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SteamID64 76561198044769147
SteamID3 [U:1:84503419]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:42251709
Country United States
Signed Up May 28, 2016
Last Posted November 12, 2016 at 3:38 PM
Posts 23 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 0.95
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input  
1920 x 1080
Refresh Rate
memes are underrated
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Deathadder Chroma
Keyboard Corsair Vengeance K70 mechanical keyboard
Mousepad Corsair MM300 mousepad
Headphones Razer Kraken Pro
Monitor Some AOC 1920 x 1080 monitor
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#17 TF2 update for 11/10/16 (11/11/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
PumReminder that the
ValveReplaced convar tf_teamtalk with tf_gravetalk
When disabled, living players cannot hear the dead, regardless of team
Defaults to on, except in Competitive matches

Was changed in a #2 update the same day to
ValveUpdated tf_gravetalk setting for Competitive mode to be on by default.

For Valve, this was really fast and I'm glad that they did this.

However, now I'm wondering why it wasn't on by default originally for comp and what got them to quickly change it on the same day...

posted about 7 years ago
#1 If you were to improve the TF2 tutorial... in TF2 General Discussion

...what would you do?

We all know that the TF2 tutorial isn't...up to date to say the least, and while I know this may seem like an obvious answer, I would still like to strike up a conversation in order to further establish myself in this community (mostly to redeem myself for those "sick" memes that I created in the hud modifications thread :P) and I look forward to seeing what the people here have to say (even the bad comments...)


posted about 7 years ago
#1 Alternatives to tf2center for "new players"? in TF2 General Discussion

Hiya! I've been playing on pubs for a while and looking at the current state of casual mode and how community servers are either on life support (example: CritSandvich) or are only active at later times of the day (FITH, or even gshock), I've been recently thinking about getting into comp (specifically 9v9) so I thought: "Why not ask a competitive tf2 forum?". However, most guides that I've seen are outdated as they feature sites that have been down for years (example: tf2lobby) and they usually recommend tf2center despite the reputation of that site know.

So if any of you guys know of a way to get into 9v9 lobbies/pugs through a site different from tf2center, that would be great. Though if it is easier to just get into 6v6, I would be fine with that as well. (I'm not interested into getting into teams atm)

PS. Please don't be that guy that goes "What a shitty thread" on posts made by 'new players', no seriously, that already happened to me once on my second or third thread.

posted about 7 years ago
#5184 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
XYZ-SpyRustikWelp, here is my edit of ahud (again)! Now with 99.99% less memes!

if anyone asks for a download of this hud, I'll be more than happy to do so!

Download Please!

Here ya go!

edited 11/5/16: updated it since the first version stopped working for me, so I assume that it wouldn't work for anyone else so I thought I would update it now...

edit 11/6/16 some text in hud might be missing, I'll check later if that is the case and I'll then see if I can fix it

posted about 7 years ago
#5182 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Welp, here is my edit of ahud (again)! Now with 99.99% less memes!

if anyone asks for a download of this hud, I'll be more than happy to do so!

posted about 7 years ago
#30 Why noone has unusuals in competitive? in Q/A Help

Hate to say something that has been said many many times but its because comp players are more concerned with player skill rather than their wardrobe; in other words: Hats ≠ skill . And I love that. Not only does it show that TF2 is not pay to win and you can still be able to experience the actual core gameplay without having a penny spent (unless you want to) but it's also a great example on how all free to play games should be; the core mechanics are completely free and cosmetics are the only items you can spend real money on therefore making the game non P2W...

(also because unusuals 2 flashy)

posted about 8 years ago
#149 I've updated some huds in Customization
astrin_RustikCould you update QTCHud? It seems like a hud I would be interested in using/editing.
Oh and thanks so much for updating these huds! It means a lot to the community :)

Ah didn't see that before, thanks!

posted about 8 years ago
#24 We should have this for every league game from now in TF2 General Discussion

I never thought that I would use the word "pootis" together with "competitive" in a sentence until now (in a serious way at least)...

posted about 8 years ago
#147 I've updated some huds in Customization

Could you update QTCHud? It seems like a hud I would be interested in using/editing.
Oh and thanks so much for updating these huds! It means a lot to the community :)

posted about 8 years ago
#1 What was your first experience in competitive TF2? in TF2 General Discussion


My first competitive experience was in the valve matchmaking system itself (not really much to say) with the usual valve server silence that goes on leading to a lack of communication, but it still felt pretty cool to help work as a team when the teams are actually balanced in Valve's system.

Though I'm guessing that most of you experienced it through the third party sites, and if so what was your first game(s) like? What site did you use?

And if you're wondering why I've been posting a lot, its because I eventually want to become a prominent member of the community ;)

posted about 8 years ago
#47 TF2 Update 31/05/2016 in TF2 General Discussion

Pretty cool! Though is there a way to rename specific demos you've recorded (maybe like bookmarks)? Even if that question already has been answered I would still like to know

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Will third party comp lobby sites become obsolete? in TF2 General Discussion

This was a thought that I had in my head when the matchmaking beta became a thing, I thought to myself "when valve fully fleshes out their matchmaking system for the public and is balanced, will it replace third party lobby sites such as TF2center? Or will Valve's system not be nearly as successful as today's system?" I am curious to see your thoughts (even if it has been discussed before maybe)

posted about 8 years ago
#49 Medic heal setting in TF2 General Discussion

As someone else said I personally use hold and click as there is no delay when switching targets and using the auto heal just feels odd to me when switching back from hold and click.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Which hero are you going to main in Overwatch? in Other Games
fatswimdudeif you only play one character youre going to be bad at the game

I necessarily didn't say that I will only play one character or even just main one character only (even though it looks like I said that) seeing that like in TF2 team composition is important, and in TF2 for example I will usually want to go soldier but I also like to go medic if there is 3+ soldiers on our team and no medic. Like in TF2 Soldier 76 will probably be the character that I will try to go for most of the time but I won't necessarily mind playing other heros

edit: has nothing to do with the thread but looking at the frag levels is someone purposely negatively fragging (some of) our posts here? So I fragged comments that had negative frags which is a little artificial but no one deserves negative frags for just commenting on what hero they enjoy playing

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Which hero are you going to main in Overwatch? in Other Games

Seeing that I'm very excited to eventually get into Overwatch and eager to eventually discover who I will main, I'm curious to see which heroes the TF2 community will main and why.

I don't know who I will main yet but it could be Soldier 76 since he can do damage and support his team as well (and probably cause I like simple characters in video games like Soldier in TF2)

posted about 8 years ago
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