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Signed Up December 2, 2017
Last Posted February 5, 2023 at 1:56 PM
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#23 what hats/cosmetics do U guys wear (and why) in TF2 General Discussion

mann co cap cause I'm built different

posted about 3 years ago
#14 Cocaine Diesel in Other Games

please play this game

posted about 3 years ago
#67 Warning about Nursey trying to come back in TF2 General Discussion
dishsoaprow_torrit3please dont call nursey a she when she afaik they admitted that theyre only saying that theyre trans because they like the attention and people calling them a girl makes them feel special
call them what u like
surely wanting to (and actively attempting to MULTIPLE TIMES) fuck people that are underage means u forfeit any right to be called what you want
thats a slippery slope dude, it gives any sort of bigot the right to dehumanize any sort of minority if theyve caused any sort of mistake (not to say that this shits just a mistake nursey is straight up vile) as long as the crime seems heinous enough in the eyes of the bigot. murders are human too, despite it being difficult to swallow that fact.

nursey is a straight up disturbing individual to say the least, but theyre still human. unfortunately.

I'm not respecting pedos in any way, shape or form. I don't care what he wants to be called.

posted about 3 years ago
#91 is the game's community still racist? in TF2 General Discussion
YorkTheDorksaddest thing about this game is seeing toxic people actively try to ruin things like inhouse pug groups whether its through racism, homophobia, etc.

bruh that shit's hilarious lol

posted about 3 years ago
#86 is the game's community still racist? in TF2 General Discussion

If you look for racism everywhere, you're going to find it everywhere. Just play the game.

posted about 3 years ago
#21 hwat do you guys name your strange weapons and why in TF2 General Discussion
AimIsADickI name some of my weapons based off pop culture, and others to push some campaign.

Sydney Sleeper - "Senku's Sniper Rifle"
Kukri - "Kuk(another k is supposed to be here but I made a typo)uri"
Dalokohs Bar - "Snickers"
Shortstop - "#BonkAtomicPunchIsUnderrated"
Stock Medigun - "#ÜbersawIsOverrated"
Kritzkreig - "Amputator underrated. Übersaw overrated!"
Quickfix - "Übersaw Sucks."
Vaccinator - "Übersaw is a trash weapon."
Half-Zatoichi - "DO IT, SACHI!"

Weapons I'm gonna name in the future:

Übersaw - "Overrated trash."

you are so cool and quirky

posted about 3 years ago
#62 Racism in tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
AdnurakYou are not making the community more pleasant for anyone, you are not affecting positive change in the world, all you're doing is making it more stressful for anyone to interact with eachother outside of little cliques. You are not making anyone less racist by pulling this honest to god 8-year-old telltale shit over someone saying "nigga" to you in steam PMs. We're living in bad times, the whole world is kind of in the shitter right now and you're actively going out of your way to mess with somebody over something that's legit not a big deal in any way.

I wish I could understand how all of a sudden in the last few years there are all these people getting their moral values and social guidance from fucking AMAZON via twitch dot television, as if advertisers will pull non-existent funding from you or something if we don't all act like we're hosting a livestream in private 24/7.

If you don't see it by now let me try to explain: You don't make the public less racist by cornering people over the most innocuous behaviour, howling about it in public and kicking them out of your clubs. You just force everyone who doesn't think exactly like you into an ever-growing group of angry people, defined precisely by their opposition to you on this issue, they don't stop existing, you make the problem worse. You are the reason racial tension is escalating more and more in the last 10 years, you are through your behaviour manufacturing opposition where none previously existed.

facts. stg yall just find shit to be mad about. it's really not that big of a deal.

posted about 3 years ago
#1527 PugChamp in Projects
Collaidehey klassy, mind telling me what's so fun about being called jamal and joking about being black?

That's hilarious idk what you're talking about

posted about 3 years ago
#46 Shaggy | rgl.gg has been banned for being a pedo. in TF2 General Discussion

wait so is there any actual evidence to this?

posted about 3 years ago
#51 Top 5 favourite current rappers in Music, Movies, TV
buudin no order:

Viktor Vaughn
King Geedorah
Metal Fingers
Daniel Dumile

3 of those niggas are the same person lol

posted about 4 years ago
#43 Top 5 favourite current rappers in Music, Movies, TV

Pierre Bourne
Playboi Carti
Fauni (maybe)

posted about 4 years ago
#32 What would you commit your time to? in Off Topic

shotokan karate

posted about 4 years ago
#31 what do i play now??? in Off Topic


posted about 4 years ago
#28 what playstyle are u in TF2 General Discussion

sens changer

accurate lmao

posted about 4 years ago
#5 Project +, a Project M mod in Other Games
catman1900people think it's going to be just like melee and they're gonna suck out the gate but it's easy mode melee and if you just want to win you play king dedede

d3 isn't that good in this game lmao

posted about 4 years ago
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