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Signed Up August 28, 2014
Last Posted July 9, 2023 at 1:22 AM
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#8 STV problem switching to first/third person POV in Q/A Help
siyois it a specific server or any stv in general

I don't fully understand what you mean by specific server. This only happens when I'm opening up a stv demo in console, whether it's my own demos or those of invite players. I don't have a specific server? It's just stv demos in general, I guess.

posted 10 months ago
#6 STV problem switching to first/third person POV in Q/A Help

bump, any knowers?

posted 10 months ago
#5 STV problem switching to first/third person POV in Q/A Help

Forgot to include the images > https://imgur.com/a/PLFsqli
Shows the console errors. Disregard the netgraph image. Maybe that was some old bind that I was unaware of.

MothershipIts spec_mode 4 and spec_mode 7

This ended up giving me the same result as using spacebar; zoom in and zoom out in place. Hopefully the console error is enough to figure out the problem because I'm lost.

posted 11 months ago
#3 STV problem switching to first/third person POV in Q/A Help

Finally got around to trying this out. Unfortunately, sv_specmode doesn't show up as a command in console. When I binded it in autoexec this netgraph would show up on specmode 4 while specmode 7 seemingly didn't do anything. Maybe it has something to do with all these "could not find table ..." errors when I play the demo?

I considered steam verifying game integrity but idk if that would mess with my configs or not. Idk why sv_specmode doesn't show up for me.

posted 11 months ago
#1 STV problem switching to first/third person POV in Q/A Help

When I press space to change POVs the camera will become stuck, stuck again, then switches back to free roam POV again. Surely this is a known problem by now but I couldn't find a solution to this exact problem. I tried unbinding +jump from my mouse wheel up and down and then also unbinding then rebinding space +jump, no luck.
This error keeps popping up when I try to swap POVs (idk how to embed?) https://imgur.com/a/nQ6QUuo

Just trying to watch a STV of the boys killing it in scrims :(, any help is is appreciated.

posted 11 months ago
#3 Highlander RGL S10 + UGC Winter S38 new team in Recruitment (looking for players)
1jayyyou're def better off using the rgl discord, it's hard to find hl players thru here :D

Okay, thanks :)

posted about a year ago
#1 Highlander RGL S10 + UGC Winter S38 new team in Recruitment (looking for players)


Name is up for debate once we have a full team :)

I reinstalled TF2 3 days ago and now I'm back in it baby.
LFP Steel-Silver+ Level (you can be doggy doodoo, msg me anyways if you want to join)
Idk what class I'm playing yet (scout/soldier/engy). 3/9 players with 2 maybes.

Sniper: calhoun
Medic: usasan

Lotusberry#1998 (Discord)

posted about a year ago