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Signed Up November 30, 2014
Last Posted April 27, 2024 at 6:42 PM
Posts 56 (0 per day)
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#9 -> Demo Ticks (Python Script) in Projects

I don't want to discourage you in any way of creating your own way of finding events for fragmovies but I do want to point out that there's
I'm currently in the work of rewriting a lot of the code but it should soon be open source as well (the parser is already). And I'd love to replace the beta "demo file selection" I currently have with this.
I think the idea of creating some sort of tool to make it easier to find mistakes in teamfights etc. would be very cool but I think it's very hard to find those just via the logfiles. I think the demo viewer from is great for this though.
Anyway best of luck to you!

posted about 2 years ago
#6 good internet router in Hardware
ArieI could suggest some high speed OpenWRT router with proper SQM support, but if your internet line is shit, it won't help a bit.

Out of personal interest which ones would that be? My current router has been acting up recently and I'm looking into replacing it...
EDIT: For anyone who cares I asked Arie personally and this is what he said:
For speeds below 200Mbit, Ubiquiti ER-X (no wifi, stock firmware)
For speeds 200-700Mbit, Linksys WRT32X flashed with OpenWRT
And the reason for the differentiation:

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Traffic shaping takes a lot of cpu power for a router, the ER-X CPU can't handle shaping above 200Mbit. You want shaping so you can share a connection, torrrent, stream, while gaming without lag.
posted about 3 years ago
#15 who is winning? in TF2 General Discussion
Stepanextwiikuu made a python script

Didn't know about the mega archive that's dope!
I'll download the files today and will post the results in one or two days! Thanks a lot!
Downloading the last 500k logs should be faster with my internal stuff I've setup for so I'll use that instead.
Edit: Current ETA to download the last 500k logs: ~4 hours I'll create a proper stats page soon for should hopefully be done by the end of the week.
Edit2: Saw waldos post but just in case anyone cares here's a basic overview for the data for the last 2400k logs

posted about 3 years ago
#12 who is winning? in TF2 General Discussion

Based on the current data on :
Logs in the DB: 25k of which ~5k are duplicates
That leaves 14957 6s logs.
Blue wins 6482/14957 (43%) of the time and red does so 6943/14957 (46%) of the time.
I know that this doesn't even come close to the 2.8 million logs on but it might be a decent approximation (at least for more recent matches)
Pretty sure the guy who hosts could easily give you a better approximation.
I feel like looking at ALL logs from is a bad idea since from my experience you can easily ddos the site when requesting too much data.
I'm considering adding more logs to the DB but I'd at most get the last 1 million logs or so. If that would satisfy your desire of finding out which team wins more on average let me know! (I'd publish more stats for maps etc. as well)

posted about 3 years ago
#4 Internet speeds on average in Hardware

Honestly I'd recommend looking at the companies website instead of talking on the phone. At least there you can "clearly" see what you will get. There is a chance that you might miss out on some deal the sale's guy would have offered you but I feel like the chances that he offers you some other bullshit are a lot higher.

If you want to get the best deals you should probably check their prices/packages every year or so because A: The usually lower prices because of competition (but that of course only applies to people who get a new contract) and B: "new" customers usually get some sort of 15% off or whatever for the first year.

My experience comes from dealing with german companies but I feel like most of this probably applies to your case as well.

posted about 3 years ago
#2 Why don't casters use in game spec over STV at LAN in TF2 General Discussion

They have been doing that somewhat at grand finals and such, actually they still use STV but without delay.
But they don't do it because with the delay they can determine when what happens and offer a better viewing experience.
I think at some point they went down to 5 seconds of delay at grand finals for i58 or something but I'm pretty sure at the more recent lans they got rid of the delay altogether.
And they use STV because you can run tf2 in unsafeinsecure mode meaning that they can use plugins that offer seeing players/stickies through walls etc.

posted about 3 years ago
#4 My mouse keeps disconnecting and reconnecting in Off Topic

If you're using a ryzen cpu:

posted about 3 years ago
#21 I got high-ass frametime. How do I reduce it? in Q/A Help

Obligatory comment about making sure that your windows power plan is set to high performance.
Also from my experience tf2 really doesn't like cpu's that run at a low frequency so honestly there might not be much you can do about it.

posted about 3 years ago
#9 how do i deal with near crippling anxiety in Off Topic

I think what's really important to realize is that fear is your mind trying to protect yourself from something, which is at first a good thing. The problem with anxiety is that your fear develops into something that more than negatively affects your everyday life and even though it might have been rational at first it may become irrational.
If you live in a country with a healthcare system they should cover your costs for therapy but judging by your comments you probably aren't which is sad. You could check out this website I have not made any experiences with them I just agree with the opinions of the person who built the organization so therefor I think it's worth giving it a try. Oh the creator also has a youtube channel so he might have some videos that could help you!

