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Last Posted February 1, 2024 at 2:17 PM
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#104 TF2EASY BLACK PoLANd.TF FUNDRAISER in TF2 General Discussion
mmrarkteimagine announcing to a forum you're a pedo LOL

maybe the fact that you police edgy jokes against minors in a video game is evidence you overpolice language to seek out drama on tftv

posted 3 months ago
#102 TF2EASY BLACK PoLANd.TF FUNDRAISER in TF2 General Discussion

The transphobic soft harassment from Trum is probably a fair reason but let's not take every edgy joke he made to his (-18) friends to be evidence he's too inappropriate online to go to LAN. We protect minors because they're more susceptible to be vulnerable. Fancy was not vulnerable in that instance nor was he particularly hurt by what Trum said. I too have underage tf2 friends (who I met irl) and we say "inappropriate" jokes to each other in confidence. This might be hard to believe because we're in the tf2 community, but some people aren't groomers/rapists and nothing bad will come from saying unserious edgy jokes to each other.

posted 3 months ago
#30 post good video essays in Off Topic

The Cinema Cartography

posted 4 months ago
#208 Palestinian Genocide in World Events

Let's put into context who is agreeing with me. Here is the supposed propaganda I mindlessly repeat:
- NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence report on Hamas using civilians as human shields.
- US President Joe Biden: "Hamas using innocent Palestinians as human shields in Gaza"
- Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State of the United States: "Palestinian civilians must be protected, and Hamas must cease to use them as human shields."
- The EU: "We condemn the use by Hamas of people at hospitals as shields "
- UN Secretary General: "Hamas and other militants use civilians as human shields and continue to launch rockets indiscriminately towards Israel."

Some steelmanned arguments you could make:
- Israel also has military buildings near civilian areas.
Of course - but that is not enough to mean they use human shields like Hamas. Remember this key important point: there are no specifically military buildings in Gaza. There are only civilian buildings, taken over by Hamas to shoot their rockets from inside, often with civilians purposefully in them.
- Gaza has a high population density which forces Hamas to use human shields
This practical argument does not excuse the morality of Hamas' action. Hamas could go to great lengths to not use civilians as human shields, but they don't. Probably because it is a very effective win-win strategy (you either don't get bombed or you get bombed and cry war crimes).
- Here are some rare examples of the IDF using human shields, e.g. a girl in 2022
That's bad. But that is not systematic like in the case of Hamas. Israel, being an actual military with internal and external scrutiny, can have these actions scrutinized, investigated and punished. Hamas, and its leadership, purposefully make use of human shields as a military strategy.

posted 4 months ago
#207 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
pajarohow is a military building in a residential area "separates its civilian population from its military population"? is there a forcefield around this building that civilians cannot walk within 100ft of?

Do you know how bombs work? You can target a specific area even with the homemade rockets Hamas has from all the water pipes they get from foreign aid. This means they can bomb the shit out of this building without any civilian collateral. Meanwhile Hamas hides in civilian buildings, that either house civilians or are indistinguishable from buildings without any combatants in them, or are surrounded by buildings housing civilians (precise strikes involve bombing the surrounding buildings because that's where the targets first flee).

posted 4 months ago
#201 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
pajaroMong Israel clearly separates its civilian population from its military population, unlike Hamas, so the innocents killed are not collateral.

Wait... so they have MILITARY BUILDINGS? That's crazy that they don't hide in civilian buildings like Hamas. Damn my opinion of the IDF really increased.

posted 4 months ago
#195 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
equalI'm taking the bait.

Read what I say then. I was referring to this which I think the guy I was talking to used. It is not about 2023.

equalStrangely enough, Oct 7 had 61% civilian casualties, with 3% children compared to 30-50% in Gaza, so by your metric Hamas did a great job, no? With the Israeli conscription, militants are hiding among civilians! Everyone could be a threat! You said it yourself:

Not my metric, I already said it is not what matters. Hamas did not attack a random population of Israel but a music festival among others (no children at music festivals). Israel clearly separates its civilian population from its military population, unlike Hamas, so the innocents killed are not collateral. Civilians who did military training at one point are not always military that is ridiculous. Nothing contradictory about what I said.

posted 4 months ago
#193 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
alex80Answer the question I asked you: If, god forbid, your mother was killed while the IDF was bombing apartment buildings saying they wanted to kill Hamas, would you be satisfied? would you say "oh well they took the appropriate steps, so whatever!"?

