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Country Afghanistan
Signed Up October 3, 2012
Last Posted April 20, 2020 at 12:31 AM
Posts 110 (0 per day)
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#1 Interp problem in Q/A Help

I just noticed that when I try to set my interp to the lowest (0.0152 or whatever), it just goes back to 0.05 immediately. But I can set it to anything over 0.05 and it would stay at whatever I set it to. Anyone else got this problem or any solutions?

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Some Old School BBall Servers in TF2 General Discussion

Since BballIt is going to be running the new Mge_BBall mod, I thought it would be nice to have some old school BBall servers. One thing led to another, got bored, made 3 servers.

Server Details
No Cap Limit
No Time Limit
Stock + Original

BBall 1:
(Turned off the other ones since no one actually used these)
Bball 2:
BBall 3:

(ports are different, just in case you miss it)

If there's any problems with them, please let me know.

posted about 11 years ago
#60 Multiple-court BBall MGE mod! in TF2 General Discussion
FanofAngelsCan we have a 4 slot server for normal bball again? I dont like the whole playing bball to win map I just wanna play, not try to win.

I got you bud. My servers open for old school bball. It's the same as BballIt used to be but located in texas. 18 slots because I change the amount of slots to random numbers because I can, so people can spec if they want I guess.


klananaLike I said in my original post about it... once the 4 slot server is gone its gone since you cant buy 4 slotters anymore. I did the upgrade to try to give more people the ability to bball at once - I can't please everyone but I thought this would be something beneficial.

Money isn't the issue - this is actually costing me more. And a few awesome people have worked all day (and we're still working on it...) to get this exactly how people want it. So I am sorry if you're upset that the 4 slot server is gone... I was trying to do a good thing here.

Don't worry klare, we still love and appreciate you. The new plugin is great all it needs is some small fixes which bshear should be able to fix soon enough. Will you buy me a whale now.

posted about 11 years ago
#33 2v2 BBall Hoopz Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Are you going to allow spectators? I'd love to watch.

posted about 11 years ago
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