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SteamID64 76561197991523078
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Country United States
Signed Up October 8, 2012
Last Posted June 2, 2024 at 9:25 PM
Posts 1971 (0.5 per day)
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Keyboard IBM mechanical
Mousepad SS Qck+ XL
Headphones Koss PortaPro KTC
Monitor 17" Dell
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ⋅⋅ 130
#2844 PC Build Thread in Hardware
SetsulYou just hooked up a PSU with a different pinout to the modular from a different manufacturer and killed your HDD.
I mean it caught fire.
What do you think happened to the SSD that use the same connectors?

If you're lucky only your HDD and SSDs are dead.

I guess I didn't mention it but I didn't use the old 24pin ATX connector for the Mobo, it obviously wasn't compatible since the old I had had less pins on one side than the other. However I figured the 6+2 pci/
Peripheral/SATA connectors from my previous PSU would be compatible with my new one, is that not the case?

posted about 6 years ago
#2842 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Okay so, an update on my previous scenario. Got my 1080 in the mail a couple days ago, took out my old 970 and put in the new 1080; only difference is that the 970 had 2 6pin power cords, and the 1080 has 2 8pin power cords. But, the two 6pin cords I was using each come with an additional +2 pin adapter, so I just plugged both in, started up my PC, got a "No signal" blank screen, even though a couple LED's lit up on the PC, none of the fans started, and I couldn't hear my HDD doing anything..So I tried removing the 1080 from my rig, hooked up a DVI cord straight to my mobo's onboard video port, and started again.

this time, the screen brought up the initial Gigabyte splash screen it usually flashes for a second, then continues t boot up However, the screen just sat their on that splash page, keyboard and mouse inputs doing nothing. What I found especially peculiar was nothing else was booted up/running, i.e. all system fans HDD, etc}, in addition the fan on my 750w Corsair PSU was doing absolutely nothing. So I was a bit confused at this point, but determined that the PSU must be to blame, so I went out to a nearby computer chain store and bought a Thermaltake 850w PSU to see if that would fix the issue. Additionally, i tried a paper clip test with the older corsair PSU with a single case fan plugged into it, and it gave the exact same results; nothing turning on except LEDs in pc, and the PSU fan never once span up or twitched.

So I hook up the 850w thermaltake PSU, using the preexisting PSU's wiring so that I didn't have to reconnect everything. This time when boots up, it initally looks like it's going to boot properly, however about 10 sec into turning my PC on, my HDD started sparking and caught fire slightly. So after blowing the fire out and immediately unplugging the power/data files to my HDD, I try booting my just my SSD that has windows 7 installed

However when I boot it up, Gigbyte's CMOS tells me there is no device capable of booting up with even though my SSD is still hooked up. At this point I become both frustrated and concerned, not only because my HDD caught fire briefly and is very likely dead, But now I'm sort of stuck in a position of, I don't really know what device is malfunctioning, or how to find out which device is malfunctioning. I'm kinda leaning towards the mobo, since it is unable to recognize 2 SSD's, one brand new, the other with Windows 7

TLDR, I need setsul second opinion please before I shell out hundreds to fix this issue

Also forgot to mention, my buiild is:
Intel Core i7-4790K @4.6GHz
Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO
Gigabyte GA-Z97X-GAMING 7 LGA 1150
Crucial MX100 512GB 2.5" SSD
HITACHI 0F10452 2.0TB SATA 3.0Gb/s 7200 RPM 32MB
EVGA 04G-2974-KR GeForce GTX 970 Superclocked 4GB -> upgrading to EVGA GTX 1080 Superclocked
NZXT Technologies PHANTOM 530 BLACK Computer Cabinet
CORSAIR RM Series RM750 750W ->swapped out for Thermaltake 850w PSU
Asus Xonar DX Sound Card
LG WH14NS40 Blu-Ray/DVD/CD Writer
LG WH14NS40 Blu-Ray/DVD/CD Writer
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Ultimate SP1 (OEM) (64-bit)

posted about 6 years ago
#2834 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Had a question that I wasn't sure how to phrase in a google search; I have an EVGA gtx 970, and am upgrading to an EVGA 1080, do I need to download any new specific drivers first or can the nVidia client take care of that for me?

