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Signed Up August 19, 2012
Last Posted November 8, 2014 at 7:30 PM
Posts 57 (0 per day)
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Headphones Audio-Technica ATH-A700
Monitor Laptop
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#19 crbnfbre_ LFT medic in Recruitment (looking for team)

Pleasant guy who takes criticism well, doesn't rage as others have said. Definitely consider him for your team.

posted about 10 years ago
#15 Casting HRG vs Madmen for ghost tonight --> in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah I kind of threw that first round.

posted about 10 years ago
#84 Worst Movies Ever in TF2 General Discussion

Man, i think spider-man 2 and drag me to hell are great. Battlefield Earth would get my vote as worst movie ever. i seriously have a hard time watching it without getting a headache.

posted about 10 years ago
#41 Yet another music thread. (Recent songs only) in Off Topic

Boards of Canada - Tomomorrow's Harvest

Progenie Terrestre Pura - U.M.A.

New Kayo Dot looks like it'll be great

posted about 10 years ago
#6 ESEA-I Season 14 Week 3 Power Rankings in TF2 General Discussion
dummy"good mid fights with tri using gunboats to team up with hero for aggressive mids that apply"

later blaze

wooooops, fixed.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 ESEA-I Season 14 Week 3 Power Rankings in TF2 General Discussion

9. Vector Gaming
Vector Gaming returns with the usual suspects plus foster on medic. Vector’s mids generally consist of both soldiers mile and jaybenaduchi bombing for a medic kill while the rest of the team plays back and retreats with their medic in tow to repush with uber. I feel this could work particularly well considering the map and matchups Vector has. Additionally transition fights are generally strong for the team as Hibachi and doze focus targets well with their demoman DougyG’s damage.
Players to watch: mile, Hibachi, jaybenaduchi

ROOT PLUS SIX is yet another team I feel plays inconsistently between scrims but can take rounds off teams who underestimate them. Loronix’s flanks can stop a team in their tracks and sezco’s 1v2’s can open advantages for their combo to work with. Teams who neglect the flank in their pushes can expect the duo to get behind the enemy team to wreak havoc as soldiers Rick and marmadukeGRYLLS repush with their medic Stratovarius. unf returns to Invite with his effective demo play and will be important in helping his team win mids.
Players to watch: sezco, Loronix, unf

posted about 10 years ago
#2 ESEA-I Season 14 Week 3 Power Rankings in TF2 General Discussion

5. The Mad Men
Intermediate champs The Mad Men have been up and down since their move into Invite and will need to pull it together for their match against third-place pick Apocalypse Gaming. The team will need high damage from rr across the point at mid with coordination from alfa and YouMustMike to stanch any aggression from enemy soldiers. MemphisVon excels at making plays to salvage situations and will likely be relied on if things start to go south for the team. bl4nk likes to apply damage with unconventional ubers to allow the scouts to frag the retreating opponents and will lead the transition fights for the team.
Players to watch: rr, YouMustMike, MemphisVon

6. Top Guns
Top Guns will be looking to establish themselves as among the top dogs in their upcoming match against Classic Mixup. The heavy classes will need to compete with Platinum and company at mids I’d predict to be composed mainly of whose-soldiers-damaged-who. Zbryan and grape have been competitive so far with every other soldier in invite and PYYYOUR will tango with Seagull in what should be nail-biter-how-is-that-soldier-still-alive-everyone-is-hurt mid fights. Ninjanick has adjusted quickly after his jump from Vector Gaming and distributes heals well to accommodate his teammates’ play styles. Carnage will need to land some meatshots to make up for the loss of justin’s headshots when the team needed picks to either stay in the game or take it. While I think many of the fights will rely on the work of Top Guns’ heavy classes, seanbud’s propensity to go big in dire situations could save his team should the need arise.
Players to watch: Zbryan, grape, carnage

7. The Runaway 5
Like The Mad Men, r5 has been relatively inconsistent in both their scrims and matches, with an impressive win over AG in their first Invite game but two consecutive losses following. The roster has plenty of new talent hungry to prove themselves as the weeks go on but they’ll need to iron out some kinks if they want to win a LAN spot. duwatna regularly puts up big damage numbers and will be vital to pushes against HRG on snakewater, while downpour and the Australian yuki will have to contain the likes of shrugger, cyzer, and the dreaded Tagg-bomb. Ma3la and overseer seem to work well together and could lead successful pushes to throw the former LAN champs off their game.
Players to watch: yuki, Ma3la, duwatna

8. Solace eSports
The last team to complete their roster, Solace have the misfortune of playing some of the stronger teams towards the beginning of this season. They’ve had close scrims with more established teams in the past and certainly have room to improve on their teamwork as the weeks go on. Soldiers milo and Panic complement each other well and I could see Panic repeatedly killing medics in transitions between snakewater mid and second while milo denies any harm to his medic chimpfeet. Scouts Giffy and Bdonski have made impressive Invite debuts and will be key players to fragging the other team at mid fights as long as they can stay buffed. xalox has maintained a powerful presence in his matches so far while staying alive as often as chimpfeet. I think Solace will develop into more robust team as the season progresses, but the team will need to outmatch their competition in the coming weeks if they want to make LAN.
Players to watch: xalox, Bdonski, milo

posted about 10 years ago
#1 ESEA-I Season 14 Week 3 Power Rankings in TF2 General Discussion

I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes at ESEA News or articles but there's been a lack of content covering Invite so I thought I'd write a power rankings list. These are partially based off scrims and conjecture as well as matches completed so far. Are write-ups bland? Is my information off? Let me know.

