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Signed Up October 17, 2013
Last Posted August 11, 2016 at 9:50 PM
Posts 695 (0.2 per day)
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#32 College Fall of 2015 in Off Topic
LazyPandaUniversity of Washington

Good choice

LazyPandaProbably going into CS but I'm not positive

Good choice

I'm graduating from their CSE program this summer. Feel free to PM me on Steam if you have any questions about it.

posted about 9 years ago
#20 Siberias for 20$ in Hardware

maybe something that could have taken them roughly 30 seconds to wipe down with a damp cloth.

Obviously you've never used anything from a smoker's household. The smell is impossible to get rid of and there is a thin layer of tar over everything that is nearly impossible to clean off. That's unacceptable even for a refurbished item.

posted about 9 years ago
#22 College Fall of 2015 in Off Topic
TurinHow do so many people know what they want to do for a career?

Most don't

posted about 9 years ago
#3 GeForce 750 Ti won't use it's full power on Team F in Hardware
ErenJayDont want to be that guy but core 2 duo with a gtx750 is a bit lopsided

Exactly. I bet dollars to donuts your CPU is pegging at 100% in TF2, which is bottlenecking your GPU performance, since TF2 is a notoriously CPU-bound game.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Winding Road by Almie in Videos
capnfapnwtf is that badlands water map thingIve seen many people ask about the version of badlands. It is a special version I made for the movie. The play happened on the original badlands, however I recorded it in my own version of it. Unfortunately I didnt make the map with gameplay in mind, so its not suitable for it and its not released anywhere.

That's what I call dedication

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Peanut Butter Soda Review in Off Topic

god bless kurtis

posted about 9 years ago
#3 WTF happened to my friends TF2 in Customization

Looks pretty sweet

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Can this laptop give 144hz? in Hardware

I only see an HDMI port on the side and no displayport. I'm gonna call this a no, although it's not like you would be able to get a usable 144Hz out of integrated graphics in the first place.

posted about 9 years ago
#25 Cherry's Plugins in Off Topic

The next logical step is a plugin that auto-hides posts from anyone on the community shitlist

posted about 9 years ago
#16 your favorite disney song in Off Topic

Some often-overlooked faves of mine

Robin Hood - Not in Nottingham
Atristocats - Everybody Wants to be a Cat

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Computer broke in Hardware

A common cause of harddrive failure (for spinning drives) is induced by sudden power loss (aka holding down the power button). Occasionally this can cause the hard drive heads to suddenly drop and slam into the platters and ruin the drive.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 I live in a Hitchcock movie in Off Topic

These damn crows woke me up at 6 today, again. Anyone have any crazy wildlife stuff that goes down where you live?

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Flash Player Memory Leak in Off Topic

Try nuking flash from your computer & reinstalling it. If all else fails, you could install youtube magic actions and enable the option to force using the HTML5 player, though this won't help you with twitch streams :^)

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Tom Brady to be suspended in Off Topic

Good. I'm sick of seeing the Patriots outright flaunt the rules and get away with it every time. I'm actually more surprised that Belichick wasn't able to have Kraft call up his buddy Goodell and get them out of this mess again.

posted about 9 years ago
#24 make money from home? in Off Topic

Actual question: Is there any reason why you specifically want to make money from home rather than get some entry-level job? Nearly anything you could do would pay worse per hour than flipping burgers or stacking boxes somewhere.

EDIT: I'm dumb, you already said you're looking for a job. Don't give up on it!

posted about 9 years ago
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