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SteamID64 76561197998264892
SteamID3 [U:1:37999164]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:18999582
Country Canada
Signed Up July 19, 2012
Last Posted November 3, 2023 at 4:57 PM
Posts 2624 (0.6 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.44
Windows Sensitivity 1
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G303
Keyboard CMstorm quickfire
Mousepad QCK Heavy
Headphones Audio Technica AD700 + Antlion Modmic 4
Monitor BENQ 144hz blur reduction off
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#6 What do you look for when shopping for unusuals? in TF2 General Discussion

I used to look for electricity themed unusuals because of my weeb obsession with Misaka Mikoto. My only unusual now that i've quit is a c9 company mann so I can all class it up on the cheap when I still wanna play. I'd probably trade it for a different effect on another all class if I still played often, but for the odd time i pop in to DM or MGE i'm fine with the hat.

posted about 2 years ago
#38 What's your strangest excuse for losing a match in TF2 General Discussion

Played like hot trash at lan because the chair didn't have arm-rests + anxiety. I still choke with mad anxiety in games unless its something ive grinded out 1000 times.

posted about 2 years ago
#2 Upcoming Tip of the Hats will not feature TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Really hope this works out well for them, TF2 has always brought its own, amazing audience to ToTH, but I can totally get the staff wanting to feature games that they enjoy more, and are more popular these days. I imagine the Valorant viewers especially will bring in some good numbers.

posted about 2 years ago
#71 May I ask talk about the current pandemic? in World Events
I know you're mainly just venting at the selfishness and stupidity of blatant anti-vaxxers, but there are still substantial numbers of people in the U.S. who either a) live in rural areas and still haven't gotten access to it, or b) haven't gotten it, not because of an issue with the vaccine itself, but because they literally do not believe that it is free - surveys have found that a full 1/3 of adults who haven't got the vaccine are worried about surprise bills, especially amidst low-income black and hispanic respondents, and by the way, there WERE actual surprise bills for COVID testing, so their confusion when it comes to the vaccine can be somewhat understood

bottom line is, we shouldn't discount the legitimate issues with the American health care system (lack of penetration into rural areas, history of exorbitant fees, historical racism in treatment) and paint with too broad a brush

True, and I was coming at it with a mostly canadian persepective where we know it's free, and people are still widely choosing not to vaxx, even if it's not as bad as the US. That said you make some very good points, and it's depressing that the US healthcare system is as broken as it is. I love america and americans, and it just makes me feel so bad for ya'll seeing how shit things have been for a while there.

posted about 2 years ago
#68 May I ask talk about the current pandemic? in World Events

I wouldn't care if every single anti-vaxxer got covid and dropped dead after getting sick, but that has some major issues.

1. Young kids who can't get the vaxx will die
2. Immunocompromized who can't get the vaxx will die.
3. Non-Covid patients will die waiting for ICU beds that are rapidly being filled by anti-vaxers.

I fully support any sort of "back of the line" setup for hospitals. IF you were able to get vaxx'd, chose not too, and still get covid. Thats cool, make those choices yourself. It's your body. But not if you think you should have access to the same level of healthcare as people who choose to protect themselves and others. If you don't get vaxx'd, no hospitals, you can use your crystals and essential oils to cure it right?

posted about 2 years ago
#30 Announcing: The Ronnie Coleman Cup! in TF2 General Discussion

waiting for RGL to mass ban everyone who plays in this.

posted about 2 years ago
#42 tf2 pet peeves in TF2 General Discussion

How small of a community this is yet it still can't stop shooting itself in the feet with incompitent league structures, openly racist/transphobic/homophobic players. Elitist players who shit on newcomers instead of welcoming them. Basically my pet peeve is people acting like this game isn't running on the pure passion of a very small group of people and that having to put up with other peoples shit is going to cause them all to burn out.

If we're talking just in game things, scorch shot pyros are mad annoying.

posted about 2 years ago
#15 add more nerd stars in The Dumpster

4 star club, do you wear them with pride, or with shame?

posted about 2 years ago
#28 Happy Pride! in TF2 General Discussion

Happy Pride everyone <3

posted about 2 years ago
#10 How do you deal with stutter stepping? in TF2 General Discussion

flick at them and click on their bodies

posted about 3 years ago
#8 if you could do anything comp-related to tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

Have tf2 re-released as tf2.5 with all the shitty unlocks deleted. Game is on Source 2 and optimized for modern hardware, players can easilly get 300+ FPS even on higher visual settings. 6s is the default game mode. A small percentage of all mann co sales go to a tournament prizepool (& hosting).

posted about 3 years ago
#16 Neet spreadsheet in TF2 General Discussion

I wish I was a NEET. I hate working dude. I'd play videogames and watch anime till I turned into a fucking corpse if I didn't need money.

posted about 3 years ago
#7 The future of competetive gaming. in TF2 General Discussion
_flacMiG-21bisI am too lazy to do the math, but I think the main issue with ping is we are limited to sending information at the speed of light. I am not sure how much we can decrease ping with better hardware, it may not be much improvement at all.A quick Google search finds it takes just over 130 ms for light to travel the circumference of earth. This would be the worst case scenario in the best case scenario of 0 processing time.

Edit: The time for a round trip at light speed from chicago to london is just over 40 ms.

I wonder if we will get good enough with AI and predictions that we will be able to have some sort of advanced interp that would make 130 ms ping feel like <50ms. I'm guessing even if it's far away, we can probably still do better than speed of light in terms of playing a video game.

posted about 3 years ago
#11 Mic help in Hardware


modmic + like a $5 plastic hairband lol.

edit: or look into 2-way radio microphones. U can play spy and pretend ur a secret agent.

posted about 3 years ago
#8 RahThread: We should play payload + a/d in TF2 General Discussion

I think if payload was played with the same ruleset for payload that overwatch does it'd be servicable. but still far far worse than 5cp or KOTH. 6s was designed for highly mobile fights around multiple map objectives including controlling flanks and grabbing the various points, its more dynamic.

Payload could be pretty fun in prolander though, having to play around a cart would allow non-6s classes to be more powerful than normal and would open up an entirely different experience. It wouldn't be 6s though, and would probably just devolve into who's got the better sniper.

posted about 3 years ago
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