The "players to watch" I chose are those whose performances I think will be important for their team to win on next week's map cp_snakewater.

1. High Rollers Gaming
Pretty hard to dispute last season's undefeated LAN champions as the current number one team, especially when they've been as strong as you’d expect in scrims and matches so far this season. Since they haven't changed their roster since last season I have a hard time coming up with much to say about these guys that hasn't been said already. This team has some of the best players of their respective classes and perhaps the best teamwork and "meshing" at the moment. It will be hard for anyone to contest them for the top spot but I could see some teams taking more rounds off them as the season progresses.
Players to watch: b4nny, shrugger/Ruwin, lansky

2. tri hards
tri hards boast an impressive roster with arguably the best overall “flank classes” in NA. The team has consistently good mid fights with tri using gunboats to team up with blaze for aggressive mids that apply heavy pressure allowing for boomer, clockwork, and dummy to mop up the enemy team. tri hards will likely look to wipe the enemy team and push to last as often as possible in their next few matches to shut down any resistance, especially against the previous champions HRG. If tri hards end up not winning their mids look for kbk to escape to last and call for creative and aggressive pushes to reclaim ground.
Players to watch: tri, kbk, clockwork

3. Apocalypse Gaming
AG has been up and down in scrims up to this point but proved themselves as a team to watch after their win over Classic Mixup on cp_badlands. A bit of a dark horse this season, AG has put together a solid lineup that allows its members’ strengths to shine. indust and rando play the uber game fantastically while sweater and Boink put out high damage without taking many heals. This season seems to be a breakout season for the scouts squider and Kapoww, who have been performing well in both scrims and matches. The teams’ loss to The Runaway 5 on process displays their vulnerabilities, however, but of any team I feel AG has the most room to adapt to their opponents as the season progresses.
Players to watch: rando, squider, indust

4. Classic Mixup
Last season’s runner-up, Classic Mixup contains some of the best and most experienced players in NA. The team has changed its roster and positions more than any other Invite team, however, and has struggled to find a groove to stomp the competition as they did in seasons past. Platinum and harbleu have returned to their soldier roots and do an effective job supporting their scouts, and I predict the heavy classes to be an integral part to the team’s success on cp_snakewater. Seagull on demoman and mason on medic will be of particular importance in Mixup’s match against Top Guns, where they’ll be subject to the relentless damage of Zbryan and grape at mid.
Players to watch: Platinum, enigma, Seagull

posted about 10 years ago
#9 Greatest Movies Of All Time(Opinion) in Off Topic

Pan's Labyrinth

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Class change bind in Customization
ControlopeTo preserve uber, you have to have the same medigun in loadout A and loadout B, with at least one of the other weapon slots different, and ’automatically respawn after loadout changes’ checked in advanced options.

I'm pretty sure this isn't allowed in leagues.

Also Dunderbro be aware when making a bind for this if you spawn to a class one of your teammates also forwardspawning plays (for example, you and a scout on your team want to take forwardspawn after your team caps middle and your script allows you to randomly go scout) you can mess up that person from switching back to their normal class. Kind of confusing but basically you should avoid changing to scout/demoman in a forwardspawn script and go pyro or spy like other users have posted so you don't screw anyone up.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 ESEA s14 Invite Gossip Thread in TF2 General Discussion

AG has been looking really good, I'd put them a bit higher than people are ranking them.

posted about 11 years ago
#20 YOUR ONE STOP GUIDE TO STEAMPIPE in TF2 General Discussion
VirulenceCan anyone verify if changes to their settings are saving properly? I need to increase the game audio (sound effects) from the settings menu each time I launch. It seems to reset each time I launch TF2. Enabling/disabling Steam Cloud doesn't fix it. I have had one other friend report he can't make TF2 save his sensitivity changes since the SteamPipe update either.

I want to try adding the volume command to my autoexec and see if it saves, but the only console command I can find that looks remotely related is snd_musicvolume, which doesn't seem related to sound effects.

If you moved your config files to custom look to see if you still have a config.cfg file here > Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\cfg and try editing that to the volume you want. From messing around with my config stuff having cfg folder files in custom AND tf seems to make it a little screwy. I had a similar issue to yours and moving everything to tf\cfg and deleting the cfg folder in custom\userstuff fixed it for me. Also make sure you don't have your config.cfg on read-only.
The command I think you're looking for is "volume" "number" btw

posted about 11 years ago
#10 My hud is fucked. Help. It's in the right folder. in Q/A Help

Custom content outside of the custom\userstuff folder doesn't do anything now afaik

posted about 11 years ago
#100 ESEA Invite S14 in TF2 General Discussion
bmanDoes anyone else think these polls are really unnecessary?
Killing why can't you just pick a team and avoid all of this brown-nosing and drama.

I'm curious why some teams are moved to invite immediately after forming (snooplicity in season 10, solace this season) while others have to compete in a popularity contest. If invite teams are at the discretion of admins why have the poll at all?
Also it's kind of pointless to complain about teams bribing or whatever since the whole thing is based on popularity anyway and has nothing to do with actual skill (give me money unf and I will vote for you).

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Swarth lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Smart player and a good teammate.

posted about 11 years ago
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