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Country Wales
Signed Up November 11, 2016
Last Posted May 20, 2020 at 7:06 PM
Posts 87 (0 per day)
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#22 Nursey leaves froyotech, joins EVL Gaming in News
Kratatawhy do people still play to win in this fucking game do it for fun noone cares about winning anymore except one fuckwit

Nobody wants to pay $85 to not try

posted about 7 years ago
#41 worst pain you've ever felt in Off Topic

Fell out of the bed during sex, somehow I hit my head and elbowed my balls simultaneously.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Nursey leaves froyotech, joins EVL Gaming in News

Go Paddie!

posted about 7 years ago
#16 Any things that for some reason help you play in TF2 General Discussion

Viewmodel toggle

posted about 7 years ago
#36 Several gaming organizations drop overwatch in Esports
loserline49honestly I just want to see this game crash and burn because its bad and I dont like it

I agree that the game itself is derivative and not really that fun, but this could have a lot of negative impact on a lot of players, including our old guys.

posted about 7 years ago
#81 nursey leaves froyo in TF2 General Discussion

As much as Nursey deserves respect for her decision, this isn't the only interesting Invite roster shuffle

Go Paddie!

posted about 7 years ago
#26 b4nny watches porn on stream !! in The Dumpster

Watch at double speed if you never want to hear ever again

posted about 7 years ago
#23 Ban the crossbow in TF2 General Discussion

Ban Raymon too OP

posted about 7 years ago
#11 unbelieveable in The Dumpster

OK now stop these guides are distracting me from my term paper

posted about 7 years ago
#9 unbelieveable in The Dumpster
PsiFzzyThis is the fastest I've ever seen a post dumpster'd very well done Psi
where else should I post it to? LFT thread?

I genuinely thought you'd posted this in off topic and an admin or someone hated you lol

posted about 7 years ago
#5 unbelieveable in The Dumpster

This is the fastest I've ever seen a post dumpster'd very well done Psi

posted about 7 years ago
#18 why can't valve just remove all unfair unlocks in TF2 General Discussion
bLaFzzybLasageI've never seen a Valve Employee be genuinely good at the game, hit an epic airshot, or anything like that

Maybe they are just noobs lol
Robin Walker is pretty good, he can easily wipe a whole team
Was he the one who used console commands in a charity tournament?

My bad, I've only seen valve people play the game a handful of times

THEBILLDOZERFzzybLasageI've never seen a Valve Employee be genuinely good at the game, hit an epic airshot, or anything like that

Maybe they are just noobs lol
Robin Walker is pretty good, he can easily wipe a whole team
Was he the one who used console commands in a charity tournament?
this spins it in such a malicious way
people watch robin walker play so they can see him bring out the valve rocket launcher when things go south

It was more than that, he gave his team kritz and uber so they wouldn't get completely rolled by star_'s team iirc

posted about 7 years ago
#13 why can't valve just remove all unfair unlocks in TF2 General Discussion
bLasageI've never seen a Valve Employee be genuinely good at the game, hit an epic airshot, or anything like that

Maybe they are just noobs lol
Robin Walker is pretty good, he can easily wipe a whole team

Was he the one who used console commands in a charity tournament?

posted about 7 years ago
#12 why can't valve just remove all unfair unlocks in TF2 General Discussion

Game's only fun cos theres a thousand ways to play it. I don't want to have no unlocks and be forced to play shotgun soldier that'd suck balls

posted about 7 years ago
Psi I'm actually proud of myself!

Maybe this isn't a post to be proud of

posted about 7 years ago
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