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Signed Up October 13, 2018
Last Posted March 14, 2024 at 5:07 PM
Posts 293 (0.1 per day)
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#9 4Toast look to ascend Prem in News
blankkReally enjoyed this but feel like it shouldn't be every season (if you think this far ahead) as I don't think there would be much to say from one season to another

shouldn't be an issue since I don't think other writers will follow this style and if I do the next one for this core (assuming they still together) I'll keep this in mind.

posted about 2 years ago
#7 4Toast look to ascend Prem in News

thanks for the positive words guys, this is my preferred way of writing in general though not everyone in the team agrees with it for roster articles. i think this article maybe has some issues with chunky sentences but overall I prefer to write more detailed story-driven articles so I'm glad its been received positively (ofc more feedback is welcome whether its positive or not)
edit: wanna add that since I joined tftv at beginning of 2020 my goal was always to create more narrative-based content and avoid boring "here is roster they come from these places they've done this k cool bye" articles where possible. i do think brief roster breakdowns have their place but this is personally what I prefer to write, which is even reflected in the sample article I used to apply - a very, very long Se7en story piece. i haven't really achieved these goals and I don't have much energy for writing these days but I do hope to do more detailed story-driven content in the future which to me is more interesting.

posted about 2 years ago
#3 4Toast look to ascend Prem in News

wasn't exactly intentional but this article came out a little different from other roster articles in that it generally has more details and follows a longer story, or at least in a more detailed way. keen to hear feedback on this style.

posted about 2 years ago
#2 rahThread: Supplying the TF2 broadcasting demand in TF2 General Discussion

obviously dont wanna speak for anyone but i wouldnt be surprised to hear that a lot of people just arent really interested in doing stuff like that, and i couldnt blame them. everyone whos doing this is doing it for fun out of their own free time and just might not be really interested in branching out to do education videos, especially if it involves learning new skills like editing (also worth noting that a lot/some of the community often gives producers a hard time so i wouldnt be surprised if that didnt help producers to have passion to do this stuff).

since you clearly seem keen to do stuff like this though rahmed, i'd suggest reaching out to relevant people like the ones you mentioned and seeing if they'd be interested in lending their knowledge/voices if you were able to handle the technical/organisational side of making such videos.

posted about 2 years ago
#63 Graph Map of 2021 TF2 Players in TF2 General Discussion

i assume i wont be there at all since i havent played in 2021? awesome work though!

posted about 2 years ago
#38 rahThread: The story behind your alias in Off Topic

fingerinthebum scared to post in the most recent rahthread?

posted about 3 years ago
#4 COACHES NEEDED: TFNew Team Drive for DreamHack CC in Mentoring

bump! will be announcing very soon (tonight) so after that wont be able to change the schedule. besides that, it would be nice to know in advance that we'll have the coaching power to support 8 teams. remember you can do joint-coaching with someone if you coordinate between yourselves!

posted about 3 years ago
#3 COACHES NEEDED: TFNew Team Drive for DreamHack CC in Mentoring

bump :) (remember im open to changing the schedule with feedback asap, also u dont have to be super high level to be capable of coaching newbies, just looking for people with mid+ experience ideally)

posted about 3 years ago
#1 COACHES NEEDED: TFNew Team Drive for DreamHack CC in Mentoring

Hey all,
TFNew is hosting a team drive for the newcomer group of the upcoming DreamHack EU Community Clash. This is to allow new competitive players an alternate way to give the cup a go without having the daunting task of having to build and organise a team, as well as aid in the challenge of learning to play competitive TF2. Players will sign up individually and be drafted into teams, then spend the week leading up to the cup having pre-known scrims with each other and mentoring sessions with their coaches, all organised by us (we have always found a fully structured and pre-known schedule is ideal when working with newbies). It will all work largely similar to a TFNew cup, except only having a single week of preparation before the cup rather than 2, and likely having a cap of 8 teams (and of course the cup itself in this case will be the DH newcomer group).

The current schedule plan is listed below. Due to having to fit it all into one week, it's rather crammed. Because of this, I am open to changing the schedule with enough feedback before it's officially announced. Please reach out to me ASAP if you would be interested in coaching but think the schedule should be changed. As an alternative if you want to coach but cannot make all the sessions, you're welcome to bring in a friend to do joint-coaching with you, as long as between the two of you, all the sessions can be covered (and you communicate with each other properly).

Current schedule plan (all times in CEST):

  • Teams drafted weekend of 5th-6th

  • Monday 7th: 18:30: Coaches deliver intro talk to teams (explaining 6s at a basic level in a generalised way, answering all questions of course to make sure the team are all on the same page in understanding)
  • Tuesday 8th: 2 maptalks by coaches at 18:30, then teams will go into 2 scrims at 20.
  • Wednesday 9th: 2 maptalks + 2 scrims once again, same times
  • Thursday 10th: 2 maptalks + 2 scrims once again, same times

  • Friday 11th: optional final meeting before cup to clear up any remaining questions from players, etc

  • Weekend of 12-13th: cup

If you are interested in coaching, please DM me on discord JWB#6651. Thank you.

posted about 3 years ago
#113 Warning about Nursey trying to come back in TF2 General Discussion

emerald does (albeit accidently lol) bring up a decent point (that has been brought up before by people like extine) that its a bit of a yikes for big names like froyo players to not only not say anything about nursey but also still essentially associate with her, people like arekk and habib frequently like her tweets (including the google docs defending herself). if they believe her to be innocent, why dont they properly speak up about it?

posted about 3 years ago
#81 Warning about Nursey trying to come back in TF2 General Discussion
MofuI'll just drop here a quick thing but as a Trans person and someone that was victim of pedos as a kid. I really despise Nursey, she destroyed our reputation for the foreseeable future even thought nobody supports what she did, I legit can't count the amount of time someone as a means to insult me, I got called "Nursey" or a pedophile.
Thanks to this jackass TF2 players have this association in their head that is super disgusting !
so yeah don't let her come back and make her be forgotten !

predators are monsters ofc but i think saying nursey is responsible for "ruining the reputation of trans people" takes responsibility away from the people actually being transphobic. its really not hard to recognise that a trans person being a pedo isnt an excuse to be transphobic and transphobia is objectively wrong no matter who its directed towards.

posted about 3 years ago
#8176 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 3 years ago
#5 asian fundraiser for a tf2 lan in TF2 General Discussion

an asian team was planning on going to i58 in 2016 i think but then OW came out and the koreans on the team got hooked on it and quit tf2 before i58 and killed the team's chances of going lmao

posted about 3 years ago
#12 Who is zeekaptain? in Off Topic

yeah its not that i care deeply about being banned from a channel i have barely watched in years its just i hate being left in the dark and wanna know why lol :(

posted about 3 years ago
#5 Who is zeekaptain? in Off Topic

ive been banned from b4nny's chat for ages and i didnt even watch him for ages before that (ive never said anything against him in this chat im p sure). ive got into some flame wars with him over tf2 issues but all of that came after the ban so idk why im banned. submitted ban appeal in november and have dm'd zeekaptain on discord before but nothing. strange bloke.

posted about 3 years ago
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