From my experience I think it's most important to just talk to someone about your anxiety it's the best thing you can do.
It doesn't have to be a therapist just someone who is willing to listen to what you have to say and also is interested in what you're saying. The things that were previously in your mind that made so much sense might, when you say them out loud (or write them out like others suggested) all of the sudden feel completely irrational and stupid.
But this of course depends on your anxiety I think it's really important going further to find out which anxiety it is you have/ what it's all about. Depending on that you can find a lot more specific help but the things I wrote above always help (not only for anxiety btw). If you are willing to share what your anxiety is about I think a lot of people would be willing to give you further advice on what helped them the most to cope with similar issues but you definitely don't have to!

I mostly have experience with OCD and things related to social anxiety, which for me could be put as "things where you're afraid of the responses from others either indirectly or directly" so that's where my view comes from.
I think that you creating this posts is a showing of a lot of courage and I wish you all the best!

posted about 3 years ago
#7 Lag everytime a non-english character is in chat in Q/A Help

I used to have/ still have similar problems with tf2 and other games. Pretty much every time something "new" happens my game would freeze. What you could try is add a part to your autoexec that prints all korean symbols to your console.
The theory behind that is that then the korean symbols then are in ram and don't have to get loaded from the hard drive.
No idea if that works though but I think it might be worth trying, but maybe mastercoms is onto something.

posted about 3 years ago
#10 Introducing in Projects

But as far as I can tell it only supports RGL as well right?
I actually stopped doing player data requests synchronously some time ago I just completely forgot about it so I could just implement rgl again.

And about open sourcing it: While I do understand why, especially for this kind of project it is important to open source it, I'd like to work on it for a couple of months longer before I do so.

posted about 3 years ago
#9 Introducing in Projects
hertzpretty dope, not a fan of the colours though

If enough people agree with you I might create an alternate/custom coloring scheme. Would be quite easy to implement although it wouldn't be my top priority.

posted about 3 years ago
#8 Introducing in Projects
bearodactylDamn this is actually super cool, what exactly determines 'events', is it just like the cheat feed type stuff or logs airshots?

I basically download the logfile from and then go through every line. Currently I'm saving every mention of a headshot,airshot,medicDrop,capture,kill,backstab and medic death. Then I combine some of them into one event since e.g. a medic dropping and a person getting an airshot are two separate lines in the logfile. The killstreaks I "calculate" after the fact so that's why they don't match up with the ones from sometimes but I tried to make it so it's as close as possible to the ones from
For people who are interested how I define killstreaks:

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Basically if a kill happens it's a "killstreak" of 1. If in the next 10 seconds another one happens it's a killstreak of 2 etc. if there's a killstreak of at least 3 it gets added as an event.
bearodactyljust see all the timestamps of your kills for example

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you but if you want to just see every kill you made during a match you can just select "kill" as an event.
But based on your message I think it would be a good idea to add a filter so you can just look for the logs where you played as eg medic. I'll get around to doing that.
Oh but keep in mind that to simplify things I'm currently only saving the most played class. So if there was a log where you'd play 16 minutes of scout and 14 minutes of medic I'm currently saving it as you having played scout in that match.
Thanks for your input!

posted about 3 years ago
#3 Introducing in Projects

Done thanks ^^"

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Introducing in Projects

A couple of years ago around (i61) I wrote a simple program to scan the logfiles for "fragmovie-worthy" events.
Since then I wanted to turn this program into a website at some point. So for the past year I've been working on it on and off.

So here it is:
a simple way to find airshots, headshots etc. with the corresponding ticks in your tf2 matches.

There's currently two ways of getting events:
You can either search for any events done by any tf2 player or you can select .dem files that have a timestamp in them and the website will try to find the corresponding logs/events.
You can also if you used the latter create a .vdm file which should allow you to automatically record the events with lawena. I'm thinking about supporting other ways of automatically recording demo files e.g this so if there's any interest let me know!

To specify the player you can try enter his name and it should autocomplete it. If it doesn't it's not yet in the database and you need to specify the steam64 id first, after that all should be good.

I really hope you guys find it useful and if you have any suggestions let me know!


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  • If your name isn't what you think it should be it's because I'm determining it in the following order: etf2l,ozfortress,
    Yes rgl isn't supported because their api can sometimes take forever to respond and it's currently also hosted on some temporary site.
  • By adding a new dropdownlist to an event you specify that you want to look for both of them at the same time.
    Adding a tab adds an independent event you also want to search for.
  • Currently the search option only allows you to look at your last 1000 logs and you can only reqeust 200 at once. This is temporary since I expect the traffic to be quite high in the first couple of hours.
posted about 3 years ago
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