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Last Posted May 6, 2024 at 7:45 PM
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#16 A Famine of Medics in TF2 General Discussion
Walrextry milking an uber through a choke with a mute pocket scout who will only say "i didn't say to use" after you've been forced to a bomb that went uncalled

Walrex thats u on combo scout

posted 3 weeks ago
#45 its always who you most expect.... in TF2 General Discussion
brodyabsolutely right but likeable ppl definitely have an advantage in the grooming race

Yet we have multiple posts of “Oh they were so nice how could they have done this?”.

I just think it’s weird that ppl will act like any of this surface level stuff correlates to if someone is a groomer or not, whether that’s in the form of “oh I would expect this person to be a groomer” or “I could never believe this person did it because they’re so nice!”

posted 6 months ago
#43 its always who you most expect.... in TF2 General Discussion
brodyu think kids are getting groomed by unlikeable shitheads?

Millions of unlikeable shitheads everyday manage to get into relationships, have friend groups, etc, so I doubt grooming children is where they fail.

posted 6 months ago
#40 its always who you most expect.... in TF2 General Discussion

idk about u guys but the idea of someone nice and welcoming being a groomer is even worse than someone weird and edgy being a groomer.

posted 6 months ago
#54 OMG 3 in TF2 General Discussion
mopsyhunter did u use chatgpt to write this post

Hey Mopsy,
So, I gotta confess, I used Chat GPT for that forum post, and I didn't fess up. My bad, dude!

But seriously, it was just a tool in my gaming arsenal, like a power-up or a cheat code, but for writing. I wasn't trying to steal anyone's thunder. The ideas? All me, no NPC crap.

I get it, some folks might be side-eyeing me. My bad if I came off like a noob.

Next time, I'll drop the deets right away. Got more loot to discuss? Holler at me. Let's keep this raid going!


posted 8 months ago
#1 OMG 3 in TF2 General Discussion

Subject: Exposing Cheating in Online Gaming - Must Watch Video!

Hey fellow gamers,

I hope this post finds you all well. My friends and I recently came across something in one of my online gaming sessions that I believe needs to be shared with our gaming community. It's an unfortunate yet eye-opening video of a player cheating in a game we all love.

We've uploaded the video to YouTube so that we can discuss it and shed some light on the issue. Here's the link to the video:

In the video, you'll see clear evidence of the player using cheats to gain an unfair advantage. Cheating not only ruins the experience for others but also undermines the hard work and dedication we put into honing our gaming skills. It's important for us to come together as a community to address and discourage this behavior.

I encourage you all to watch the video and share your thoughts on the matter. Have you encountered similar situations in your gaming experiences? How do you think we can collectively combat cheating in online games?

Let's keep our gaming environment fair and enjoyable for everyone. Your input and support in this discussion are greatly appreciated. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that cheating has no place in our beloved gaming world.

Happy gaming, and let's maintain the spirit of fair play!

Best regards,

posted 8 months ago
#201 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion
OwlyI shared the elijah videos in vorobeys discord where midnight who is extremely knowledged in cheats(he is a cheater afterall) said that elijah told a friend of his that he uses lbox

I wouldnt be surprised if feno used lbox aswell

Thank you for this extremely valuable information that two confirmed cheaters may have used the most popular cheat in order to cheat. I was on the edge of my seat waiting for someone to bump this thread with that information.

posted 9 months ago
#28 rgl discussion thread in TF2 General Discussion
crackbabydumpstero to be on the third best na hl team and profit $1.80 ea

isnt it more like 55 cents each

posted 9 months ago
#13053 stream highlights in Videos

posted 10 months ago
#13029 stream highlights in Videos

posted 10 months ago
#14 RGL S12 Invite Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I think it's more about having the lower/upper invite teams play closer matches against their peers. Will be pretty funny if the final seeding for invite ends up being the exact same as the round robin seeding tho.

posted 10 months ago
#8 Now hiring: TF2 $15 an hour in TF2 General Discussion

if it was like just a side hustle itd be decent

posted 11 months ago
#15 2023-2024 NBA Season in Off Topic

cp3 is on the warriors WTF

posted 11 months ago
#74 Cheater bans should be permanent in TF2 General Discussion

I think the cheating rules wouldn’t seem nearly as lenient if there was faith in the anticheat team in the first place. Getting a cheater banned already seems like you have to move mountains, and having it happen twice seems straight up impossible. I don’t know what the internal case file was looking like, but reminder that mxr was allowed to play a full season, only bailed out by feno torpedoing their team, and then looked all set to play the very next season before streaming himself cheating lol. From that perspective, seeing a cheater get unbanned looks more like “well guess we’ll give our anticheat team another chance to fuck up!”

edit: i think the ban might have been a few days before the streaming incident mb but point stands for the prev season

posted 11 months ago
#81 2022-2023 NBA Season in Off Topic

what a shitpost

posted 11 months ago
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