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Signed Up November 11, 2013
Last Posted December 9, 2019 at 4:03 PM
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#1689 ESEA-O S22 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

sleep tight pupper

posted about 7 years ago
#1630 ESEA-O S22 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

it's too late to be asking that now

posted about 7 years ago
#14 144hz monitor in Hardware
I'm pretty sure pc hardware doesn't work like that. Newer = better.

That's a nice theory you have there. Shame it's completely wrong.
The VG248QE supports 3D just fine.
It offers less options for light boost / blur reduction and uses PWM.
The colours are better on the XL2411Z as well, especially in light boost.

So if you want light boost get the XL2411Z.
If you don't want light boost don't get a monitor that supports it. Get the Acer GN246HL which is far cheaper.
Or the AOC G2460PF if you want FreeSync.

lightboost is still easy enough to get with blurbusters

if you want the cheaper one and want lightboost(input lagggggggg) still get the asus

posted about 7 years ago
#1444 ESEA-O S22 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

just a harmless meme hehexd

posted about 7 years ago
#1442 ESEA-O S22 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

literally circa inrl rn

posted about 7 years ago
#42 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

til that there are people who don't like the mini viewmodels

posted about 7 years ago
#8 #EngineerCanIntoCompetition in TF2 General Discussion

obligatory engineer

posted about 7 years ago
#28 Aim Booster Sniper Training in Off Topic
ComangliashorasaroseI think the aim you develop in games like these are more suited for MOBA and RTS players honestlyMOBAs need aim? What have I missed?
Being faster even by a few milliseconds in a moba or RTS increases your chances of winning especially if you're consistently faster cause you could build a extremely small lead at the beginning into a much bigger one after 10 minutes or so.

As exc0 pointed out this doesn't transfer 1:1 in game. Usually I recommend using aimbooster or aim400kg to newer players to help them work on their mouse control which I'm a firm believer that good mouse control makes learning to aim in game easier. That being said if you get around 1 minute or higher the 1st time you try this you probably don't need to improve your mouse control unless you find this enjoyable. PR is 2:10

It's also good to quickly test out a mouse to see if you like the way it feels or test out a new monitor or monitor setting.

to help show how much a different a monitor can make I've tested
the Dell U2312HM which is a 1080p 8ms panel that I oc'd to 75Hz vs my BenQ XL2420TE which is 1080p 1ms 144Hz and another monitor which was a Dell 1440 x 900 5ms 75Hz panel

Personal Records
Dell: 1:33
BenQ: 2:10
Dell 1440 x 900: 1:41

the hertz don't matter, browsers are 60 max

input lag does tho

posted about 8 years ago
#27 Aim Booster Sniper Training in Off Topic
the301stspartanshorasthe301stspartanYou have to "aim" at the spot you want your dude to go so you don't get hit by skillshots and you have to aim your skillshots to account for the other dudes going awayYou don't need any additional aim training to succeed at it.
Why not? The optimal locations to evade a skillshot aren't any bigger than a head in tf2.

lmao wrong. to make your character go to the top right to dodge a skill shot, you can literally click on any area near there that's sorta of in the line you want your character to be facing. aka takes 0 precision. try aimbooster with like target size set to 200, it's like that.

aimbooster challenge: 3:42 i probably have 4 hours on that game and like 50 on osu

posted about 8 years ago
#77 squid AMA in Off Topic

what is your favorite character in overwatch? do you think mccree's dueling is a bit absurd with the stun bomb thing? what was your favorite map in tf2? do you still play league? what was your league ign?

thanks for always being kind and i wish you could stream overwatch if you've already decided to commit on it

posted about 8 years ago
#32 How to Get Good in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 8 years ago
#30 How to Get Good in TF2 General Discussion

this isn't broad enough to relate to something with so many variables like a fps

posted about 8 years ago
#44 circa lft mid IM in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 8 years ago
#79 best way to stop eating in Off Topic

there is a few ways to look at this. are you trying to lose weight because you are insecure about how you look or are you worried about longevity and health?

in the first scenario, you are going to lose alot of color and you might even shed some hair if you only eat tuna and crackers. you will also feel depressed due to just the fact that you never have energy. if you don't have energy the you can't perform quite aswell as you could on a healthy diet so now you start to get even more depressed (regarding hobbies.) you can't specifically choose where your body loses weight (it's not like muscle training) so even if you do get to your goal weight, you will notice that you look almost slightly disfigured. anyway, basically doing this is horrible and will hurt your self-esteem even more

in the second scenario, not getting enough calories will fuck up your body clock and you'll have some really really shitty sleep. drinking water to avoid hunger will make you wake up like twice everynight to piss and you might not be able to fall back asleep. your body will start feeling frail because it's starting to eat itself alive. it's not getting the proper nutrition so it starts to eat fat and muscle and girls hate nothing more than a guy that looks like a noodle (i wouldn't know, i've never had a proper girlfriend. though i think this is how it works.)

when i was trying to lose weight, granted i was never severely obese and ever only slightly overweight, i stopped drinking sodas and eating candy bars and those protein bars and basically any type of carb that wasn't either rice or bread. ate 2 salads a day, one in the morning and one at lunch. at lunch i also ate a turkey sandwich with no condiments. i ate a very early dinner (like 4pm). i also drank about 2 bottles of water a day. most people drink like 4-7 when trying to lose weight but i'm a horrible sleeper.

i also walked 45min everyday (very small investment compared to the hours a day you will spend agonizing over hunger)

pastebin of several sources

tl;dr: you're probably fat because you enjoy food, so learn to enjoy food properly

posted about 8 years ago
#101 Reaction time in Off Topic
ComangliaMukhtar1with g303 144
with abyssus 165

imo ship dash is alot better and less nerve-racking if you get anxious waiting for the green

the problem with the sheep dash ones is that it you can react to a sheep moving based off the sounds which auditory reaction time is significantly faster than visual reaction time.

They measured visual reaction time at around 180-200ms while auditory reaction time is 140-160ms
A study was carried out by Thompson et al.[9] has documented that the mean RT to detect visual stimuli is approximately 180–200 ms, whereas for sound it is around 140–160 ms. Researches by Kemp[10] show that an auditory stimulus takes only 8–10 ms to reach the brain, but on the other hand, a visual stimulus takes 20-40 ms. Therefore, since the auditory stimulus reaches the cortex faster than the visual stimulus, the ART is faster than the VRT.

the leaf-crumbling sound it makes for the sheep dashing is very quiet and i've honestly never even noticed, but maybe that's why i have a similar avg on the two games

trying to listen to it now but i think it's slightly delayed, starts after the sheep has already crossed the first vertical line marker thing

anyway, having super amazing benchmark reaction time isn't going to give you a considerable advantage compared to a guy with barely avg rt in-game. tf2 is a game of how fast you can move your hands and how well you can keep track of everyone around you to dodge spam in a midfight etc

posted about 8 years ago
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