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Signed Up August 26, 2012
Last Posted July 4, 2019 at 3:04 PM
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#16 Ford Gaming gives meyy a lift, drops bear at the airport in News

bear has massive potential, in a couple seasons he is going to take ESEA invite by storm

posted about 4 years ago
#7 high ping for no reason? in Q/A Help

If you're in the NJ area you're not alone, it's been happening to everyone. Bad weather I think. Probably should respond back if it stays bad for a few days otherwise 2 hours is nothing, any number of routing issues could happen.

posted about 7 years ago
#62 i58 UF: froyotech vs. Crowns eSports Club in Matches

I don't know, I can see there being so many cases where a great main caller has improved teams ten fold and not having to worry about doing anything but calling seems like such an advantage.
You could cycle through an entire team to see everyone's health/positioning and numbers advantages during a fight and accurate comms could definitely make or break certain fights. I've also heard really good calls come from players who are dead and can keep an eye out on all that. We haven't played with a coach to know the full potential.
Yes most teams can track ubers but I've played many matches when a call was incorrect because an element wasn't accounted for. "Oh we did get their med?"

Having a coach just cheapens that all in my eyes.

For the record I really don't care who wins this tournament I just really don't like coaches being introduced this late in tf2's cycle when it's not even a feature of the game. The anti-valve.

posted about 7 years ago
#49 i58 UF: froyotech vs. Crowns eSports Club in Matches

I said it before a map was played just how dumb I think it is that coaches are allowed on the server. You can pretty much dedicate one guy to timing everything down exactly, keeping track of opponents spawns and likely positions, calling pushes and starts..
That takes a lot of skill away from the game, being able to manage all that while a tense game is going on.
I'd feel differently if this was the way it's always been or if it was even built in to the game.
Now NA/au has to fly a 7th person out and the na system doesn't even accommodate it (though that's an ESEA limitation).

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Insomnia58 viewer's guide in News

I want to point out how dumb it is to be able to have coaches spectate their teams on the server first person. Did they need online servers to allow that or something? What a crazy advantage for eu, if a team with a coach doesn't win that's really bad..

posted about 7 years ago
#26 So... what did this update actually fix? in TF2 General Discussion
yttriumI personally really like the med changes... It makes playing medic far less stressful.

medic is SUPPOSED to be stressful, it's not a fragging class. The whole point is to track things and use movement and good positioning to stay alive. Skilled medics got a buff with the crossbow.
Scouts don't need to be pocketted mindlessly either, they should be aware of their positioning relative to their medic, not just run be able to run around and have the medic follow, makes the class even more OP

posted about 7 years ago
#330 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
ToasterI always get confused when people say older invite scouts rape newer ones. Sure this is true to some extent and they were probably smarter but I have seen newer invite scouts rape old ass scouts like cyzer(no offence). I do agree in terms of classes like soldier and demo

hoo boy... calm it down paul, let it go....

posted about 7 years ago
#3 -bird noises- pick up phorofor, rename to in Theory in News

Wait what? phorofor left Ronin? What happened?

posted about 7 years ago
#166 Froyo Black? in TF2 General Discussion

I ain't payin until I know we playin!

posted about 7 years ago
#61 FROYO BLACK uncorked in News

Don't you dare compare me to BL4NK and TAGG

posted about 8 years ago
#26 Scout from the Canal LFT S22 in Recruitment (looking for team)

can snipe your team to a W

posted about 8 years ago
#3 goldfish LFT High IM+ in Recruitment (looking for team)

An amazing player and most importantly an amazing person. Hasn't won any international LANs though.

posted about 8 years ago
#33 froyotech stuns Ronin, wins ESEA Season 21 in News

This isn't a sports channel, it's a community website with discussion on a wide range of topics. It takes zero effort to do the title as clockwork says and trying to hide behind that argument is silly. Sports sites are specifically for results, this website has multiple uses.

posted about 8 years ago
#222 ESEA S21 Playoffs: froyotech vs. Street Hoops eSports in Matches

ESEA should charge $85 for the first 6 roster players and significantly less after that for subs. Would encourage more teams to have subs. Perhaps have a minimum of 3 starting players to discourage roster hijacks.

The subs thing really doesn't apply in this situation though, just stating what I have thought for a long time. Also this game needs LAN again to be legit otherwise I don't see it blowing up for MM.

posted about 8 years ago
#59 ESEA S21 Playoffs: froyotech vs. Street Hoops eSports in Matches

I am sorry froyo

posted about 8 years ago
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