posted about 6 years ago
#4 External HDD mount in Hardware

Update, apparently Windows 10 can't be installed via USB installed to a hard drive connected through an external mount with a USB 3.0 plug. Guess I'll have to do this the hard way

posted about 6 years ago
#3 External HDD mount in Hardware

Nah yeah I just wanted to install windows 10 with a key I received recently without having to install the SSD in my PC. Thanks for the info tho

posted about 6 years ago
#1 External HDD mount in Hardware

Okay so this may sound like a dumb question but I just wanted to verify it here; I have an external hard drive mount, a 2.5" SSD, and a flash drive setup to install windows 10. If I were to plug my external hard drive mount into my pc along with the flash drive, and then choose to boot from the flash drive, could I install windows 10 on the external SSD I have without any risk of damage or issues with my computer's internal SSD/HDD?

posted about 6 years ago
#53 To all MGE lords in TF2 General Discussion
Seltzerhow do I win Ammomod [MGE]
Edit: without playing like gay

that's like asking how to fuck a dude without it being gay

posted about 6 years ago
#5 SSD defragmenting in Hardware
SetsulSSDs always fragment because of how they work.
HDDs are terrible for random reads/writes so you want all files to be as continuous as possible or performance will suffer.
The whole point of SSDs is that they are good at random reads/writes (no moving parts) so fragmentation doesn't really matter.

So basically defragging HDDs:
pro: gets faster
con: none
Defragging SSDs:
pro: none
con: dies

I don't quite fully understand what you said but thanks for info, I'll avoid defragging my SSD's

posted about 6 years ago
#1 SSD defragmenting in Hardware

Okay so I usually use Defraggler to defragment any HDD's I have, but I hadn't done so in a while, so I loaded it up and it gave me an option to defrag my solid state drive, to my surprise. I had been told previously that solid state drives don't ever need to be defragmented, but from what I could tell with some google searches is that you can defrag SSD's, however it reduces their lifespan. The reason I'm asking whether or not I should defrag my SSD here is because Defraggler says it's 50% fragmented, which is a big concerning. So I was curious, is anyone familiar with this topic, potentially Mr. Setsul?

posted about 6 years ago
#10 day of defeat: source in Off Topic

I played DoD:S competitively back in 2007 and it was about dead by then, one of the main reasons I switched to TF2

posted about 6 years ago
#2804 PC Build Thread in Hardware

I had a few questions about a new prospective build

first, i was told some time ago(more likely about 4-5 years ago, my long term memory is is basically nonexistent) that the max amount of RAM you'd really need to run any PC game is 8gb, it seems that that's changed as of recently, as far as I've seen most new AAA pc games seem to have a minimum requirement of 8gb RAM. So I was curious, what would be the optimal amount of RAM for a new build, assuming money's not a big issue? I'm fine with paying more for the best amount of ram, but I'm fairly certain the 128gb maximum RAM most mobo's these days have would be overkill

Also, Seems like the best CPU at this point in time would be the i7 8700k as far as gaming goes, but from what I've seen the i9 7000x series adds a decent amount of performance for a lot of PC titles. Again, assuming money is no issue, Would an i9 be a good choice for a new build, or does is it's performance not have much of a difference from the 8700k?

posted about 6 years ago
#52 Unpopular video game opinions in Other Games

These may or may not be unpopular opinions, but:

-Not all reaction time button press instances in games are bad, in fact I'd dare say the majority of them are fine, I think people who complain about them are just bad at video games

-Despite being a 25 year old fully grown male adult, I still love the Kingdom Hearts series

I think most Final Fantasy games are bad, especially 8, 10, 10-2, 11, 13, 13-2

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Unpopular video game opinions in Other Games

Post your controversial/minority opinions about video games

Personally I think Bishock 2 was Superior to Bioshock Infinite

posted about 6 years ago
#1 medical question in Off Topic

so i have a discreet medical question for the folks of tftv

so say for a 25 year old 6'3" 260lbs guy, is taking 300mg of diphenhydramine a night for ~6 weeks enough to overdose?

posted about 6 years ago
#85 The nicest player? in TF2 General Discussion

Radium, BIG CAT, Marxist, bloodsire, tooth

also talk as much shit as you want on the guy, Muma was always a blast playing games with, and in scrims/matches was a bottomless fount of positivity, which is like finding a needle in a haystack in e-sports

posted about 6 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ⋅⋅ 130