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Country Morocco
Signed Up May 29, 2015
Last Posted April 5, 2019 at 11:41 AM
Posts 113 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.9
Windows Sensitivity 1
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech M105 corded mouse
Mousepad 320x270 mm
Headphones Gorsun GS-A826MV
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#14 FPS Improvement Compilation in Customization
komorebienigmathey're not porting the game to source2

source: tf2 team in person


posted about 8 years ago
#1 Morocco isn't listed in countries list in Site Discussion

Title says it all, I couldn't seem to find Morocco in countries so if it actually isn't there please add it.

posted about 8 years ago
#12 FPS Improvement Compilation in Customization
Dave_aren't there already threads on this lol

Most (or all) of the guides I found weren't updated since 2013, also with Gun Mettle chewing up everyone's FPS I thought this would be the perfect time to make this guide.

Bucakehaven't really looked into the contents, but i do like that you go over, basically, the whole PC, rather than just TF2 settings.

Believe it or not, optimizing PC settings helps alot in improving your games' performance, most guides focus on in-game settings and dismiss the OS which is crucial.

Bucakei might look into the contents a bit more, later. for now, you could look into BIOS optimization a little bit. it depends per bios, but disabling/changing certain settings in there can definitely boost performance.

You're right, I heard BIOS settings can boost performance effectively, I'll look into it soon.

a guide I made to improve FPS in TF2 and most games, I'll keep it updated for sure.
I need more tips.
How much of a difference should I expect with the registry changes w/ network throttling???
When I checked quickplay, I didn't see any servers above 20 Ping... I usually get between 5 and 40 Ping on valve servers I find through 'Play Now'.

Is it just luck, or did it really do something major?

Disabling network throttling reduces ping SPIKES, not ping itself, it was initially a fix for lag caused by audio issues, but this fix seemed to reduce lag spikes regardless of sounds.
If you want to look through it, check this thread: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1043281

DanceNumbera few things
1) -heapsize does nothing in source engine since orangebox.

You're right.

EricAs for the guide, your Realtek section information is probably out of date. My audio driver is from March 14, 2015.

Apparently Realtek's updates don't get automatically updated, so when you install the audio driver you'd never know whether it's updated or not unless you check the website, even on newer computers.

Show Content
If your sound system is managed by Realtek, you will not receive automatic driver updates, and the Windows driver update manager in 'Device Manager' isn't able to locate updated RealTek drivers"
EricYour section on parked cores is also misleading; while older Windows versions do automatically park unused cores, this is not universally the case, as stated in the developer's article: core parking is not enabled for all the multicore CPU’s. For example, if you have Intel Q9550 Quad Core CPU you may not see any parked cores at all.

"all Windows versions before Windows 8 may try to save power by putting your unused cores in sleep mode."
But yeah I guess I should point out that some of these options might have been already done depending on each's PC, when re-reading my guide I guess I'm pretty vague at some parts, pretty ironic since I said I'm supposed to "focus" on stuff, guess nobody's perfect haha.

EricAlso, your launch options run the game in borderless windowed mode. This may not be the best for performance; if you are playing at your native resolution, then fullscreen mode will probably give you better framerate. If you're playing at a lower resolution, then you have to consider whether the act of scaling the pixels is more intensive than the act of running in windowed mode, especially if you have Aero/"Desktop Composition" enabled (although this shouldn't matter if you have closed explorer.exe).

Interesting, I'll have to test this out first before changing anything however.

I didn't expect alot of posts in this dang, thank you everyone for your corrections and suggestions, I'm going to update the guide and later look into BIOS optimization and other OS' like Mac.

If you have any other tips keep it coming, if you want to discuss with me personally you can add me. All I'm willing is to help people with fps/ping issues, hopefully source 2 would solve all this.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 FPS Improvement Compilation in Customization

a guide I made to improve FPS in TF2 and most games, I'll keep it updated for sure.
I need more tips.

posted about 8 years ago
#201 No Hats Mod in Customization
_KermitThen your best bet is to go in to the vpk and change it so that it doesn't remove the botkiller heads. For more info on editing the vpk see Page 5 post #141.

oh that actually helps alot, sorry for the late response and thank you for the help. :)

posted about 8 years ago
#198 No Hats Mod in Customization

but if you change to another server with sv_pure 1 and come back they're gone.
I'll test it again just to be sure.

EDIT: nope, exact opposite, I join a sv_pure 2 server I see the botkillers, but If i join another server (even if it's sv_pure 2) it gets removed, and if I get back to the server I started I don't see them again ;(

posted about 9 years ago
#196 No Hats Mod in Customization

I just want to say thanks alot for this mod, it's really nice to be able to play with no hats to distract you.
My only complaint is that I've noticed that it also hides botkiller weapons, which is kind of sad, I was just hoping if there's a way to fix it?

posted about 9 years ago
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