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Last Posted June 8, 2024 at 12:50 PM
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#174 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
-snowI think if rose's team won their match they wouldn't have reported youngman


posted 2 months ago
#171 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Roseluckhi, this is rose, genuinely a schizo

I’m going to bed a winner their is no point in continuing this, I refer to anybody as brother after being around people. Not to mention the fact that u submitted invalid evidence that contradicted RGL’s own rules. I’m not proud of anything I did but you were the one who kept provoking me at every single turn you got the reaction you wanted and I paid the price. RGL word could mean anything it is up to your interpretation I just put that their to be funny but if you wanna think it’s a slur that’s on you even though I have literally stated time and time again I don’t use slurs at all. Also I literally posted in match comms,”GGS sorry .” Everything that was brought up I have literally already addressed earlier reading is a great skill to have good night! Also the MALCORD screenshots some of it is taken out of context for your points to look good the pill literally says something else right after. You have quite the nerve to call someone bad who lost 5-2, season is over, and played shit in the match. THE RGL Word for those wondering was losers,boosted,boosted rgl wasn’t a fond of me calling people that when I started flaming them. You only accepted liaaammm right after the admins said he was allowed? A lot of things in your post aren’t adding up. You are contradicting your own self from what sushi told me. This is not me defending my remarks at all. Everything I said was wrong and shouldn’t had been said at all. Enough of this.

posted 2 months ago
#168 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Young Man without the Young Man

posted 2 months ago
#8 ban the lochnload next szn in TF2 General Discussion
chunkywigglesPlease it's too good and completely changes what demo can do. Idk I remember rgl post season surveys asking what weapons should be banned but I guess they just stopped doing this

Yes bro I have to avoid cross map pipes.

posted 2 months ago
#166 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
subhumanPrime-SanityOne of them was because of I made a cheater thread they said it was because it incited a hate mob or something stupid like that when I had the whole kiwi gang dming me slurs and telling me to kys. My original plan was to have this one appealed due to it just informing the public but I can't appeal anything rn.there's a second one that's a lot more recent, that's the one that got you. if it was only the one from 2021 they probably wouldn't have cared as much.

I apologize but I genuinely do not know what the 2nd one is for I will edit this post when I find out I'll do some digging.

posted 2 months ago
#164 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
subhumanafter doing 2 seconds of research the admins dont seem to have time dilation abilities (yet) but i suspect this is what they mean by "warning" in the rulebook and its probably why they banned you

One of them was because of I made a cheater thread they said it was because it incited a hate mob or something stupid like that when I had the whole kiwi gang dming me slurs and telling me to kys. My original plan was to have this one appealed due to it just informing the public but I can't appeal anything rn.

posted 2 months ago
#159 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
subhumanPrime-SanityI just received confirmation that the evidence that was sent in WAS TWITCH CLIPS AND PRIVATE DMS, and apparently some part of the 6s Main TL chat that I was already warned about so I don't know/think that can be used.
i dont mean to be rude nor do i care if you stay banned but at least finish reading the paragraph man

I did stop that was after I beat rose. they warned me and I stopped. I did not expect a ban to follow I am going to be completely honest I let the dead horse alone and didn't poke it any further. Worst I would do is joking send rose a dm to 1v1 in pokemon showdown or something else.

posted 2 months ago
#153 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Fuck this game, fuck the league(respectfully). I just received confirmation that the evidence that was sent in WAS TWITCH CLIPS AND PRIVATE DMS, and apparently some part of the 6s Main TL chat that I was already warned about so I don't know/think that can be used. I am lost for words. My season might end tonight because of a potential false ban.
Let me remind you that this literally contradicts RGL's own rules btw. My appeal got denied btw its joever.
Really love the contradiction in rgl rules alot gotta love it.
Watch out you guys can be banned for private dm's!


posted 2 months ago
#152 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
RhythmIdk the full story, so take it with a pinch of salt, but if what youngman says is true- that is, he was being fucked with on his stream, receiving toxic comments, or otherwise having some negative interactions with rose, is the same scrutiny being given to their comments? I think there is also definitely merit to the rule youngman referenced. It specifically mentions twitch being one of the locations that rgl claims they "don't believe it is fair to police the words..." in.

I still don’t know like the reason I was banned. If it’s because of DMs or a twitch clip then it contradicts RGL’s own rules. If it is because of pregame chat then I don’t know it’s not stated in the rules what the grounds are on that. Not to mention the fact that on the logs itself there is nothing that was said except for my annoying ass MLB Player bind. Either way what I did was wrong no doubt about it but the main question is was it ban worthy based on RGL rules. RGL admins have closed my ticket where I held most of my points and have refused to tell me what exactly I did that I got me banned. Wish the admins banned me sooner so the VOD would had been still up. But the ban was given to me extremely late and at the worst possible time talk about karma. The communication has continued to be horrendous as always despite how much we ask for RGL to communicate better it’s like talking to a brick wall(I know I shouldn't be the one saying this).

Thanks to Blitztank and TA5K for helping me understand everything I was able to due while banned and helping my team out.

posted 2 months ago
#151 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
brodycan i be honest as well why are u denying liamm in main

This is most likely to get our team angrier. My team didn’t realize it at the time but we are the better team compared to them. That may be why they were being really stingy with the ringers. My best bet is that they did it to continue to tilt me and my team. This is sortve confirmed by liaaammm’s DMs with rose and the fact that rose and her team were in my chat saying to let crump or Sy sub in both who were out of town and about 30-40 minutes away from home and then by them saying that their team would wait. It was only after the 40 minutes and admin intervention that we were allowed to play with liaaammm.;

posted 2 months ago
#146 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
subhumanyoung man making it into playoffs via a cheater getting banned and then immediately getting banned for transphobia is the funniest timeline possible

Thats what Im mainly upset about. Team worked really hard didn't make it but due to some circumstances we made it and Im about to cost my team their chance at a deep losers run in playoffs because I cant keep my mouth shut or keep my emotions in check. I am my own worst enemy.

posted 2 months ago
#4 I Miss The News : ( in TF2 General Discussion
GrapeJuiceIIII miss logging on to this website and seeing new articles about upcoming seasons, playoffs previews, roster updates, LANs, community events, etc. across the world. I know everything in this community is volunteer-centric, and we have suffered a tragic loss here in the NA scene (rest in peace, ire), but man these pieces genuinely helped keep me in the loop of what was going on around the world of TF2 while they were still frequently being written.

I know nobody can really force anybody to do it but if you like writing and think it might be neat to try I urge you to give it a shot because I think this sorta stuff has a direct impact on the viewing experience via creating storylines for these teams as well as keeping the broader community at large in the know about whos on what team both in and out of their regions.

I tried this got downvoted into oblivion so it made me not want to pursue improving it. Reputation prevents me from applying to any tftv or RGL position. I do love to write but I hold my self back.

posted 2 months ago
#144 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
PontPrime-Sanity their is only one instanceoh so you do know how to correctly use pronouns

Public school education!

posted 2 months ago
#140 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Wild_Rumpusim sure its just that clip and not the multiple times of calling people "Her" and a failed man all over a ringer dispute

Multiple times? Brother what? pretty sure there is only one instance

posted 2 months ago
#134 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Idk why Im banned possibly because of a clip but...
Clip in question
Trust me I am well aware I should not had said this it was extremely wrong. Rose just kept making me angrier and angrier they were watching the stream waiting for me to slip up lol.
I see nothing transphobic do you?

posted 2 months ago
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