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Last Posted May 31, 2024 at 11:45 PM
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#8 Normal human bingo in Off Topic

2 boards filled, one is from now (back in school and scrimming tf2) other is from 2 months ago when working full time as a bar supervisor.

I do call a normal sleep schedule waking up at 1pm but working from 4pm to midnight/1am 5 days a week. I think that is reasonable.

Less human by going back to school and playing tf2 is epic. If I stopped the game could make the bingo, still need to get a job and go to the gym tho but just settling into living away from home. I think instead of "doesn't go to therapy" could have "doesn't live with parents" too.

posted about a year ago
#7 "didn't i ban you" - a moratorium in Off Topic

Recently I also got banned from B4nnys chat by the man himself. I was only guilty of one thing... being from Europe... (not even technically true but alas my parents moved here when I was but a baby and now I am forever cursed with being assumed as a Br*t).

The events unfolded as such:
- B4nny was having a rough time in scrims on sunshine. An unfortuante setup to this fateful moment.
- Clearly stressed by a lack of moderators, inane chatters and a losing scrim all the signs were there for his murderous intent. Unfortunately I poked the bull...
- The final straw was when B4nny said the R word. I just couldn't accept it and typed "B4nny R word D:"
- This was it for Grant. This was all he needed to be pushed over the edge. Before I knew it, it was already too late. He muttered "Goddam Euros".
- The message appeared: "You are banned from chatting, this channel is not accepting unban requests."
- There were a few other chatters who fell with me that day. I salute their attempts to maintain professionalism at the highest level of Team Fortress Two competition as I pray they salute mine.

I hope you know that you are not alone Sir Rumpus and that we must continue fighting the good fight. Do not let those at the top ever abuse those beneath them.

posted about a year ago
#44 What looks more impressive in TF2 General Discussion
scrabFlicking = barbaric, utilitarian
Tracking = art, beauty, pursuit of ultimate truth

Objectively correct, anyone who disagrees is a troglodyte not worthy of opinions on beauty (excellent way to win argument is to insult opposition before they can respond so they don't want to, there by winning).

posted about a year ago
#87 i69: Day 3 - Finals in Events

Talking about players weighing down a team based on how they played but completely ignoring 53% acc bottom frag on pocket scout by b4nny in a grand finals.

Usually I'd ignore logs or stats like this, but sometimes when it's so far off what it should be it does show something, it shows that b4nny played badly on scout for a map. People are allowed to play badly as an individual, but still offer a lot to the team. It's not something a spectator can really see, you have to play with and against these players and talk to them outside of game to understand why they do things.

Idk who you are or if you do these things, but if you don't and only talk to mustardoverlord for a view of the game, I would just stop and not even bother trying to talk about how good players are based on them missing a few shots every now and again in a map.

posted about a year ago
#49 i69: Day 3 - Finals in Events
BuildBruhDoughyHabib do be hitting a 14 damage sticky on a there a clip with habib noises for that? sounds like it could be funny af

No reaction since was on main stream but found the moment

posted about a year ago
#41 i69: Day 3 - Finals in Events

Maps were close, was good grand final. Never seen froyo start sweating like they did on product but jay showed up. Hopefully banners (all 3 but if not at least just batallions) are banned now since they been proven to be almost as good as an uber. Habib do be hitting a 14 damage sticky on a heavy.

Unlocks and offclasses have a larger effect on this playstyle working than round timer however this whole playstyle of parking the bus works better with shorter round timer since you get more coinflip chances for midfights. If you only had 2 midfights in a map, it's reasonable to not win a single one. if you get 5 midfights, it's pretty unlikely to not win a single one (1/4 chance vs 1/32 chance). Witness didn't used to play like this because it wasn't as strong as a playstyle as it is now. It used to be better to actually keep making plays when ahead as overall it would slow down the enemy more even if you only hit 1/3 of the plays, and then if you are behind you would get back into the game by making proactive plays.

Will also add that it's only really correct to push off of last if you will get the mid point. No point in just pushing to get second with a disadvantage since you could always just round reset and not go to mid and have even ubers on second. I think people don't understand that.

posted about a year ago
#269 98 dpm in TF2 General Discussion

posted about a year ago
#33 Mr Slin and squid tf2 retrospect ep1 in TF2 General Discussion
What happened with Nursey? Tell me after but yeah...

Maybe this interview will be more interesting than I thought

posted about a year ago
#12550 stream highlights in Videos

posted about a year ago
#91 Insomnia 69 (26-29th August 2022) in LAN Discussion

posted about a year ago
#48 Revive pugs in TF2 General Discussion
SimbaDrHappinessIn my experience as someone who is down to pug/mix but is a washed middie at best, most of the 'popular' places to pug that are created eventually become the same circlejerks of Top Mid to D1 players who all know one another and generally result in quite cringy pugs in general.
Feel like this is the biggest issue that pugs face. If there isnt a healthy stream of new (not in skill level but new to the website) players because captains always play the same faces, and god forbids if they decide to pick someone new theres an uproar in mumble, then you might as well just create a discord server to mix.

Speaking as someone who gets fatkidded all the time. I never managed to play in Pugchamp because of this and is going the same path. If you have no weight to your name, you wont play, and queueing for medic wont save you even tho thats what everyone complains thats lacking.

Pretty much this plus what #38 was saying. Anyone who wants pugs to stay alive are the people who will always be picked, as they get to play the most. The 40% of people who don't get picked and are just expected to wait to fill in for one slot for the next game in 40 mins that they might not even get in it aren't going to hang around. For an idea into the numbers, you get 20 people added, 12 picked so 8 leftover (that's 40% of people not picked). Then those 4 leave and a new 4 join over the course of the next 40 mins as the A pug is going on. Usually a B pug is triggered but doesn't start due to people going afk or doing something else since they don't sit and stare at the website for 40 mins doing nothing else. Then the A pug ends and the same 12 players get picked as they are the better 12 players or they are friends with the captain, and the cycle repeats.

An anonymous mix system is a lot better for the longevity of the site, but it results in lower game quality which would result in it being filled with much lower skilled players as better players tend not to have fun just styling on worse players.

If people really want higher quality games they should go look for 5 other guys they enjoy playing with and try to find other mix teams to play against, or even real teams. Not scrims, just mix games, can play any classes or whatever and change each map but it eliminates so many of the problems of toxicity and waiting. It is more effort but it pays off with higher quality and more enjoyable games. Ofc noone really wants to put in the effort, they just want it done for them (for example, the premise of this thread) but the solutions are there if people wanted to try.

posted about a year ago
#2 NOOBPANZER bring in reinforcements in News

somEthing do bE Missing from this tEams roSter...

posted about a year ago
#30 L iron bomb users in TF2 General Discussion
LupusIf you play the game every day you would notice right away

nobody would trust what the mentally ill people who play the game every day think

posted about a year ago
#129 tf2 scene in 2038 in TF2 General Discussion

bigger news is flick will carry his team to third now, love the good more than hate the bad.

posted about a year ago
#12495 stream highlights in Videos

posted about a year ago
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