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SteamID64 76561198028005808
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:33870040
Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up September 11, 2013
Last Posted May 2, 2024 at 1:04 AM
Posts 2273 (0.6 per day)
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#8 what athlete = b4nny in TF2 General Discussion

at what time do I have turn this quiz in

posted 5 months ago
#2787 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

posted 5 months ago
#29 What did you all get for christmas? in TF2 General Discussion

SD cards, new K70 Corsair keys from my sister, got a few games on steam for the winter sale with gift cards from parents, replacement earpieces for my Bose Quite Comfort Plus headphones, also got a new set, the Quite Comfort Ultras from my Grand Parents, new power supply for my iMac and one of the Mac Pros from my friends at Flickrelectronics. Also got these Ed Templeton Emerica Slip-ons from my Great Aunt.

Gunna save the box and take it to get cut up and have each side of it framed. The artwork was sick and I got a ton of stickers.

Also went and helped my co-worker build his first setup for Christmas, helped him pick out a XLR mic and amp online and we kinda just worked on some shit he was trying to put together for his studio. Made a lot of cards for family, try to avoid buying them and just make them myself.

posted 5 months ago
#59 funniest tf2 dramas? in TF2 General Discussion

posted 5 months ago
#2430 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
gtVelI've got an issue and no clue how to resolve it, and i've tried for months to do so. Everything from a fresh install, configs, to using process lasso, nothing fixes it.

Players cause massive FPS drops. Nothing else changes my FPS significantly.

I've got a i7-6700K, 16gb of ddr4 ram, and a 3060ti, and don't have anywhere near the same performance problems elsewhere.

brother this game is cpu intensive, this is what I got, you gotta upgrade or buckle down with configs. Are you running any liquid cooling? whats your current condition with your fans? and what kinda case you got? tf2 is like, a heat sync with the cpu, you keep that thing cool. Idk if your overclocking, or not.

posted 5 months ago
#6 OBS Game Capture not working with TF2 in Videos

OBS is a very raw, program. trust me. Its gunna take time to learn. Its a great program, but sometimes the interface and the shit you gotta deal with makes you so fucking angry.

posted 5 months ago
#9537 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 5 months ago
#3 TF2 update for 12/15/23 in TF2 General Discussion

they nerfed the Half-Zatoichi....

posted 5 months ago
#28 Yes, I'm Safe. in TF2 General Discussion
brodyBrockRicharrrrdlock these threads
nah man the admins on here are slow, they like to let this drag out for the drama, they dont pay any attention to this shit, idk what their deal is. I've seen it with multiple threads of other shit in the past.
bro YOU made the thread!

yeaa! but im just sayin, they dont really do anything fast enough to control shit like this.

posted 5 months ago
#26 Yes, I'm Safe. in TF2 General Discussion
Richarrrrdlock these threads

nah man the admins on here are slow, they like to let this drag out for the drama, they dont pay any attention to this shit, idk what their deal is. I've seen it with multiple threads of other shit in the past.

posted 5 months ago
#23 Yes, I'm Safe. in TF2 General Discussion
toads_tfBrocktoads_tfWhy are you posting sensitive things like this if on this forum if no one here knows what is going on with you? With all that you've given us, as best as we can tell you are struggling with some kind of paranoia that is worrisome to people who have witnessed it before.

Also, that's my RGL page. What does that have to do with Lupus playing ESEA?

my apologies, that link was meant to be addressed to you, my point, being, I thought some people would know what I'm talking about, but in the end it seems that I'm arguing with a dude that has 193 logs and is still an amateur with 11 years on steam.
I'm not arguing with you. I never really had the desire to get into playing competitive regularly since by the time I was old enough to play I didn't care for the people that much - my one season was with an IRL friend. I am a shitposter on TFTV, so I have probably burned all my credibility that way, but I wish you any no ill whatsoever. You're a free man and can do what you want obviously, but I legitimately hate to see paranoia like this. Perhaps it is overstretching boundaries, but it is probably similar to your distaste for treating suicide like a joke, I have seen it a lot and it disturbs me greatly to see it destroy people.

I apologize, its just how this site has made me, I am super defensive, and I get mean. Personally, its because a lot of you never really go to any amount of effort to do half that shit I've done, let alone what I'm working on now. So its frustrating when I'm dealing with a collection of people banned from RGL, banned from serveme, focusing me, because they dont like that their entire crew got a demo call on them in UGC and end up with people making posts about wellness checkups and telling me I should have a tinfoil hat, fuck off.

posted 5 months ago
#9 Can we bring back badlands? in TF2 General Discussion
wonderoflit's worth keeping sultry. it's hard to say whether it's truly a purgatory last or if people still need to learn the map, but if it's the former, there are a couple of small changes that can be made that would help with last pushes. imo, badlands isnt a good map, and because it's unlikely to ever change, i think it's better to move on.

all you gotta do is look up the old stuff, its not hard to watch these pov and learn the old maps.

but if people want to move on from them, its whatever. personally I miss the days of the spire clips. you just cant get them anymore unless the map is actually in rotation.

posted 5 months ago
#21 Yes, I'm Safe. in TF2 General Discussion

posted 5 months ago
#20 Yes, I'm Safe. in TF2 General Discussion
toads_tfWhy are you posting sensitive things like this if on this forum if no one here knows what is going on with you? With all that you've given us, as best as we can tell you are struggling with some kind of paranoia that is worrisome to people who have witnessed it before.

Also, that's my RGL page. What does that have to do with Lupus playing ESEA?

my apologies, that link was meant to be addressed to you, my point, being, I thought some people would know what I'm talking about, but in the end it seems that I'm arguing with a dude that has 193 logs and is still an amateur with 11 years on steam.

posted 5 months ago
#18 Yes, I'm Safe. in TF2 General Discussion
fygtoads_tfBrockfygI think you need to check into a hospital. Is there anyone who can call a wellness check for brock?
Yea scratch can come over, he lived an hour away, I’ll make him some tacos and go see a free movie at my old job at the Epic Movie Theater I was a supervisor at, and then he can film me giving you the bird.
I know you get a hard time from a lot of people on here but how you're acting seems genuinely concerning. Like how you are so concerned about people talking about suicide on here, I think it is totally fair for people to be concerned about someone who seems to be suffering from paranoia. To an outsider, someone in Twitch chat threatening to kill you with a sniper rifle over TF2 keys while eating Pizza Hut sounds like a troll, and while the behavior isn't acceptable, nearly certainly poses you no real threat and has nothing to do with the cars in front of your house. I have no idea what one is supposed to do in this situation, but people saying you might need help are not doing so to deride you. I have relatives with paranoid delusions and it's not something that should be swept under the rug and left untreated, at all. All the best brother.

Edit: well, I think some people in this thread are trying to deride you. Please do not let that dissuade you or a loved one from seeking help.

Thank you for putting what I wanted to say into words that I couldn’t type. I’ve seen people go through paranoid delusions and have experienced them myself. We’re not trying to troll you Brock, you genuinely aren’t well and need help. Please find help and get back to being well.

fyg stop replying to me, you have no idea what is going on with my shit, plus didnt you have a fucking mental breakdown shitpost thread deleted not that long ago? Shut up.

posted 5 months ago
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