I answered ( Question is irrelevant to whether IDF is right to bomb Hamas. Why do you keep appealing to emotion so much?

alex80so you just base your arguments on your own personal opinions? Your assumptions are apparently equivalent to facts?

It is not exactly a personal opinion that Hamas is antisemetic and wants jews dead, and them saying "no we changed our mind in 2017" is not convincing in the least. Read the 1988 charter (not explicitly revoked) which says jews should be killed, that they control the banks and so on.

alex80Again you bring up the human shield narrative. Regardless of that, what to you constitutes a "military base of operations"? Because when that hospital was bombed to shit because IDF said there was a hamas base underneath, the pictures they took showed 3-4 rifles, and then boots and books. Please tell me if that justifies the levelling of hospitals, schools, churches, masjids, etc.

Al-Shaifa was a command center and hosted Israeli hostages - per Israeli and American intelligence. Only a few hostages were found, sadly. It does justify it, if Israel thinks it is worth achieving its military objectives - killing the enemy who hides behind human shields. It is not a surprise you mention all these buildings - IDF destroys more buildings than kills people because it prevents civilian deaths and sends warning strikes.

alex80Oh, thats so considerate. After kicking me out of my house and letting me live in the basement, you say that you will only take 10% of that basement for yourself, thats so considerate! leaving 90% of a humid basement!

I would not use this child-like analogy to describe this conflict and its history but yes actually. Take all of Gaza and the West Bank (after Hamas is annihilated ofc course) or the conflict keeps going. Anything else involves Israelis being killed. Don't tell me you believe in a bogus right of return (palestinians being kept in refugee camps to one day return to a land they have never been to before).

alex80But how do you know? Crimea had a referendum that said they liked Russia, didnt they?

Crimea referendum was not valid, for a multitude of reason and even if it was that's not how it works.

alex80 All that aside, you yourself said that Jews NOW live on those lands. It's like your own subconscious is screaming at you. You are right that they are one country, because even what constitutes "Palestine" is occupied and strictly governed by Israel with their apartheid system.

Thankfully, by the grace of God, I was born in Europe. Here in Europe we reduce our ancestral grudges to memes on the internet. You however like to keep them going, shed blood (yours and others), and never advance because of this. Well, not you because you are an immigrant blessed by the European soul of "forgive and forget" but you know what I mean.

vlad80Did you know that in WW2, according to your precious non-hamas sources, the civilian casualty ratio was in the 60%s, that included deaths from the many famines not to mention bombings and such. In the Great March of Return, it is 75%. You call that good? All of this is beginning to make me think that you think killing innocent civilian protesters is okay, so long as a few "militants" are also killed in the bunch. I thought you valued democracy so much??? what happened?

Yes, considering the fact that so many people were in such close proximity. Weird how you don't mention the Israel-Palestine section of the Wikipedia page you probably just read about civilian casualty ratios - even using Hamas sources it says it is 65% which sounds pretty good to me given that Hamas hides in civilian buildings.

posted 4 months ago
#181 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
vlad80You see Hamas as this pure evil who will do nothing but lie, and then see the IDF as pure good, only telling the truth. You can't change your viewpoint and cant see any fault.

Correct that Hamas is pure evil. Not correct that IDF is pure good. More like chaotic good for me. I would change my viewpoint if you could... prove me wrong. But you cannot. Where are the sources you posted that I ignored?

vlad80 Calling Israel a democracy is fucking hilarious considering the insane protests in Tel Aviv earlier this year, the judicial reform and all.

Hm... protests... were allowed... in a democracy? Damn, that's kinda proving my point. Where are all the protests in the Hamas dictatorship? Oh wait. The judicial reform was also great and not undemocratic. Israeli judiciary has way too much power.

vlad80If, god forbid, your mother was killed while the IDF was bombing apartment buildings saying they wanted to kill Hamas, would you be satisfied?

