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Signed Up December 26, 2012
Last Posted July 1, 2015 at 11:03 PM
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#5 Max! LFT scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

would be cool to play scout on a team, if you need someone last minute hit me up, im available starting next sunday

posted about 10 years ago
#9 New TFTV DM Servers (ESEA Whitelist/Snipers) in TF2 General Discussion

make the snipers do like 1000 damage per headshot and headshot only pls

posted about 10 years ago
#85 best sniper in TF2 General Discussion
vanillaI think 6s players in general would be easier to snipe, but only until they know there's a sniper on the field. After that, they (the good ones) will dodge much more unpredictably, and will take very good care to avoid the sightlines. The latter especially makes a difference because then the sniper only gets like one or two good opportunities to hit shots, so he REALLY has to make them count, whereas in highlander, you generally can just take shots continuously since there is almost always a target.

im really out of my element here and you make a good point but from what ive seen in the recent games is that they are trying to get picks in or out of last where the conditions arent much different than highlander. Also i understand there isnt alot of respect for highlander around here which is why i dont usually post here but you make it sound like people just stand in sightlines waiting to get shot which isnt usually the case

posted about 10 years ago
#83 best sniper in TF2 General Discussion
BLoodSireIn my experience, and not to bring on the HL hate, but HL players (unless also 6v6 players) really have no concept of how to dodge to avoid a sniper or are just to involved in other things to take the time to do it, whereas in 6v6 almost all players go into "can't headshot me" mode when they try to attack a sniper. This makes 6's sniping much harder, compounded by the fact that there are less players to shoot at (easy targets like pyros, heavies, and engies) and more of a focus on you when you snipe (since whenever a sniper appears in a 6v6 game the other team usually makes it their modus operandi to kill him).

my experience is pretty much exactly the opposite, seasoned highlander players make an effort to not be easy to snipe whereas the invite players in highlander are easier to hit in comparison (mabey they forget theres always a sniper?). ive never played high level 6s, and pretty much all of my experience sniping in 6s is pugs or mixes so i could be wrong here but like i said this is just what ive seen.

the pressure to preform in 6s i imagine to be much higher though because when someone doesnt do well on sniper everyone remembers and when i dont do anything in highlander (90% of the time) nobody notices woohoo

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Intel Sacramento LANFest October 11-13 in LAN Discussion
pudding_cupThinking about getting some of the highlander homies to go. Do we know if there will be a tournament yet?

ye ye

posted about 10 years ago
#3 UGC Plat Highlander: Menace to Society vs. All we do is Huynh in Events

deadbolt and paragon wundertwins playing together again for ultimate glory

also pharoah will seal mTs's tomb


posted about 10 years ago
#22 best universal interp to use? in Q/A Help
AndKennethfosterinterp doesn't matter mystery solved case closed.
You're saying that you're fine with 100ms of client induced lag?

I play sniper best with .1 interp :/

I diddle my interp a bit depending on how I feel I'm aiming that day but I usually do .1 for sniper and .0152 on everything else

posted about 10 years ago
#65 Weapon signing in TF2 General Discussion
boomerWAIT you're telling me people will pay for this shit

mom i finally figured out what i want to do in life


$100000000 pm me


posted about 10 years ago
#91 First Job in Off Topic

Work in the meat dept of a grocery store. Is my first job. Fantasize about shooting the meat.

On the real though its the best place to work in the store. I'm very picky about what I eat and I can get the freshest best shit and leave the rest for the customers

posted about 10 years ago
#27 app in TF2 General Discussion

90% of the time I spend on this website is from my phone while on break at work

posted about 10 years ago
#11 New kind of 6v6? in TF2 General Discussion
DunderBroTimes truly are a changing. All of this is really exciting but I hope to god full time sniper won't be the new meta.


posted about 10 years ago
#33 The Weapon Balance Megathread in TF2 General Discussion

dead ringer should deal 100% damage on critical hit instead of letting the spy tank most of the damage
as it stands it can stuff pushes by just standing in front of people even while they kritz, or dead ringer out of crit axes, headshots, backstabs, kritskriegs which shouldnt be the case

posted about 10 years ago
#1 console command for crosshair size? in TF2 General Discussion

this cross shaped crosshair always has a random amount of space between the middle of the crosshair and where the pink part starts. Is there a console command that controls this distance or how does this work? picture describes better than I ever will with words

posted about 11 years ago
#479 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
LuckyLuke57R4c3lynaMaxiWhy don't they just make it so when you start a lobby you can select the number of each class you'd like to allow in your game and have it defaulted to 1 playe ron each class so highlander is easy to start and 6v6 would take nothing more than selecting 2 on scout and soldier, 1 on demo and medic, and 0 on everything else? Would easily allow for 6v6 without directly supporting it...

Also if its all the same to everyone else it'd be nice if format-bashing was left out of the thread.
Holy shit. That's a fricking genius idea. It's really good imo, valve should do exactly this.
Agree completely. It's so simple and flexible. This really is a great idea.
Hmm, but then you should limit the options to 6v6 settings or 9v9 settings. Or you're going to get people selecting 3 pyros and 0 soldiers for example, and get all sorts of impossible formats where people can't find opponents and stick to the public servers.

mabey when creating the lobby have a dropdown list with options "Highlander" and "Custom" and only have class limits shown when custom is selected. In the lobby browser have lobby searches defaulted to search only for highlander matches, and have feedback from item bans only delivered from those matches.

this way the addition of extra functionality (which from a coding standpoint doesnt sound like much extra work) to satisfy the 6s community really seems like a win for everyone

I understand this doesnt help getting new unlocks to work in 6s because they arent receiving feedback on what works best in the format but Highlander is similar to 6s in alot of ways and if the system is a success, items will change in the favor of competitive and if the 6s community is willing to be flexible you guys can still get something out of it

just because they arent catering directly to the format doesnt mean that people need to be as dramatic as the wholey ungrateful people posting stuff like

BriskSalamancerhighlander is the only way Valve will ever support competitive TF2. Let's make it happen.
Welp I think im done with comp then.

and getting +39 frags

posted about 11 years ago
#105 Highlander pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion

Dead ringer banned until krits do full damage.

posted about 11 years ago
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