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Signed Up June 4, 2021
Last Posted May 21, 2024 at 3:42 PM
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#21 I want your weird and unserious frags! in Videos


92500 tick

posted 4 months ago
#89 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects


Step 1:

Find your profile -- fastest way to do this add up, right click your account, then going into "profile"


Step 2:

Into your profile, you'll find a "request elo review" button. Press it.

Step 3:

Play the waiting game. PUG admins will manually review your account and set up your elo when possible.

posted 4 months ago
#85 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

There definitely needs to be separate dedicated servers for the HL and 6s Queue soon -- 1 server for both at queues at least.

I think with the ramp up and promotion of RGL PUGs into beta, a rush of players have flooded in, especially for HL again. This had lead to HL PUGs taking over the 1 dedicated server at times where 6s players want to queue up.

There was enough for the 6s captain queue today -- after waiting half and hour for the HL open pug to end -- and it look like it was about to happen until the HL Open PUG took the server instantly. This basically killed the 6s captain queue and much them moved to an in-house pug server. Nothing wrong with that, but if there's a need for testing, wouldn't you want to get feedback on both formats?

Obviously, there's been a search to find a decent server provider that works for the website, so I can't fault you guys testing with 1 server most of the time. Hope we can get more servers soon....

posted 4 months ago
#5 logs.tf down in TF2 General Discussion


Well fuck

Edit: Its working again 0_0

posted 4 months ago
#83 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
DolphInNWe will likely not be running PUGs until item servers are back up, but rest assured we are making great progress with fixing all the bugs!

as of now 1/11, item servers are back up.

In addition, the pug site is currently working again with servers available at this time (servers weren't available earlier, assuming for maintenance).

Ty dolphin :D

posted 4 months ago
#80 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
DolphInNexpect a fix by the ~10th after we do thorough internal testing and confirm things are actually working.DolphInNWelcome to RGL PUGs Public Beta v1!

Note that the site may still have some unknown bugs, which I will be ironing out over this week, so keep reporting them along with any feedback!

In terms of the path to full release, we now plan to have weekly updates EVERY Sunday throughout beta.

In no specific order or priority, we have the following public plans for beta:
- More stabilization, bug fixes, etc. (duh)
- More elo work
- Map nominations
- Customizations
-- Voice packs
-- Donor perks
- Pre-season test queues
- Party queueing
- Post-PUG surveys
- Built-in tutorials and resources for new players
- More moderation tools
- More statistics for analyzing your elo and tools for captains/moderators
- More stuff TBA

This beta phase is estimated to span about the next 6 months.


Just saw this edit for the second quote if you guys didn't scroll up. Really excited to know that RGL PUGs will be receiving weekly updates! Hopefully, we'll get some people adding today... I got scrims though lol.

Assuming same time 10 pm est today? or tomorrow if things haven't been iron out yet.

posted 4 months ago
#76 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Review for BETA RGL PUGs

Today's 'release', despite being considered a "shit-show" were still better then the previous attempts a month prior.

With emphasis on servers actually working, without issues regarding the incorrect map, bad password, or raid attempts.

Now, coming into the issues, there's a lot to unfold:

1. The server hosting the PUGs -- or NFO servers as dolphin mentions -- had major instability issues. Specifically, its constant lag spikes that would hit the entire servers, which would happen every min, more or less.

2. The Captain System. Its honestly needs an entire rework or a revamp, as it seems any player can captain -- leading to troll picks or unbalance teams.

2.1. The fix is simple -- the system should select the two highest elo players who toggled for captain.

3. The Site. In terms of design, I honestly really liked it. The UI and animations look really sleek now compared to its alpha. In terms of functionality, it was mixed baggage. Obviously, with today being the beta test release, the website was working hard to keep itself up with the amount of players trying to sign in. This lead to trying to add up the pugs being really buggy, to the point some couldn't queue or some couldn't pick players. In addition to that, the "sort" function not working as intended when trying to sort by elo.

Despite what major issues happen today, its definitely a step forward for its 2024 road-plan its full-release. Its always a matter of finding and fixing flaws or fine-tuning a part.

Any-case, hoping to see to fixes! see yall on the 10th!

posted 4 months ago
#18 Songs to contemplate life to in Music, Movies, TV

Thought hard about some songs when in regards to 'contemplating life'. I feel what I like interchanges from time to time.

