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Signed Up October 19, 2012
Last Posted November 20, 2015 at 3:55 PM
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#124 KNHUD / BXHUD in Customization

I went through some old stuff and found an old version of KNHUD on my Dropbox. I have no idea if any of it works anymore but if anyones interested, heres the download.

Do whatever you want with it. And no, I will not update it because potatoes.

posted about 8 years ago
#62 KNHUD / BXHUD in Customization
Faithless[...] is there a fix to the cut off on health (5) and the timer?

That is most likely down to how the source engine renders font. I don't really know a fix for it however I do recall that there was a similar problem on here in one of the HUD threads.

RyanWhen will damage text from your last shot be added? And also, can I edit colors of overheal/low health and ammo? If so, where?

I've opted to remove it since Valve "broke" how it works. It doesn't stay on the screen any longer than the normal damage done text so I don't see a reason for it. To change the colors look in HudAnimations_tf.txt and search for health/ammo and you'll be able to figure it out.

leonHow do I change the color of clip/reserve ammo in this hud? Cant seem to find out how.


posted about 10 years ago
#55 KNHUD / BXHUD in Customization

I will update the meters as I go along. I don't have the spycicle so naturally I haven't been able to add the spycicle correctly.

posted about 10 years ago
#323 stream highlights in Videos

KiH obligatory warmup

posted about 10 years ago
#48 KNHUD / BXHUD in Customization
DKI hope your new hud don't lose its own style, chip, because it's gorgeous as it is.

I'll edit it as I see fit, if that means taking it in a completely different direction then I'll do it. I wouldn't count on it though. ;)

posted about 10 years ago
#11 HUD Font in Q/A Help

Seems about right. I tried loading it in for myself but it wouldn't work for me either.

My best bet is that its just TF2/Source acting up. The same weird thing happen with OpenType fonts. Some work, some doesn't.

Another guess is the font is faulty in someway, probably the name got an excess space at the end of it, as in [M+ 1c black ].

posted about 10 years ago
#9 HUD Font in Q/A Help

Show the clientscheme.

posted about 10 years ago
#45 KNHUD / BXHUD in Customization

BXHUD - Small update

- Winpanel
- Server time left
- Main menu notifications and MOTD
- Quickplay choices now readable
- Slight vertical adjustment to the healthvalue

posted about 10 years ago
#40 KNHUD / BXHUD in Customization
yozhpls, fix

pls, read

chippy[/b]Things to be changed and/or added
- CTF[/b]

Regarding the scoreboard, are you on three or four digits?

posted about 11 years ago
#38 KNHUD / BXHUD in Customization
Tgran_I LOVE BXHUD but..IS there an easy way of making the text for ammo and health a tiny bit larger, along with the boxes around them?

I don't know how you define easy. :)
The boxes can be made bigger in HudPlayerHealth.res and HudAmmoWeapons.res. I don't know the next sizes from the top of my head to make the font bigger in the .res files but if you look at what font is used i.e. "roboto34" for the health value, you can upp the "tall" value for that particular font in ClientScheme.res.

posted about 11 years ago
#35 KNHUD / BXHUD in Customization
SHOCKLATEBX looks super nice! The only thing I don't like is the placement of the ammo/reserve numbers. I think maybe if you put the ammo to the left of health, and reserve to the right (aligned on the bottom/top edge or centered, but still smaller than health), it would look more balanced. That would also leave room underneath health for stickies placed to get centered, or other recharge bars etc.

Won't happen, sorry!

Derpusbxhud looks great but I think its too high
and it seems like it can get pretty stacked (5th white dot in pics)

It's definately a possibility for some people but for me personally it feels "tight" rather than "stacked". Again, for me personally, that's a good thing. But hey, if people don't like it, no harms done. We all got our own preferences.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 KNHUD / BXHUD in Customization
zeftyou should probably also add "change ctf panel" in to that things to change list, playing turbine w/ default one is just awful

Good catch, forgot about that one!

posted about 11 years ago
#22 KNHUD / BXHUD in Customization
scybezis it possible to have avatars for the scoreboard?

It's not something I will put in but if you want to add it, open up Scoreboard.res and set "avatar_width" to 57 (which is default for making it square). This will distort the scoreboard so you will have to play with the "wide" and "xpos" values for "BluePlayerList" and "RedPlayerlist".

posted about 11 years ago
#17 KNHUD / BXHUD in Customization
NeonHow can I change the buff and uber color in bxhud?

Open hudanimations_tf.txt and change the values for "Animate PlayerHealthBG", "Animate SpecPlayerHealthBG", "Animate MedicUberPercentBG" and "Animate MedicUberBG".

posted about 11 years ago
#13 KNHUD / BXHUD in Customization
SnowyKNHUD menus and fonts don't load for mezeftnothing, it's the same for me.

Looks like I missed a few curly braces. Download it again now, it should work just fine.

posted about 11 years ago
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