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Last Posted December 31, 2018 at 1:18 PM
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#3 'Your map differs from the servers' issue fix? in Q/A Help

cp_gullywash_final1 is a stock map.

pavilionSo far the fixes i have tried includes:
reinstalling tf2

Just to be clear, you deleted all local content, reinstalled the game and then got that error when trying to connect to a server running cp_gullywash_final1 with a vanilla TF2 install?

posted about 7 years ago
#26 Unlock survey results in TF2 General Discussion

Pretty sure we tried that and ended up with this

posted about 7 years ago
#39 No Hats Mod in Customization

I managed to make a VPK that works on local, sv_pure 0 servers (my error was packing the modified model into "root" rather than "root/models/player"), but I get the following "fun" issues:

  • Sometimes the game crashes on attempting to join or create sv_pure 1 or 2 servers.
  • Sometimes the mod doesn't work when on sv_pure 1 or 2 servers.

Additionally, sometimes the mod does work on servers running sv_pure 1 or 2. I have tried multiple times, with and without preloading, but whether the game crashes, or the mod does or doesn't work seems pretty random and I haven't been able to make sense of it.

Once again, help would be appreciated.

posted about 7 years ago
#36 No Hats Mod in Customization
SnowshoeDecompiling the Scout model, you'll see something like this:
$bodygroup hat
	studio "../parts/dmx/hat_bodygroup.dmx"

Change it to
$body hat "../parts/dmx/hat_bodygroup.dmx"

Did you ever get this working? I decompiled the scout model and changed:

$BodyGroup "hat"
	studio "scout_body1_model0.smd"


$Body "hat" "scout_body1_model0.smd"

for each bodygroup, but it had no discernable effect (when I put a hat on with no hats mod on a local server, it hid the scouts hat).

On decompiling the VPK I produced, I found the following:

$BodyGroup "hat"
	studio "scout_body1_model0.smd"

If someone who actually knows what they are doing could help then that would be much appreciated.

posted about 7 years ago
#326 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

The mod works but the installer doesn't. Use a Windows computer to create the VPK and then copy it to the TF2 installation on your Linux / Mac computer. Alternatively, post which viewmodels you want hidden here and someone will make the VPK for you.

Edit: now that I actually read the posts above this one, it appears that preloading no longer works on Mac. Without preloading the mod will still work, but only on servers running sv_pure 0. I don't know whether preloading still works on Linux.

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Asus MG278Q in Hardware

In that case the BenQ Zowie XL2730 is the one I will go for. Thank you for all the advice you have given me.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Asus MG278Q in Hardware

I'll start of by saying that I live in the UK. Sorry for not putting this in the original post.

I think that by MG249Q you mean MG279Q. This monitor is £50 more than the MG278Q, which I can afford, but it is listed as having 4 ms of latency, compared to 1 ms for the MG278Q. As I'm not too worried about viewing angles or colour reproduction but do care about latency, the MG278Q seems like a better option. The same applies to the XF270HU.

The XG270HU is £550. I can only assume that it is cheaper in other countries, but here it costs more than the £410 MG278Q.

I like the sound of LightBoost, and it is useful to know that it works on Linux, but the XL2730Z is £600, which is out of my budget.

All prices are from If you know of a better place to buy from in the UK, I would very much like to hear about it. Likewise, any further advice would be appreciated - I am a long way from expert in these things.

Edit: I'll also address Miggy's post. I'd love to support Flan in the way suggested, but I believe that to buy from Newegg, your affiliate website, I would have to pay for international shipping from the US, which I suspect would not be cheap. Sorry.

posted about 7 years ago
#2 zoom sensitivity ratio on 4:3? in Q/A Help

0.793471, regardless of aspect ratio.

It does vary with fov_desired. Use the following formula to calculate it for any value of fov_desired:

(tan (<scoped FOV> / 2) * <fov_desired>) / (tan (<fov_desired> / 2) * <scoped FOV>)

I feel that I should point out that there is no "correct" value, and you should use what you feel comfortable with, but the value given by the above formula should feel the closest to your unscoped sensitivity.

Edit: scoped FOV is 20 degrees for the sniper rifle.
Edit 2: switched "unscoped FOV" to "fov_desired" in formula for clarity.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Asus MG278Q in Hardware

From what I know about IPS displays, they have lower (edit: higher) latency but better colour accuracy and wider viewing angles compared to TN. I'd have though that that would make a TN display a better choice for TF2, but then if I actually knew what I was talking about then I wouldn't need to be asking here.

I use Linux. I have two computers, one with an AMD graphics card and one with an Nvidia graphics card, and would like the monitor to work with both. I think that this rules out lightboost, G-Sync and FreeSync. Please correct me if I am wrong.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Asus MG278Q in Hardware

I am thinking of buying this monitor.

I like that it is 27 inch and 2560 x 1440, but I'd be okay with compromising on either of those things if there is another monitor with better latency or some other factor that I haven't thought of.

My only judging criteria of note are how nice it will be to play TF2 on and price, this being around the upper limit of what I can afford.

Would buying one of these be a good choice? Any other monitor recommendations?

Edit: I live in the UK.

posted about 7 years ago
#316 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

The demoknight swords and red tape recorder are hidden incorrectly and not at all respectively with version 1.3.2.

You're obviously not obliged to fix these kinds of issues, and I feel like I'm nagging you about them now, so if they don't bother you please just tell me so and I will cease posting about them.

posted about 7 years ago
#261 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

The mod works on all platforms, it is only the installer that is Windows specific. Which weapons do you want hidden?

posted about 7 years ago
#256 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

Having done some more testing with version 1.2, I found that demoknight swords are not hidden correctly.

The draw and swing animations are hidden, but the rest of the time, the viewmodel is shown.

To clarify, when switching to the sword, the viewmodel is hidden. Once the draw animation is complete, the viewmodel is shown. When the sword is swung, the viewmodel is hidden, and once the swing animation is complete, the viewmodel is shown again.

This doesn't apply to the Persian Persuader, but does apply to all other swords (I do not own a Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker, so could not test it, but I tested all the others).

posted about 7 years ago
#243 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

Do you realise that by PDA I mean disguise kit? Rereading my comment I realise that this isn't clear, and it sounds like when you say PDA you mean invis watch.

To clarify, neither 1.0 nor 1.2 hide the spies disguise kit, even when set to do so. Neither version has the option to hide the invis watch, and I wouldn't want to hide it anyway.

posted about 7 years ago
#12 On the "correct" value of zoom_sensitivity_ratio in Customization

zoom_sensitivity_ratio 0.793471 will make it feel as close to the same as possible whichever direction you move the crosshair in.

zoom_sensitivity_ratio 0.919455 will make it so that the distance the mouse needs to be moved to move the crosshair from the middle to the top or bottom (is this what you meant by "match 1:1 vertically"?) edge of the screen for all aspect ratios and at fov_desired 90 is the same when scoped and unscoped.

I have no idea why you would want to use the latter value. If you already have muscle memory for sniper, leave zoom_sensitivity_ratio the same. If you are new to sniper, set it to 0.793471.

posted about 7 years ago
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