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Country Pirate
Signed Up September 5, 2012
Last Posted July 27, 2019 at 1:35 PM
Posts 236 (0.1 per day)
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#16 ROFL Team Interrobang Drama in The Dumpster
futureenigma likes me, and my art, so you guys can suck it

Are you yippee?

yippee's TI statsTotal Connection Time: 56d 04:03:52h
Favorite Server: TF2 # 2 - CTF 2Fort
Favorite Map: ctf_2fort


posted about 8 years ago
#4 ROFL Team Interrobang Drama in The Dumpster

It's time:

posted about 8 years ago
#41 Ashley Madison Hackers release data in Off Topic

Holy shit the US government:

posted about 8 years ago
#79 Funny tf2 misconceptions thread in Off Topic

When coworkers ask what video games I play and I say TF2 they are always surprised that people still play. They're like "Holy crap that game is old I remember that from the orange box never really got into it."

A lot of them are console gamers that buy every big budget new release, go through the game, and then trade it back in to gamestop.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Max Box made Kotaku in The Dumpster

Apparently a hacker stream sniped him:

Claims to feel regret and plans on stopping:

posted about 8 years ago
#14 comcast just enabled full ipv6? in Off Topic
nopeNewbieMcNewbfaceTLDRI see lots of numbers but I don't know what they mean

Number of IPv4 addresses:


Number of IPv6 addresses:


Think of every computer, cell phone, or internet enabled device. Each one has a public IP address. With 4.294 billion addresses for 7.125 billion people, you can see how a shortage would arise. IPv6 set out to solve this, along with several other issues.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 comcast just enabled full ipv6? in Off Topic

The main feature is they went from 32-bit addresses to 128-bit addresses.

The number of ipv4 addresses is 2^32, or 4,294,967,296. They are written in a format such as xxx . xxx . xxx . xxx Depending on the class (A, B, C, D, E, although most people only dealt with the first 3), the ip address could be divided into a network portion and host portion. A company with a class A ip address block could theoretically have 16,777,216 addresses, while a company with a class B address block would only have 65,536.

IPV6 uses an xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx format. IPV6 has 2^128 addresses, with the IANA releasing 2^125 for public addressing use. So 42 undecillion out of 340 undecillion. 2^128 is 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 or 340 undecillion 282 decillion 366 nonillion 920 octillion 938 septillion 463 sextillion 463 quintillion 374 quadrillion 607 trillion 431 billion 768 million 211 thousand 456. However, I've seen estimates where end users might be allocated around 4,000 addresses. Anyway, It's going to be a while before we run out of IP addresses again.

posted about 8 years ago
#70 The Gun Mettle Update in TF2 General Discussion
etohEVERYTHING HAS CHANGED.Old SnakeWar has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles, fought by mercenaries and machines. War, and its consumption of life, has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. ID tagged soldiers carry ID tagged weapons, use ID tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities. Genetic control. Information control. Emotion control. Battlefield control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. War has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control. All in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction. And he who controls the battlefield, controls history. War has changed. When the battlefield is under total control, war... becomes routine.
posted about 8 years ago
#97 Supreme Court extends same-sex marriage nationwide in Off Topic

Still got a long way to go. 23/196.

posted about 8 years ago
#34 Fun things to do with my gf when I get swole?? in The Dumpster

Here's some business card tips:

I think Silian Rail (which is Garamond Classico SC) on Bone would really suit your personality.

posted about 8 years ago
#193 make a pickup line one word one post at a time in The Dumpster


posted about 9 years ago
#186 make a pickup line one word one post at a time in The Dumpster


posted about 9 years ago
#276 The person who posted above you... in Off Topic

Third person who wanted the name seven

posted about 9 years ago
#147 Valve and Competitive TF2 in News

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Mom forgot to make me dinner in The Dumpster
It was founded in 1919, and was the first U.S. daily printed in tabloid format. smh check your sources people

posted about 9 years ago
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