No, but that wouldn't mean the IDF shouldn't have done that from a strategic point of view. The rules of war completely allow it, if they took the necessary precautions to reduce civilian casualties. If there is anyone to blame, it's Hamas because they use civilian buildings. I'd hate Hamas.

vlad80Nothing will change your mind, you have this godly image of Israel in your head and all the brainwashing and bullshit propaganda that is backed up by ZERO evidence has clearly gotten the better of you. Good luck in the afterlife when you finally face the music

If this were true, I wouldn't condemn settler violence in West Bank, or acknowledge at least a small amount of bombings by Israel were inadequate. Where is the bullshit propaganda?

posted 4 months ago
#180 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
vlad80what world do you live in? 30000 have died (not counting the thousands trapped under rubble) in 3 months. Israel is already in talks with other countries trying to get them to take in the Palestinians, and you better understand that they will not be giving that land back to them.

30k have died (not really but whatever) because Hamas uses them as human shields. Let's hate Hamas together for this!

vlad80Look at the 2017 charter, the revised charter, in which they clarify their opponent being ZIONISM, not Jews. If you equate the two, then look at the Jews in NA who are protesting AGAINST Israel, and IN FAVOUR of Palestine.

Hahahah guys actually we don't hate jews. We changed our mind in 2017. Now we only hate zionists. Do you listen to yourself? What is there to clarify when the original charters says JEWS should be KILLED? Clearly a PR move.

vlad80With or without Hamas, Israel will bomb and massacre Palestinians, it will just be a longer time-scale. All Hamas is, to the Israeli government, is a reason to ramp up aggression and bombings, a reason to bomb schools and hospitals, churches and masjids.

They wouldn't have any justification for it, because now the only justification is that Hamas uses civilian buildings.

vlad80Stopping their bombings and decreasing are 2 different things. Israel will DECREASE, but they will NEVER stop bombing. Again, Israel is using Hamas to justify their sped up genocide.

They will stop if Hamas stops lol. Even if they wanted not to, they would have to cave to external and internal pressures. You know, because Israel is a democracy.

vlad80In every single peace deal, land partition, etc. there was the stipulation that Palestinians give up MAJORITY of their lands.

Camp David Summit was going to give 100% of Gaza and 91% of West Bank to Palestine. Even parts of Jerusalem iirc. This is not the majority. Are we going by some weird "historical" Palestinian lands some of which were never really owned by the Palestinian state, and which now Jews live on?

vlad80Let's say Russia offered to stop the war if Ukraine accepted the annexation of Crimea, Donbas, Donetsk, Mariupol, etc. would you blame Ukrainians for not accepting it?

Russia was wrong to invade, and they committed war crimes per the ICC. They don't deserve any of Crimea. The analogy does not work in the least. Israel and Palestine are also one country technically. Jews now live on those lands and you want to expel them. They will say no, and you will use force, killing them.

vlad80what about the Great March of Return?

Hamas claimed 50 of the 200 or so people killed by the IDF were their militants. Looks like a great ratio to me!

posted 4 months ago
#178 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
alex80Okay, but you can see that the IDF would post stats that are biased towards them, right?

Possibly. Possibly not. Your question is irrelevant to this though, since you asked if IDF is killing Hamas, not how many. Hamas has the real numbers, but they do not differentiate between militants and civilians.

alex80Like if you say I cant use the stats from one side of the conflict, that means you cant use stats from the other side.

Israel is a real military, with a good intelligence agency, with different viewpoints (a democracy), with scrutiny by many international orgs, with a good record. So actually I can do this. But this is besides the point.

alex80500 Palestinian children dead in 2014 summer, by my calculations that date appears to be before October 7th 2023...

Sucks... but Oct 7th wasn't the first attack by Hamas. Their charter says jews should be exterminated after all.

alex80When I talk about hamas soldiers to civilians, I am talking about the civilian:militant casualty rate, making a point about how while the IDF claims that they are fighting Hamas, they are massacring tons of civilians while barely killing any Hamas soldiers.

Source? I don't think we know how many Hamas soldiers die, because the only source is... Hamas. Also this ratio is not important. We'd only care about how much Israel does to prevent civilian deaths, not how many militants they kill. Read the definition of proportionality on page 1-6 here. We only care about how much Israel does to prevent civilian deaths. Given the use of Hamas of human shields, and the fact that the IDF gives warning shots and that the way it strikes Hamas buildings is completely correct (use of precision weapons on the target building then the closest buildings because that is where the target flees)

vlad80These are 2 different points im making, both that the IDF is collectively punishing all of Gaza for "crimes" that they themselves have committed on a FAR larger scale, and that in that "mission" about "fighting terrorism", they seem to only be killing civilians, mostly children and women...

