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Last Posted May 25, 2024 at 9:23 PM
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#25 [ETF2L] The Ugliest Side of Competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Thank you for being detailed. Flares is willing to take feedback and seems to feel bad about the reaction the video has gotten on here. I ask you guys to not go too hard on him even if he did make a few mistakes.

posted 1 week ago
#21 [ETF2L] The Ugliest Side of Competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

I'm his teammate next season so I have some added context. Educate me if I'm wrong on something, I'm here with an open mind. I'm planning on doing my own video about 6s (a season, not strictly about whitelists) but I don't want to risk being an idiot in front of potentially a million people.

One of the main points he was trying to make is that some changes are seemingly being controlled by an uncomfortably small number of people. At least, in that one instance with gunboats plugin. I'm not saying to let open/low/mid players vote on the whitelist, I'm well aware that a lot of people have awful balance takes (myself included). I'm pretty sure Flares is aware of this too. But are div1 players really so bad at 6s that their votes can be discarded in favor of prem's feedback only? Did that really happen, or am I missing something?

As for bans in general, you guys could have genuinely great reasons for banning the Loch or Winger for example, but low div plebs and pubbers have very little idea of what those reasons are. Especially when the ETF2L cringe post gave the wrong reasons for banning Loch.

Considering that RGL has a less strict whitelist and hasn't caved in on itself, you can't really blame people for wondering why ETF2L's whitelist is more strict. The first impression a new player gets is "wow, ETF2L is banning minor inconveniences while RGL has proven these weapons are not an issue". Not saying this is actually what's happening, but that's the first impression you get. Again, you can't really blame him for potentially getting things wrong here, when there's very little to work with.

There'd be a lot less shit-flinging if you guys made ban reasons significantly clearer with less room for misinterpretation. Why not have a single ETF2L page that lists each banned weapon and the reasons why? I don't mean The closest things we have are a very outdated video by Woolen Slevelet, and a 1 hour long ramble by Wild Rumpus that doesn't even cover ETF2L but RGL. An official page on the website with up to date info would probably prevent false rumors or at least be compelling evidence to prove those rumors wrong.

posted 1 week ago
#21 Cheating in Competitve TF2 Leagues in TF2 General Discussion

I haven't played 6s in a very very long time, and as some people mentioned, I have some opinions that are a bit "spicy". But for the sake of this video, I wanted to be as objective as I could be, even contacting Arcadia for questioning and advice.

Makdoesnt this guy use default interp despite 10k hours and maining melee weapons

nah I use network settings that are ideal for hitscan weapons

SpringrollsFrom what I've seen it's more that he wants to stop getting enormously cucked by a pyro closing their eyes and clicking m2 in his general vicinity, which is ya know fair.

Finally, someone who understands me there.

I do admittedly get a bit heated when it comes to balance topics, which is why I unfollowed truetf2. Getting into pointless balance debates isn't exactly healthy (game's not getting updated anymore, what's the point) and I'd much rather use my time on something beneficial, like explaining league rules to people who might be curious about how competitive tf2 works.

chellwallbugs r good he's just mad demoknight can't get up there

I'm of the perspective that wallbugs should be allowed, just like how rampsliding etc. should be allowed. (knight main wants movement tech preserved? Who would have guessed lol)

That said, some of my viewers don't even play TF2, let alone 6s, so I sometimes have to say seemingly obvious things to make things extra clear. Had I not mentioned this, some people (who don't know any better) may have gotten the incorrect conclusion that comp players ban things arbitrarily, with no real reason behind the bans.

So there's why I did the comparison: Phlog cancelling was (likely) banned because people hated playing against it, while wallbugs are considered fun.

But yeah, while I do have some... unique takes... (not that one, though) those hopefully won't come up when trying to look at things from an objective, unbiased view. That's why I ask people for feedback during the script-writing process, to catch out any potential bias.

posted 9 months ago
#15 L iron bomb users in TF2 General Discussion
botmodeand what does this mean
Fixed lag compensation when melee-ing teammates

Pretty sure this mainly applies to the whip, hitreg on that thing has always been bad when hitting teammates

posted about a year ago
#11 I'll give 100 dollars to the person who can... in Projects
Brimstoneonly when you touch ground?

Yep. It's much easier to notice when charging as a Demoknight, since charges are also affected by this debuff. The airblast stun does not go away until landing.

posted about 3 years ago
#8 I'll give 100 dollars to the person who can... in Projects

A bit late to this thread here, but the actual console command responsible for (new) airblast stun is:

tf_movement_aircurrent_aircontrol_mult 0.25

The value represents the amount of air acceleration the player has after getting airblasted, and this debuff lasts until the player lands. In which case, it's set to 25% by default. Doing the math, it turns out that a revved Heavy is capable of air strafing more effectively than a Scout who is under the airblast debuff. Because air accel in TF2 is 10x your max ground speed.

