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Last Posted May 20, 2024 at 10:00 PM
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#15 RGL 6s Season 14 - Invite Qualifiers in TF2 General Discussion

there's also the unrelated issue of the missed promotion opportunity. like, they could've had a pre-season podcast going through the rosters of all the returning teams, and synergized it with an article on each for tftv. then they could've announced qualifiers way earlier, figured out the teams in advance, and previewed those two. that sort of thing, yknow?

let's get some hype back here, man. (says the guy who hasn't played in almost 2 years at this point, but just my .02)

posted 4 months ago
#13 RGL 6s Season 14 - Invite Qualifiers in TF2 General Discussion

I'll try to be constructive here and say that, given the feedback in this thread, actually being responsive and at the very least moving the date of the quals back would be a sign of strength, not weakness

Only incredibly insecure children would react to this sort of reception by just doubling down. You're not that, right?

posted 4 months ago
#16 Why alt on tftv? in TF2 General Discussion
funhaver1998why alt at all? this shit about gaming reputation has always been so stupid

i think if someone has something to say in this game, they don't want the fact that they are an idiot to effect getting on a team for example, so i think that's why. its slimy tho. lots of insecurity in gaming

Only valid reason to alt is for gimmick accounts, like gotfraggon, twigarms_daniel, fatinum2k, etc. If you're just gonna post what you actually think, use your main

posted 4 months ago
#7 Why alt on tftv? in TF2 General Discussion

alts haven't been funny since the gotfrag days

posted 4 months ago
#369 TF2 Players that went on to greater adventures. in TF2 General Discussion

that's only because your superpower is sucking golf balls through a garden hose

posted 4 months ago
#367 TF2 Players that went on to greater adventures. in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah well your username is superhero and you can't even tie your shoes

posted 4 months ago
#4 post good video essays in Off Topic

I have to say, I did enjoy the hbomberguy plagiarism one. Just scorched earth, gotta respect it.

posted 4 months ago
#365 TF2 Players that went on to greater adventures. in TF2 General Discussion

My old medic waifu Phantom is running Jet Set Radio Future at GDQ on Sunday!

[yomsa = Phantom]

Phantom has been the WR holder in JSRF any% (and a lot of smaller categories) for quite some time, actually. They're pretty clearly the JSRF GOAT at this point, not sure how many people knew that.

posted 4 months ago
#42 2023-2024 NBA Season in Off Topic

wouldn't be more annoying than the 'derrick white is a top 20 player' guys, as seen in the same picture

posted 4 months ago
#42 Tiwthc and Homophobia in World Events

do you guys ever think about how most of the best national flag designs belong to very small countries? it's as if they have more leeway to experiment with cool designs, whereas the established powers go the safe and boring route. I mean, look at bhutan, eswatini, kiribati, et cetera.

posted 4 months ago
#76 funniest tf2 dramas? in TF2 General Discussion
TobComments on how one of them looks more "rotund" judging by her pfp.

correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe his word choice was 'robust', which makes it much funnier

posted 4 months ago
#133 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
tojoI can’t say I have a real opinion, other than I’m sick of social media “activists” putting war crimes and bloodied children on my feed “in the name of awareness”. Sure dude, now that you’ve shown me an amputee mother of 6, I’ll burn down ____ ___ in order to change where my tax money goes !!

edit: not to say posting and spreading awareness is bad, I’m just sick of trying to look at funny post ! and then it’s someone reminding me of something awful I have 0 ability to change (outside of not getting starbucks or mcdonald’s lol)

the thing is though, there's a sort of perverse privilege to make this argument, yknow? like no one is forcing you to invest all your time doomscrolling, feel free to live your life, etc. but, in the process of saying this, you're basically saying that you would be able to tune out with no consequences, if not for the dang social media algorithm. if you were a Palestinian/Muslim/Arab in the US (to say nothing of being IN Gaza), you would absolutely not have that luxury. if I were you, I'd count my blessings that seeing some fucked up images is the worst outcome that you can't avoid.

posted 4 months ago
#81 8values political quiz in Off Topic

wait I posted this thread originally? jeez

posted 4 months ago
#80 8values political quiz in Off Topic

for fellow turbo lefties: this spin-off is a lot more fun

posted 4 months ago
#116 Palestinian Genocide in World Events

Thank you for joining the side of the angels Mr. Mak.

posted 4 months ago
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