Any-case, made a list of some songs I often come back too -- hope you like them :)


Woodnot - Shopan

Shook - You Were Bigger Than Life

oDDling & Eagle Eyed Tiger - Interference


Wings of Desire - Choose A Life

Nevermind · Foster The People

posted 4 months ago
#67 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
  • Revamped UX
  • Player profiles
  • Leaderboards
  • Queues may now have a minimum/maximum elo for queueing or captaining
  • Ability to spectate current PUGs
  • Numerous moderator/runner tools
  • Player reports
  • Prevent players from baiting RUP/captain
    • Repeated baits will now have longer bans
  • Countless server fixes, including wrong maps/passwords, and auto-kicking players not in PUG
    • In the case that something breaks, players can initiate an auto-fix
  • Fix player subs
  • Elo fixes:
    • All elos have been recalculated
    • You may now request your elo to be manually reviewed on your profile
    • Elos now recalculate properly after each PUG
  • Miscellaneous fixes
  • Surprise features

I am aiming to have this released by Jan 7th at the latest. At that time, I will also announce the detailed 2024 road plan from Beta to Official Release, including specific features and timelines.


Really excited to see RGL Pugs finally coming into beta! Especially the ability to spectate the current pugs -- would relevate the boredom when waiting for that pug to end or waiting for another one to start.

In addition to that, be able to fix servers issues that where previously discussed from the last attempt the community did a month prior.

Hoping to see if any major changes have been made to its "open" system and how it balance teams with the new elo recalculations.

posted 4 months ago
#21 are you a sophisticated tf2 player? in TF2 General Discussion

Why is coalplant on this list -- this shit hasn't been on the 6s map rotation for almost a decade.



The last time I've seen coalplant played was on tagg's channel:


posted 5 months ago
#13181 stream highlights in Videos


posted 6 months ago
#1 stream request in Requests

United States

Stream pugs and pugs (both 6s & HL)

posted 6 months ago
#60 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
bearodactyljust let people captain lol humans are better at picking than some dumb system

I mean you can if you're talking about RGL PUGs, there is a queue called "6S CAPTAIN" -- below it a "captain" opt in option so it isn't RNG:


But what we wanted to test yesterday was its "6s Open" System. I honestly think RGL can improve it, allowing for balanced automated pugs that are ready to play in that instance.

posted 6 months ago
#55 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Recent review for "6s open" on the site "Pugs.tf.plus" or RGL Alpha Pugs. Don't see a "feedback" channel on the discord, plus the message is too long if I put it in the discussions, so I'm just dropping it here because several issues occurred.

1. First pug: https://logs.tf/3531187#76561198121922413

1.1. issues:

  • When the pug started, the server wouldn't load, and giving us the message "bad password." We had to approx wait 10-15 minutes before an admin could get the server to restart. This set in low expectation, as when playing HL pugs, the servers would load immediately. Was it different when attempting to starts a 6s pug?

1.2. Pug Experience:

  • Despite the intial servers issues, the pug went "smoothly" and no other server issues occuring. The pug ended on a 5-1 -- I guess in-relation to issues, EU players can add up to NA pug? as i saw two players with 130-150+ ping? Suprisingly, they joined VC and gave coms, so I didn't think too much of it in end -- started the pug anyways.

2. "Second Pug" : https://logs.tf/3531376#76561198121922413

2.1. issues:

  • When picking maps, most if not everyone picked koth_bagel to start of this pug. But apparently when joining the server, it was stuck on pl_upward_f10. Again, we waited 10+ minutes for an admin before everyone just decided to just start pug anyways. It lasted 4 minutes until the server restarted.

2.2. Pug Experience:

  • Mudane in the waiting experience. Those 4 minutes where unironically fun though....

3. Third Pug: https://logs.tf/3531379#76561198121922413

3.1. issues:

3.2. Pug Experience:

  • it was 7v7... wow, I love prolander! Unironically, not the 6s experience I was looking for.
posted 6 months ago
#17 What would be your ideal pug site/system? in TF2 General Discussion
JuustinAny-case, I'M willing to attempt to try RGL PUGs again today before and after scrims. Maybe earliest at 6-8 pm est?

fellow pugmas, would you kindly add up to RGL PUGs? https://pugs.tf.plus/pug


posted 6 months ago
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