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Signed Up July 7, 2018
Last Posted August 6, 2022 at 8:41 AM
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#576 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization
masterTF2 what hud is that?


posted about 3 years ago
#2062 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
scratchh You're welcome

posted about 3 years ago
#53 vabeHUD in Customization

Vabe Hud\materials\vgui\replay\thumbnails\loading_custom.vtf (and the .vmt)

posted about 3 years ago
#6395 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
gaschlongWhich files are used to edit these MvM aspects?
(missing bomb compass icon and those two red and blue lines)


(tournament player ready/not ready class icons and buttons blocking the wave information)


(scoreboard credit panel being white)


Just verify you have the materials files, the correct border and font in clientsheme.res

posted about 3 years ago
#6390 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
shinsoHey, what should I edit to remove this trapeze shaped background thingy

in hudmatchstatus.res, it's called RoundCounter

posted about 3 years ago
#6387 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
Loltrollhow do I change the size of ammo and health

resource/ui/huplayerhealth.res PlayerStatusHealthValue change the "font" value


from this
"font" "HudFontGiantBold"
to this
"font" "HudFontMediumBigBold"

may need to change xpos and ypos

same for hudammoweapons.res

check clientscheme.res (font section) for the font name and size

posted about 3 years ago
#6386 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
ZenithvoxThis may not be short but it involves copying files so I'll shoot my shot

I'm looking into using Sunsethud but don't like how the home screen, backpack screen, and all that look. I would like to replace that with Budhud's as I like how that looks. I'm not sure how many / which files I would need to transfer over, as when I do mainmenuoverride and the gamemenu.res (or whatever it's called) my game just crashes

yes it's pretty long, you have to check what font and color are used in the menu,loadout,...
Btw in budhud the files are in three differents location resource/ui, _budhud/resource/ui, _tf2hud/resource/ui

First he's using a custom font so you need to copy Lato-Semibold.ttf (located in budhud/resource/fonts) and paste it to sunsetdark\resource\scheme\fonts

You also need to define the font in sunset clientsheme, the base method is used so it is located somewhere else so go to sunsetdark\resource\scheme\Fonts.res at the end of it copy and paste this :

"12" // budhud Font
			"font"	"resource/scheme/fonts/Lato-Semibold.ttf"
			"name"	"Lato Semibold"

now you can use lato in sunset hud.

an example in budhud-master\_budhud\resource\ui\mainmenuoverride.res:

		"pin_to_sibling" 		"bh_CenterNav"
		"pin_corner_to_sibling" 	"PIN_TOPCENTER"
		"pin_to_sibling_corner"       "PIN_TOPCENTER"

		"ControlName"	"CExImageButton"
		"fieldName"	"bh_AdvOptions"
		"labelText"	"#bh_AdvOptions"
		"font"		"bh_Font20"

		"xpos"	"0"
		"ypos"	"-90"
		"wide"	"250"
		"tall"		"30"
		"textAlignment"		"center"			

		"defaultFgColor_override" 	"bh_menu_foreground2"
		"armedFgColor_override" 	"bh_menu_background2"
		"paintbackground"		"0"
		"Command"		"opentf2options"

		"sound_depressed"	"UI/buttonclick.wav"
		"sound_released"	"UI/buttonclickrelease.wav"

the font used here is bh_Font20 so go to budhud\resource\fonts\bh_lato search the font

				"name"		"Lato Semibold"
				"tall"			"20"
				"weight"	        "500"
				"antialias"		"1"
				"dropshadow"	"0"
				"outline"		"0"

copy and paste it in sunsetdark\resource\scheme\Fonts.res before CustomFontFiles

				"name"	"Renogare Soft"
				"tall"		"30"
				"weight"	"400"
				"additive"	"0"
				"antialias" "1"
                //paste it here

         } //before this


Now the color, bh_menu_foreground2 and bh_menu_background2 are located in budhud\#customization\_enabled\bh_colors.res
search copy and paste them to sunsetdark\resource\scheme\Colors.res

You also need to copy Chat_English.txt because he's using custom labeltext

Alternatively you can copy every font with bh_Font suffix and every color with bh_ suffix

You need the custom materials ,materials\console copy and paste this folder to sunset\materials for the background

The custom icons budhud\materials\vgui\replay\thumbnails\menu_icons paste it to sunset\materials\vgui\replay\thumbnails\

posted about 3 years ago
#3 a hand with my config in Customization

i recommand you to take a look at mastercomfig, go to the advanced files and download the zip package. Open it and go to presets/(choose a preset)/cfg/comfig/comfig.cfg then search alias shadows_high, do that with wathever you want too

posted about 3 years ago
#6379 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

my bad

posted about 3 years ago
#6377 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
yottyIs there a way to remove the neon icon above capture points, Ive seen the icon customized at lans or special events and I was just wondering if theres a way you could remove it entirely

you mean this?

if so go to controlpointprogressbar.res change xpos and ypos values to 9999 (you can remove the xpos_minmode and ypos_minmode)

for the following: ProgressBar, Teardrop, TeardropSide, ProgressText, Blocked

posted about 3 years ago
#548 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization

Anyone know what hud this is?

posted about 4 years ago
#543 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization
rainsoulWhat is this match status on the first clip?

Also I remember a thread with custom match status for m0re hud, can anyone please link it? ,that one?

posted about 4 years ago
#541 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization

posted about 4 years ago
#6373 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
DlauckOn my hud I want to edit the damage numbers to appear without the minus, I think I have to edit the font.ttf.
anyone know what font editors to use for it

font forge, really easy to use:

posted about 4 years ago
#6369 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
bijlolanyone good with tf2 huds on linux? how do i get these fat fonts for damagenumbers, player health, and timer?
see fonts here:

go to pvhud clientsheme.res, search the following:

DefaultLargerShadow (damage numbers)
HudFontHUGE (player health)
DefaultLarge (timer)

copy and paste them to your clientscheme in the font section

posted about 4 years ago
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