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SteamID64 76561197964344166
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Country France
Signed Up January 4, 2015
Last Posted July 1, 2016 at 5:17 PM
Posts 28 (0 per day)
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#130 Any AmericanTF2 people want to meet up or host me? in Off Topic

Also I'm cutting my American trip short and flying to Iceland from San Francisco. Sorry to everyone who expected me!

posted about 7 years ago
#129 Any AmericanTF2 people want to meet up or host me? in Off Topic

He's not at work though.

posted about 7 years ago
#128 Any AmericanTF2 people want to meet up or host me? in Off Topic

I love America! Off to Canada now for a few days!

posted about 8 years ago
#127 Any AmericanTF2 people want to meet up or host me? in Off Topic

I didn't take a lot of pictures today cause I was spending the day with the Welsh guy I met waiting for an airtrain, but if you want some first impressions my snapchat is aboutcherry <3

posted about 8 years ago
#125 Any AmericanTF2 people want to meet up or host me? in Off Topic
bl4nkYou'll be in seattle on the 4th of July, prepare to taste some freedom


posted about 8 years ago
#114 Any AmericanTF2 people want to meet up or host me? in Off Topic
bfaalizeeChareebfaalizeejesus how is it even possible to travel that much
did u got that much out of saloon?
I travel on a budget since I'm pretty young, scoring flight deals, driving with BlaBlaCar, sleeping in youth hostels/airbnb/couchsurfing/hammock. It doesn't require a huge amount of money except for few places like Denmark, but yeah I mostly finance my travels with Saloon money/whatever else I made on different projects this year.

Posting from an alt cause I don't have a steam mobile authenticator with me.

that makes sense in Europe since there are many cheap flights, deals and shit.
But you're travelling to USA, that's at least 400€ if you are lucky enough to get a fare error, and you going to different places, u doing all with blablacar? XD

There's no BlaBlaCar that's true, I was thinking Craigslist for some places that are more difficult to reach, as for America while they only have traditional airlines there's plenty of deals and error fares, if you're lucky enough you can fly Portland to Alaska or New York to Puerto Rico for $100 round trip :P

posted about 8 years ago
#108 Any AmericanTF2 people want to meet up or host me? in Off Topic
bfaalizeejesus how is it even possible to travel that much
did u got that much out of saloon?

I travel on a budget since I'm pretty young, scoring flight deals, driving with BlaBlaCar, sleeping in youth hostels/airbnb/couchsurfing/hammock. It doesn't require a huge amount of money except for few places like Denmark, but yeah I mostly finance my travels with Saloon money/whatever else I made on different projects this year.

Posting from an alt cause I don't have a steam mobile authenticator with me.

posted about 8 years ago
#21 Rappers who can speak clearly in Off Topic

most older rap is pretty intelligible tbh

MF DOOM too. I know most of hoe cakes by heart

posted about 8 years ago
#15 Rappers who can speak clearly in Off Topic

edit: for the most part anyway

I rep the shit out of MGK <3

posted about 8 years ago
#78 Hey Missouri Players! in Off Topic
rangaoutside of st louis it's a place I hope I don't have to visit again. it's just farms and acres of nothing, just boring as fuck. I also felt like the only non white person people had seen in a decade. This is coming from an outsiders perspective who had to visit multiple rural hospitals in Iowa and Missouri for work.

Edit: just realized this topic is a year old but missouri still blows

What about Kansas City? Isn't it bigger than St. Louis?

posted about 8 years ago
#62 Any AmericanTF2 people want to meet up or host me? in Off Topic

EDIT: Oops

posted about 8 years ago
#56 Florida Lan 2016 IndieGoGo Fundraiser! in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Why are games DDoSed every time Jon casts? in TF2 General Discussion

Seriously first DL's final showmatch no ETF2L playoffs..

posted about 8 years ago
#1 DeutschLAN drops TF2Center sponsorship in TF2 General Discussion


It is my pleasure to announce that DeutschLAN is dropping from sponsorship of the lan. We came to this conclusion because of three main reasons:

1. A prizepool of 2000€ was promised which was suddendly dropped to 500€

2. Masternoob made the condition that we ban former tf2center admin RTC from the Lan

3. Bad business ethics/attitude from tf2center

Also I can proudly announce that from now on forward will be sponsoring the lan. A big thank you goes to them for supporting this community event. They have proven in previous season to be great and serious sponsors.



posted about 8 years ago
#291 Fantasy TF2: Let’s do this! in Projects

Before night's dawn disappears
Before I put my head to sleep
This prayer I'm bringing
To the God, Father and Five Dollar
"Fuck over Sideshow's team lord
For myself I don't wish anything
Just turn his fantasy to shit"

Who I am? A little Frenchman
Little, envious and mean
What's my sign? Bloodshot eyes
Listen to my prayer
Dear God, Maria and Son
"Destroy this son of a bitch
My brother, my friend
This enemy, this snake"

"Hope to see his garage robbed
Hope to see his girlfriend cheating
Hope to see his house burned
Hope to see his head hit with a brick
Hope to see his daughter with a black
And generally not to do so well
Like get AIDS and cancer".

That's prayer of a Frenchman.

posted about 9 years ago
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