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Signed Up August 2, 2016
Last Posted May 12, 2024 at 9:19 PM
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#81 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

We will likely not be running PUGs until item servers are back up, but rest assured we are making great progress with fixing all the bugs!

posted 4 months ago
#75 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Due to nfo server [issues] and site issues, PUG are currently on hold. We are working as fast as we can and will keep you updated, expect a fix by the ~10th after we do thorough internal testing and confirm things are actually working.

posted 4 months ago
#72 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Note that I am currently working on fixing some of the initial errors, thanks for your patience

posted 4 months ago
#71 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Welcome to RGL PUGs Public Beta v1!
As mentioned previously, this is a large update with some cool features:

- Reworked some UX
- Player list with leaderboards per-class & overall
- Player profiles
- PUG history with top captains
- You may report players by clicking on their card
- Servers now keep track of their own passwords, maps, and players
-- Any discrepancies should now be auto-corrected
- Moderators can now accurately track if servers have missing maps on the site
- More moderator tools
- Queues can now be more easily created/deleted/customized
- Elo fixes
-- All elos have been recalculated
-- You may now request your elo to be manually reviewed on your profile
-- Elos now recalculate properly after each PUG
-- Auto-captain now considers the classes you tend to play/win
- If you are not in a PUG, you can now choose to spectate it (if available)
- Subbing should now be more responsive
- Adjusted some class weights
- Added some more maps
- Misc fixes

Note that the site may still have some unknown bugs, which I will be ironing out over this week, so keep reporting them along with any feedback!

In terms of the path to full release, we now plan to have weekly updates EVERY Sunday throughout beta.

In no specific order or priority, we have the following public plans for beta:
- More stabilization, bug fixes, etc. (duh)
- More elo work
- Map nominations
- Customizations
-- Voice packs
-- Donor perks
- Pre-season test queues
- Party queueing
- Post-PUG surveys
- Built-in tutorials and resources for new players
- More moderation tools
- More statistics for analyzing your elo and tools for captains/moderators
- More stuff TBA

This beta phase is estimated to span about the next 6 months.

posted 4 months ago
#64 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Hi all, just as an update, we are aiming to enter the beta phase of PUGs come the new year (#NewYearNewPUGs). This will be a large update with the following:

  • Revamped UX
  • Player profiles
  • Leaderboards
  • Queues may now have a minimum/maximum elo for queueing or captaining
  • Ability to spectate current PUGs
  • Numerous moderator/runner tools
  • Player reports
  • Prevent players from baiting RUP/captain
    • Repeated baits will now have longer bans
  • Countless server fixes, including wrong maps/passwords, and auto-kicking players not in PUG
    • In the case that something breaks, players can initiate an auto-fix
  • Fix player subs
  • Elo fixes:
    • All elos have been recalculated
    • You may now request your elo to be manually reviewed on your profile
    • Elos now recalculate properly after each PUG
  • Miscellaneous fixes
  • Surprise features

I am aiming to have this released by Jan 7th at the latest. At that time, I will also announce the detailed 2024 road plan from Beta to Official Release, including specific features and timelines.

Thank you everyone for playtesting and providing invaluable feedback!

posted 5 months ago
#59 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

We are actively looking into why TF2 servers are being wonky with not accepting map/password/config changes. Every server host option seem to have their own problems, so it's been frustrating for us too. Getting servers and elo working reliably are the main items we are trying to conquer before moving to beta.

posted 6 months ago
#5 Localhost Philly RESUP LAN #3 Open Democall in TF2 General Discussion

stv 19600 - stabby 4k

posted 7 months ago
#54 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Been a bit since I made a post here, will be posting more frequent updates on the RGL forum thread (
Some notable changes/additions:

  • Lots of stabilization
  • Volume control
  • Enhanced picking process to be more intuitive, including captains not being able to be forced on a class they did not queue as, sorting players by elo / round win % / average picked position.
  • Elos are now dynamic and have an updated model to be more accurate.
  • Players that play pugs and win at least one round of HL or 6s (captained or uncaptained) since September 18th are automatically entered into an exciting raffle for an upcoming RGL project currently called '100 Fish'. The top 3 players for each format are guaranteed a spot. Click the new '100 Fish' button on the sidebar for a sneak peek
posted 8 months ago
#46 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

The site is back and will no longer eat up all your data! (as far as I know)

Unicorn_WizardJust messing around with the site but it won't let me login, just loops back. Logged in through steam and discord on my browser and on rgl, cleared cookies, etc. If I'm being dumb please let me know but if not please help :)

Should be fixed now.

posted 10 months ago
#44 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

As mentioned, I am aware of the issue and it is fixed in the next version which includes a full-stack overhaul. I will keep everyone posted once it goes live. Huge thanks to Jaguar for reaching out to me

posted 11 months ago
#2 Grand finals demos? in TF2 General Discussion

AFAIK, b4nny is travelling today but will upload them tomorrow after he gets back. Keep an eye on the match comms here

posted about a year ago
#38 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Thank you everyone who has played in the public alpha so far! I am very proud of the work we've done so far and have received a lot of good feedback that we have both already added and will implement down the road. Since the last update, we have added the option to sub a player on your team out, along with being able to view pugs currently running. Note that it requires either 3 players to vote for a sub or the player to sub themselves out for it to go through and the pug will be killed if two subs are needed at the same time. Our next priorities for this week are highlander PUGs and a separate captained advanced-invite queue. One thing we would like to think about is the classic lack of medics in a pug problem, and we would like your help in doing so! For the next week, we are going to run a poll to gather opinions on the best way to handle it. If there is enough demand, we will implement an auto-draft for a while and gather further feedback afterwards.

Here is the link to the poll:
You can choose multiple options or create your own.

Thank you again for all of the feedback you've given so far, and feel free to contact me/post here if you have any questions.

posted about a year ago
#34 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
AntecedentA bit of feedback from trying it out just now:
- Do you stay readied after a pug fails to start? It feels like it you stay readied for at least 5+ min, which meant when a pug actually did start after a failed start, one person wasn't actually present
- Already shared by someone else, but no way to request subs, so if one person doesn't show up it kills the pug - but no way to report that either. So results in a blocked server and no pugs able to start. Might need PugChamp-like mods to handle edge cases like this, or a large enough vote by players, etc

- I originally intended those who ready stay ready after a failed start so they don't have to keep readying after baits, but that seems to just be causing problems. Will remove in next update.
- As we move the goal of testing from making sure servers don't blow up to user experience and the meat of the PUG system, we intend to implement a sub system along with the option to vote for a forfeit/end the pug if there is a bug that happens.

DivineATThere should be a way to see current running pugs and the timelimit on them like faceit, and maybe have an adv+ only section with an option for people with no adv experience to be able to play in them based on their elo rating.

Showing in-progress PUGs is definitely something that we are actively working on so players know if pugs are currently active. For different queues, we have lots of plans including by division/exp/elo and differing rules for each, like having captain options for adv/invite pugs.

posted about a year ago
#31 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
wooshthere's 30 people in queue right now, and it says there is a server ready, but pugs aren't starting

Should be fixed now
Also adding more servers temporarily for tonight

posted about a year ago
#27 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

After doing enough playtests, I have now added a dedicated server so that there can be PUGs ran at any time!
We also plan to launch highlander as a gamemode option soon, so keep your eyes posted for that announcement!

posted about a year ago
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