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SteamID64 76561198040951651
SteamID3 [U:1:80685923]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:40342961
Country Canada
Signed Up August 14, 2013
Last Posted May 1, 2016 at 7:45 PM
Posts 137 (0 per day)
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#4 Subway scandal in Off Topic


posted about 8 years ago
#6 New google logo in Off Topic


posted about 8 years ago
#5 College internet drops out in Q/A Help

I had a similar issue last year and I'm pretty sure there isn't much you can do about it in a dorm, what can you expect from internet you don't pay for (I'm assuming).

posted about 8 years ago
#32 Center Hackers in TF2 General Discussion
JordyTheRobotTreble sucks dude ban him. - Treble


posted about 8 years ago
#31 Center Hackers in TF2 General Discussion
DoctorMiggyIt would be great if OP can add this into his post.


posted about 8 years ago
#20 Center Hackers in TF2 General Discussion

You can see in his old logs he was absolute garb then all of a sudden he starts doing this.

posted about 8 years ago
#16 Center Hackers in TF2 General Discussion
xattuu77% acc isnt like huge. its good but not too questionable. 68% with sniper is a bit more questionable but how many of the shots were headshots? also 8200 damage?.. well i mean its a center so theres not really much you can infer from this. and his account has 3k hours so either hes been hacking for a while or he can click on people well. i just dont you think you have much of anything here imo. also there is already a cheater/hacker thread bro :]

That thread got closed, and watch the stv.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Center Hackers in TF2 General Discussion
JermYou should probably contact a UGC admin / report em in the support chat

or start a witch hunt

We did need a new witch hunt thread

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Center Hackers in TF2 General Discussion
JordyTheRobotTreble sucks dude ban him. - Treble

It's hard to make it out of steel isn't it??

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Center Hackers in TF2 General Discussion

Played against "♮treble LFT" and thought something was a bit off when he had of 77% accuracy with his scatter and 68% with the sniper rifle across 8.2k total damage.


STV from one of the fishy centers can be found here: http://sizzlingstats.com/stats/402642
In the logs from that same match you can see he had 71% accuracy across 8.7k damage which is pretty insane.

On his UGC profile you can see he has only played iron and steel, and judging by the fact he is looking for a team, he is trying to hack his way into higher divs.

In the STV you can tell he no idea what he is doing and runs around like a chicken with its head cut off most of the time, but still hits the fattest meatshots I have ever seen. This was basically the same in a center that I actually played against him.

http://logs.tf/995601?highlight=76561198040951651 Logs from the center I played against him where he had 77% accuracy. (No STV :()

If you have a chance please check this dude out.

If you are reporting a hacker you found please follow these steps:

If you're in a pub and you run into a cheater please follow these steps to properly document the player
1. Go spectate the player
2. If you are spectating the player and see suspicious activity start recording a demo
3. The moment that demo starts recording type STATUS into console, that way we have confirmation of the players STEAMID
4. Post the demo and/or video:

Name of target:
SteamID: (Should be apparent in the demo if you typed STATUS in console while the demo was recording)

What exactly happened:
The more detail you give us the better we can investigate.

Valid Evidence:
Demos, and videos.

If the demo is of a match and becomes rather lengthy feel free to record it into video format and edit together the clips of the parts you find suspicious
In the video description please write down the TICK TIMES those clips take place in the demo, a link to the demo MUST be in the description of the video
Please make the video unlisted as so others cannot find it by searching

If you are going to record a video and want to showcase possible wallhacking run the following console command
sv_cheats 1; r_drawothermodels 2

Please show clips with the wireframes both ON and OFF so we may see the difference.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 DIRTY SPRITE 2 in Off Topic
thmpsnis this the same future that sounds like he is talking into a fan all the time

edit: can sum1 answer my fuckign question


posted about 8 years ago


posted about 8 years ago
#1366 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

slay me

my b bad dumb post

I like how bo4r bottom frags when he isn't hacking

posted about 8 years ago
#72 shitty gut knife giveaway in CS2 General Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#143 huntsman giveaway in CS2 General Discussion

i would love a knife

posted about 8 years ago
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