Hello... where is the source for this?

vlad80You admit that without Hamas, the conflict would still exist. You just proved my whole argument, that this is colonialism and unjustified. If there was no Hamas, Israel would have to invent (which they did) Hamas, so they have fingers to point at so that gullible suckers like you would sit there with your thumb in your mouth screaming "KHAMAS IS TERRORIST

Israel did not "invent" Hamas lol. Another militant group would replace them if they were gone because the Palestinian public supports killing Israelis. Israel gave Hamas a chance when they evicted their Gaza settlers, and Hamas did not take it and just started bombing Israel from there.

vlad80you being "iffy" on Iraq and pro invading Afghanistan really just seals the deal here, you are a pro-imperialist pro-colonialist who cares only about the spreading US hegemony,

Yeah... you got me there with your psychoanalysis. I'm a realpolitik guy. How you got that I hecking love the US from being iffy on Iraq and pro Afghanistan is beyond me. I would rather not have US hegemony, but US hegemony is better than any other country right now. The US needs to intervene more, not less, in Israel so Hamas can be eradicated and peace be reached.

vlad80You show that to you, middle-easterns are subhuman and their life is worth less,

You really got me here... This is why I think Hamas shouldn't hide in civilian buildings so Palestinians don't have to die. This is some great factual argument we're having. Tell me more about what I really believe.

vlad80Yeah man, the ICC is definitely the holiest and most righteous and trustworthy body out there!

No, but it is the only international authoritative body on war crimes. UN resolutions are meaningless.

vlad80Why are you being surprised that the statistics that orgs around the world are using are coming from groups WITHIN palestine, how else would the stats get out there?

Not surprised Hamas doesn't let independent orgs gather data. Doesn't mean their data isn't inflated.

vlad80Therein lies the rub, you don't see settlers as terrorists. You don't see people that show up to houses armed to the teeth with assault rifles that kick the original inhabitants out to make room for themselves as terrorists

This is just violence buddy. Terrorism has a specific meaning. Why are you so fixated on it? I already condemned the settlers. You're grasping at straws.

vlad80All in all, you are pro-war and think that the US and Israel can do no wrong, you support Afghanistan, you essentially support Iraq, you probably thought Libya was a good idea too.

I am pro war... against Hamas. This is the only way I see peace in this conflict. If Hamas is gone. I can't wait for this to happen, so Palestinian civilians don't have to be used as human shields.

posted 4 months ago
#176 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
All Palestinians have to do is just not fight back, accept their extermination, and let all of their land be stolen, and accept being shipped off to other countries so that Israel can peacefully exterminate their culture and identity!

Hello sir but Palestinians aren't going to be expelled, not are they being exterminated (their population is in fact booming!). It is jews who will be if Israel does not fight back because this is what will happen if a bunch of anti-Semitic Palestinians are allowed to have their way (Hamas charter says that Jews must be exterminated) If Israel wanted to invade and wipe them off the face of the Earth they could have done it easily already. If Hamas stop their bombs and civilian attacks they could prove to the world they are not barbarian third worlders who can only commit violence and rape. Israel would have to stop bombing like they decreased their bombings in the past, just because of political pressure alone. Then the US could mediate the peace agreement (invade Palestine if they break it - stop all support for Israel if they break it). This is not an easy solution, but more feasible than any other, especially yours (none, or worse: Jewish genocide). Do try and make a real argument for why this can't work next time. Thanks!

posted 4 months ago
#173 Palestinian Genocide in World Events

posted 4 months ago
#171 Palestinian Genocide in World Events

I'm doing a good job if I make all these people so mad they can't even try to respond to any of my arguments - or provide evidence for their ridiculous claims. Keep seething. I'm getting my Mossad money any day now.

posted 4 months ago
#169 Palestinian Genocide in World Events

So u can't lol. Keep mentioning random shit to cope.

posted 4 months ago
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