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Last Posted September 16, 2016 at 1:24 PM
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#1 140,000 viewers for Evo MVC final... amazing in Esports

First SSBM broke the fighting game record with 100k+ viewers :

Then later apparently this went up to 130k and for the MVC3 final it topped 140k concurrent viewers.

Fighting games are such great viewing experiences for the spectator, the commentators seem to be spot on, and the live audiences so enthusiastic. Attention on Fighting games seems to wax and wane but they seem to have really hit their stride now utilising twitch, tournaments and their online presence.

Wonder if TF2 can learn stuff from the gradual rise and rise of some of the older games that are now getting massive audiences.

posted about 10 years ago
#310 age in Off Topic

37 and amazingly I'm not the oldest here. Though I was playing QWTF before some of the people here were even people......

Sideshow you really 40? Always thought you were younger.

posted about 10 years ago
#295 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
frknWhy does everybody keep acting like this is a problem? This is inherent to almost all competition. Ever watched a soccer game? How often do you see new never before seen plays? Hardly ever. It's all about execution. Same with all sports. Football probably has the most "new" plays, due to the nature of running a specific play every down, but even then they are few and far between, much like tf2. How much of CS:GO is crazy new strats instead of just fine tuning execution?

Actually with soccer you do get radical changes to tactics and plays over time :

Keeping with the soccer analogy 6's is like the 5-a-side to soccers main game. The problem as Valve sees it (as far as I can see) is that that the 'main' game is treated as a kick around in the park with jumpers as goal posts and the 5-a-side game is the super serious thing. They want to turn that kick around in the park into the competitive game. Which will still have knock on benefits for 6's... everyone is a winner.

I don't disagree with your original point, but I think this is how Valve see it.

posted about 11 years ago
#268 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

A side question, if eXtine and Sal went to Valve did they discuss casting tools to TF2, particularly in relationship to Highlander as it is very chaotic to watch a game.

posted about 11 years ago
#301 stream highlights in Videos

numlocked playing wastelands, srsbsns :

posted about 11 years ago
#38 Highlander pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion
Nin2246Make it like Dota2.

You see Player A pick scout Player B pick Pyro after Player C ban X weapons for classes picked (If wanted you can go all Engi bans or so instead of mix and match) do this 3 times or 4 times.

This was what I was thinking,.. not sure of the exact mechanic,.. but I love the little pre-game game of Dota picks.

Only issue I can see if the vast amount of weapons in TF2 making it a touch longer/more difficult.

Then I figured you could start from a place of allow everything, then do alternate team/player item bans or something?? Dunno,.. but I think this would work well and for casting would make for some good pre-game chat. In game it may require some dynamic strategy stuff too if your original YER set gets the hat removed so you have to rethink the spy work or something.

posted about 11 years ago
#240 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
joddi haven't seen anyone say it yet, so: thank you to sal and eX for starting the dialogue about a pug system, regardless of format or people's gripes.

This, 1,000 times this. In a single (well probably multiple) step Sal and eXtine have done more for the competitive tf2 scene than all of the and vtv drama thrown together, top work.

The step from pub to HL isn't huge and the step from HL to 6's isn't massive either, already in lower divs of ETF2L you see 6's teams made up from parts of HL teams that want to keep playing in the off season. So this is going to be good all round for comp scene, exposure, sponsors, all that good stuff. HL TF2 at the next International? Wonder how many sniffy 6's players would turn down the chance for real prize money?

It seems what Valve want to be able to do is not have a Ban list per se, but to have enough data around the weapons that a lot of people don't like to play with/against in HL Lobby so they can balance them properly. The range of weapons then allows for inventive strats and a gradually changing meta (which is scary to be fair,... but could you imagine the thrill of watching Shade bust out some bonkers Vaccinator strat, or Mike with near constant buff banner running... excite!)

Some ELO-esque business eventually would be great. Hell if they were super awesome they could do an ELO game at a certain level except one class was allowed to be a Mentoring class so you can get a high level player in helping out newer/lower level players.

Yay !

posted about 11 years ago
#38 game of thrones in Off Topic

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Best medic in whole TF2 universe in TF2 General Discussion

He may be a bit of a racist but he was a damn good medic

And this


Also Mirelin got the jukes

posted about 11 years ago
#51 Favorite Frag Movies in TF2 General Discussion

Sideshow mentioned it but didn't link it : Prem by Cube :

posted about 11 years ago
#17 BlackOut Gaming on in TF2 General Discussion

Good work Russian, love the range of casts :)

posted about 11 years ago
#277 stream highlights in Videos
numlockedI'm loud... sorry

Have you got the clip of you rage quitting from that pickup the other day? With Byte and CommanderX on your team... that was awesome.

posted about 11 years ago
#48 Crack Clan Close-Ups♥ in TF2 General Discussion

Medic one is nice, be good to get a nice guide on positioning on different maps for medic (where you get good line of sight, where it is hard to be flanked etc.) ... maybe 2nuts can tear himself away from a caesar wrap to do one.

posted about 11 years ago
#149 Lange @ i49 in TF2 General Discussion
SalamancerLange, absolutely everyone there is going to buy you at least one beer.

Drunk streaming of finals FTW! :)

posted about 11 years ago
#103 Lange @ i49 in TF2 General Discussion
RussianGuyovichLucky_PierreRussian, why don't you solve all of this and have Blackout TV crush both AND vtv with BBC Olympics quality coverage of TF2 :)
That would only happen if we could get Roy Walker and Matt Berry to cast the Grand Final ;)

I... I think I would like to see that happen. .. Matt Berry casting would be amazing.

posted about 11 years ago
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