Revved heavy walks at 110 HU x 10 = 1100 hu/s^2 for acceleration.
Scouts run at 400 HU x 10 = 4000 hu/s^2 for acceleration. But when airblasted, 25% of 4000 hu/s^2 is 1000 hu/s^2. It's obviously lower for any class that isn't a Scout.

(Using this air strafing guide to help with this)

I have tested this command a few months ago. Setting the value to 1 (for 100%) restores full air acceleration and effectively removes the stun from the airblast. It's a sv_cheats command but you can still change it anyway using sm_cvar.

posted about 3 years ago
#172 faceit tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
DrHappinessI think their main critique was that they were not transparent about sponsoring (or incentivising) content creators to speak good things about their platform.

Definitely incentivising, not sponsoring.

Nobody was actually paid specifically to say good things about FACEIT (except maybe but I'm talking in terms of "influencers"). However, the number of views you can get by streaming in faceit matches is admittedly hilarious and I've been abusing this, but only because I genuinely like the idea of a middleground between casual and comp. I can finally play Demoknight in a somewhat serious manner without having to trouble myself with competitive formats nor farm bad players in Casual mode over and over.

Zesty pointed out the free stuff that was delivered to these guys. I will admit that I was randomly offered free stuff from them, but I was never obligated to do anything as a return. I assume this is also the case for everyone else involved with this. It appears to be more of a tactic to get these "influencers" to like FACEIT, as opposed to directly saying "we will pay you X if you say that it's good in a video".

This does have implications when it comes to bias, yes. But I dislike the notion that FACEIT forced us to say good things. In fact, a lot of these guys are quite critical of the match balancing, which they do need to improve.

FACEIT is planning on adding a server browser type thing with no leaving penalties as a separate option so I'm not sure what all the fuss is about with some of these guys ranting as if things will not improve. If you're a casual player who wants regular community servers then just wait until FACEIT comes out with their own version of that. I think a lot of the complaints are coming from the fact that not everyone even knows that this is being planned.

posted about 3 years ago
#89 faceit tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
AimIsADickThe only problem I have with the new FACEIT servers is that they limit client side settings. They force the updaterate/cmdrate to 66 and as a 128 tickrate server, this is always a bad idea; Just set the maximum updaterate/cmdrate to 128 and leave the other limiting cvars alone (sv_minrate, sv_maxrate, sv_minupdaterate, sv_mincmdrate, sv_client_min_interp_ratio, and sv_client_max_interp_ratio). They. enforce a minimum rate (or bandwidth) of 128 Kilobytes (or 1 Megabit), which is way too high! Can someone tell the server operators to remove these limits (by setting sv_minupdaterate and sv_minrate to 0)?

This is a misconception, these servers are not running at 128 tick. 128 tick actually causes several bugs in TF2, from what I remember.

posted about 3 years ago
#21 TF2 update for 11/5/20 in TF2 General Discussion

I am 99% certain that Dario watched my video of me getting an 84 killstreak in his gamemode, so he decided to nerf Demoknight and the Strength power in response. It makes up nearly half of the changelog.

posted about 3 years ago
#64 tf2 images that precede unfortunate events in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 3 years ago
#70 Team Comtress 2 in Projects

Oh. I must have missed it. That's good to know, though!

I wonder why they hide those commands in the first place.

posted about 3 years ago
#68 Team Comtress 2 in Projects

Since some of these are very nice quality of life fixes, I have some feedback of my own.

I'd appreciate it if tf_demoman_charge_regen_rate and tf_demoman_charge_drain_time were made unhidden so that players could change one or both of these values when running maps offline to practice trimping. Skipping the need for Sourcemod or having to use an impulse 101 script. Neither of which are perfect solutions.

Those commands change demo shields' cooldown and charge duration respectively. I know not many people here care about Demoknight, but the commands already exist, I'd just like them to be usable for practicing so that I don't have to give people a config file anymore.

posted about 3 years ago
#80 What do you wish you had realized/learned sooner? in TF2 General Discussion

grinding demoknight for 1.7k hours isn't a good idea, considering that it's not viable and I will probably be dead before valve gives it decent buffs

posted about 4 years ago
#14 tr_turner in Map Discussion

Thought it was a Tide Turner map. Nice clickbait!

(JK, this is a very creative idea for a map. I'm sure it'll be quite helpful!)

posted about 4 years ago
#218 describe your tf2 career in 3 words or less. in TF2 General Discussion

annoying demoknight main

posted about 4 years ago
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