming just after opening the door.

posted about 3 years ago
#3777 PC Build Thread in Hardware

btw is there even a gpu bottleneck in source games that could held back a 5600x ?

posted about 3 years ago
#3776 PC Build Thread in Hardware
sourceI don't know anything about hardware but would one be able to build a 10/10 gaming pc that can handle tf2 well with only $1600?

edit: I guess the better question to ask is what would be the mimimum amount of money you need to build a 10/10 gaming pc that can handle tf2.

CPU 5600X with a good cpu cooler so you can do a bit of overclock (Noctua is really good)
GPU : honestly you can go for a 1660 super, no need for more if it's for tf2
RAM : go for a 3600MHz 16gb or faster but no need to go 32gb
you add ssd, hdd, power supply 500W or more, and a case you end up with a 1200 euros pc 10/10 for tf2

that also is depending if you want to stream or not, if you do want to stream, consider getting a better gpu.

not sure if it's worth going over 3600Mhz, but i heard that the 5600X can really benefit from higher speed ram, dunnot know

posted about 3 years ago
#52 Am i mge god ? in TF2 General Discussion

Well, from my own point of view, there's nothing wrong with trying to be the best at mge BUT you have to restrict yourself to some rules :

-1. Don't play against people that are not in the same mood, leave the people that just want practice/ warmup alone and focus on the people who tryhard as well
-2. how come you leave for elo ? if you blind yourself on losing some matches, well your elo (which i suppose should your point of reference in terms of evolution) is meaningless, how dare you calling you good, if you never lose because of such bad reactions when you do.
-3. Focusing on beating good players is cool, but you have to remember usually they just play to warmup and sometimes, they are not even good at mge, so don't try to be cocky because beating someone in mge prove nothing, especially if they don't try as hard as you do.

These rules are the ones that make all of your efforts worth for yourself, if you don't follow them, then you're just an attention whore, and certainly not a "mge god".

Sidenote : stop calling someone who tryhard "gay", it's homophobic and every one has the right to play and consider mge however they want, don't let your ego going across and act like normal human please

edit : you may consider, sounds funny, to ask for the consent of your opponent if you can both tryhard, how cool is that ? :D

posted about 3 years ago
#8 Essentials game skills in TF2 - educ. project in Videos

Hey i decided to take a break away from this project for a bit, especially due to lack of interesting ideas to develop !
Feel free to give me inspiration of a topic you'd like to elaborate on !

posted about 3 years ago
#6 Essentials game skills in TF2 - educ. project in Videos

Second session is out on youtube and twitch :

feel free as always to ask some questions, and if someone wants to do a translation, feel free to ask me to modify the slides, i'll accept as soon as i receive the notification. I'd be glad if people wants to get involved in that project, as i'd love to see project written or debated from other people as well !

i'll meet you next thursday, i'll keep you on touch about the topic soon !

posted about 3 years ago
#4 Essentials game skills in TF2 - educ. project in Videos

Apologies, i couldn't do the next session this afternoon, so it will be tomorrow at 4pm on my twitch channel.
It is going to be about creating a team and organizing it.

Regarding non-french speakers, just like last time, i'll try to translate the slides in english, but also if there's a majority of english speakers, i'll consider doing these directly in english, so just let me know what are your thoughts on that !

Cya tomorrow

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Essentials game skills in TF2 - educ. project in Videos

Hey there !

I recently tried a new format regarding newers players but also veterans to explain some aspect of 6v6
First session is about risk taking, and sadly, as i'm more confortable to speak and explain in french, the audio from the live is in french but thanks to Rahmed, you do have now an english translation of the slide !
Please do make some critiscism as it will help me improve the format !

English version (translated by Rahmed) : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11gUW_VCUve9ptlJQIqd5203cRlJg27FdG9z0SNOY9ys/edit?usp=sharing
French version : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1L2MaYmPI1hkMmYTT0-u1R8B1G954KWpd7jaOUyzDIKA/edit?usp=sharing
VOD on twitch (in french) : https://www.twitch.tv/videos/808435681

I guess this thread can also serve the purpose to ask questions for the people that can only understand the slides in english !

posted about 3 years ago
#59 ETF2L S37 plugins in TF2 General Discussion

For me it just dumps down medic positioning to: Stay forback no matter what

I really liked to do all kind of trying to overextend with scout speed just to bait someone into chasing me, which now will not be possible.

Positionning will not be more Important and harder, it will just become more boring repetitive and so, less fun.

Just pointing out that in ETF2L, medics in prem shifts all season( for s36 we had 12 differents medics playing the season), meanwhile on the other classes, this is not the case.

posted about 3 years ago
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