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Signed Up August 21, 2012
Last Posted December 25, 2016 at 2:12 AM
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#241 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

your fps seems kind of off David (I have an i7-4790k @ stock and even w/ dx9 I get higher fps w/ a crappier vid card.) Are you able to see the CPU core loading when it's running?

posted about 8 years ago
#64 This recent wave of "donation drives" in TF2 General Discussion

wow, depriving a childrens hospital of donations so you can buy yourself a laptop?...sociopath achievement unlocked

Hopefully they were exposed..

posted about 8 years ago
#18 So I was on Reddit today.... in TF2 General Discussion
DrPloxoI'm pretty sure the whole "aim with strafe" thing was popularized by yz50, so a technique from years ago. It's still very good against a lot of opponents, but I don't think that has ever been the exclusive technique for aiming. For new players of scout, it's a definite tool for them to improve their aim on scout, since they attune themselves to reacting to the crosshair being on the player at the faster speeds. But like, damn hildreth, that UGC kid really understands DM.

Aiming with strafing was already an established technique lonnnnnnng before TF2 even existed

posted about 8 years ago
#183 Overwatch Event Impressions in Other Games

But valve doesn't even have to throw their own money after TF2 - As an example the main dota2 prize pool is player contributed. Give players a little item or badge to profess their support and x% of the money goes into a prize pool for a competitive tournament. No need for them to even plunk down their own cash (in fact they will get even more). They need to do very little if they want to pursue that.

Competitive or casual, overwatch is a threat to their playerbase. If they have zero interest in expanding TF2 why are they bothering with matchmaking this late in the game?

posted about 8 years ago
#180 Overwatch Event Impressions in Other Games

Arx I think one thing you are discounting is assuming that valve would not respond to overwatch w/ prize pools of their own. There's no doubt in my mind if blizzard goes hard at competitive with large prize pools etc then Valve will respond w/ TF2 in the same way. I think the main reason they have not done that w/ TF2 is that there has been a disconnect between the competitive play and pub play. Matchmaking will finally bridge that divide between casual and competitive scenes which imo is a huge deal for their future support of the scene. Look at what they did w/ Dota to compete w/ LoL. They aren't just going to sit idly by and let blizzard take player share. :)

People SHOULD go to overwatch if it has more support in the competitive scene, even if they love TF2. If nothing else it forces Valve to up its support in kind. If Valve fails to respond then you picked the better option anyway.

posted about 8 years ago
#152 Overwatch Event Impressions in Other Games

overwatch adds concussion jumping from TFC before TF2? good game...can't wait to try this out.

posted about 8 years ago
#31 What are your old cringy videos? in TF2 General Discussion

Unfortunately I may have you all beat...It's really weird to find out that people have uploaded a frag video you made back in the YEAR 2000. I forget where we even hosted videos back then. It wasn't that great at the time, but it has not aged well, to say the least, lol. It's got everything you could ask for in a cringy video. Phaser you managed to be in the killstream on this, hope that makes you feel old too buddy :P

You're welcome:

posted about 8 years ago
#45 team name suggestions in TF2 General Discussion

Prestige Worldwide

posted about 8 years ago
#29 New PC Build in Hardware
Setsul1. Irrelevant for the 6700K. Base clock from 100 to 105MHz and the 200MHz advantage is gone.
2. Spending 100$ to get 50$ higher resale value..

Yeah that would be nice if they bump up the non-K sku's this round.
Do those components offer you no other benefit during use? Is it really 100$?

3. It's fairly simple. 350$ for cheaper CPU + non-oc mobo vs 500$ or more for high end K CPU + oc mobo + cooler.
Upgrading every 3-3.5 years vs upgrading every 5 years.

There really doesn't need to be a huge premium to getting a K processor:
i.e. I spent 100 bucks for my z97 motherboard and about 20 bucks for my cooler....and I maintain the ability to OC should I desire to...and there is not a zero sum value difference in the processor and features of the motherboard that I get use out of in those years. Helps if you have a microcenter nearby though.

posted about 8 years ago
#17 New PC Build in Hardware
If you're not going to overclock there's no reason for a K version.

I don't necessarily agree- there's some reasons I would still consider it:

  • you get a higher base clock/turbo on i7-4790k/i7-6700k as its practically pre-overclocked for're likely not achieving that with any non-k models
  • There is a bigger resale market for the processor if its a K version, and if paired with a Z series motherboard its going to be even easier sell as a combo.
  • Most importantly you maintain the option to OC down the road if you start to be CPU constrained and want to give it a shot (its extremely easy to OC nowadays). When most people say they aren't going to OC it means they are intimidated by the process. As an example I didn't OC my e6600 until 5 years after I had used it (it was beginning to be a large constraint)...but I was able to squeeze another year and a half out of it by tinkering. Now I'm using i7-4790k and not currently overclocking, but have that option open.
posted about 8 years ago
#27 dota 2 reborn in Other Games
hookykirbytf2 when? :(Pretty sure the TF2 team said something about a Source 2 port not happening anytime soon.

Hope they at least give us that new version of Hammer relatively soon too, especially since we finally got the maps workshop we've always wanted.

The new version of source engine does not seem to use BSP brushes to construct the basic geometry of the level- instead they use meshes from what I've seen. You can actually use the new hammer (it's under dota2 beta) to start making any new map geometry you want but whatever you make is not going to be backwards compatible with the current source engine. I'm not sure how they're gonna transition maps to source2...that's probably the most painful part. dota2 is an easy candidate to move to source2 first because there's really no bsp maps to worry about.

posted about 8 years ago
#215 ESEA Client Update - Always On??? in TF2 General Discussion

Geez, comp TF2 sounds like a battered wife who just can't leave their abuser..

"can't find a better mannnnnnnnnnn" :(

posted about 9 years ago
#7 TIL: TF started with standart 6s classes. in TF2 General Discussion

more useless TF history facts: TFC was played 9v9 (5 defense, 4 offense) in north american leagues (10v10 for the map canalzone). It wasn't uncommon to have an active roster of 15+ people. Comparing to the norm today that seems was always interesting managing all of those personalities. The nice thing is you could actually have a 'full' scrimmage against your own team to try out your strats. You basically had a separate offensive team and a defensive team within your clan.

TF2: 6v6 pretty quickly won out as the competitive format of choice and the first tourney debuted 6v6. All of the jostling for format was basically hashed out in IRC by teams finding scrimmages prior to any league/tournament even being run...8v8 and 6v6 being the largest contingents. 6's gained momentum pretty quickly for finding scrims and the first competitive tourney was in that format (I seem to recall the decision being 'finalized' by a poll...I wanted 8v8 but it was clear 6v6 was going to win by that point...just harder to get 8v8 scrims and people were concerned about the whole LAN thing/sponsorships.) During the jostling time a lot of the initial class limits were also being worked out for competitive...I think initially the limit was just 2 per class and we quickly found out playing against 2 medics was less than fun...and vs 2 demomen likewise not fun.

Even though 6's won out there were 8v8 leagues that ran for probably the first 4-5 years of TF2? If not longer? I dunno I played in one of them for a while. It was definitely more casual, I'm sure most people still playing remember their existence better than I.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 tfc 2015 - team fortress classic done by lat in Other Games

sad lat, only a few airshots on me

posted about 9 years ago
#472 PC Build Thread in Hardware

are there any components that he is carrying over to this new build? i.e. monitor, keyboard, OS, etc

posted about 9 years ago
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