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Last Posted May 4, 2024 at 11:33 AM
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#7 RGL S8 Invite Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
SeniorsodaHOLY SHIT!!
Show Content
10/10 bait, good one
posted about 2 years ago
#17 define “generations” of TF2 players in TF2 General Discussion

if anyone doesn't know who ronald jenkees is:

posted about 2 years ago
#13 juha lft adv in Recruitment (looking for team)

It's been probably a year since I played with juha but if he's fixed his mental game since then he'd be a great pickup. When he gets beam and has confidence he steamrolls other teams almost singlehandedly.

posted about 2 years ago
#6 EDITOR CALL for "hundred." in Videos

This project sounds dope and definitely has me interested!

I do have some concerns about demos from older players being all broken or lost to time, it'd be hard to maintain a consistent stylized theme for a section if, for example, for one of the players the only surviving footage is a 720p fragvid they made in 2009, for example.

I don't know the exact details and timing but I do know that several updates in TF2's history have broken most/all demos from the past. Beater may be the best person to consult with on what is viable in that regard. I don't seem to see any demos from before ESEA S10 in the resources Beater linked above, for example.

posted about 2 years ago
#3 Divisionwide Fragmovie - RGL Main 6s S5 in Videos

bump because I finally got things working, see edited OP for link to watch!

fuck adobe products btw

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Divisionwide Fragmovie - RGL Main 6s S5 in Videos

After 8 months of on and off work, it's finally here.

This fragmovie covers the entire Main division of play across a whole season and postseason and as such it is nearly 13 minutes in length. RGL Main 6s Season 5 was an extremely competitive season and a blast to participate in, so I hope I've helped capture some of that competitiveness of play.

This is by far the most time I've ever spent on a single TF2 fragmovie and I truly appreciate the patience of all the players featured. I'd like to give special shoutouts to fanta_addiction for giving me a curated list of demos from FRESH INSTALLS: BLACK that they were originally going to make a FRESH INSTALLS team fragmovie out of for that season instead, as well as jayytee and je'mond for helping get the word out about the initial democall.

Overall, I think the movie has turned out excellent and I'm really excited to finally share this with everyone! There's a lot more I could say about the process and the development of this video but for now it's best I get to the point -

My PC beefed the the final render I had running overnight so I've had to restart that, but I'm still hoping to be able to bring it to everyone at 10 EST tonight, Thursday the 23rd.

I've set up a premiere at 2:30 EST today, the 24th you can watch it then or afterwards at this link:

P.S. This is in no way an "official" RGL video, just to make that clear.

posted about 2 years ago
#3 Democall: Main 6s RGL S5 in Videos

Bumping this to get the word out that, barring any "act of god" level catastrophe, I'm putting the finishing touches on the fragmovie and will be premiering it on my YouTube channel in about 48 hours from the time of this post. I'll get a proper new thread up w/link once I make sure everything is in order with the render, titles, and other polish I'm adding.

posted about 2 years ago
#51 favourite fragmovies ? in Videos
I always find myself coming back to this one, it's just so...comforting, in a way. I can't really explain why.

posted about 2 years ago
#3 The final guide to custom skybox textures (lawena) in Customization

thespikedballofdoom is the most knowledgeable person I know about the technical side of making high quality TF2 fragmovies, mad respect to them for putting together this really comprehensive guide!

I've really benefitted from their work a lot when putting together my own stuff, super glad to see this knowledge is now out there in a concise, organized, and easily accessible form.

posted about 2 years ago
#5 Guidelines: Writing a TFTV Post that is Successful in Q/A Help
grammyNever edit your posts after posting them. This demonstrates beta mentality.grammyedited 52 minutes ago

uh oh...

posted about 2 years ago
#4 Process Mid - Attitude for Sides? in TF2 General Discussion

I think it's simplifying too much to say that one direction is *always* passive and one *always* aggressive since a lot of the aggression part of it depends on if the opposing team is actually gonna meet you there, which is usually a coin flip. If your team is struggling I'd consider getting more granular with your mid strategies.

"We're going left, we're going to take their crate aggressively and fight for it if they meet us, we play passive if they don't meet us"
"We're going left, we're going to take their crate aggressively and fight for it if they meet us, if they don't meet us we'll high bomb our roamer, rotate back to the right and take a fight with them near our sewer."

Also worth considering, from a demoman POV: if their roamer fast rolls out a lot it makes aggressive left mids much harder since they can easily just land on their team's crate, deny your demo your pack, which gives their team a lot of control over that side. Obviously this is a good thing for your roamer to do often if you like playing right side passively since this one move denies a lot of potential aggression from the other team on that side early on.

posted about 2 years ago
#40 PGL Major Stockholm 2021 in CS2 General Discussion

It's really incredible how an otherwise innocuous image can carry so much pain in it lol

between that and the 1 in 1,000 spam kill this was the most memorable round of CS I've watched in quite a while, and a great match overall. Really happy that majors are back

(full context: )

posted about 2 years ago
#15 | Comp Pickup Games★ DEBUT Oct 1st! in Projects

Seems like you're leaning very heavily on having a competent admin available to run PUGs when people want to play - I'll definitely give this a shot at some point though

posted about 2 years ago
#94 High Speed Rail in America in Off Topic

I visited Sydney when studying abroad and their public transport system blows everything in the US out of the water. I could walk 2 minutes from my apartment to the nearest train station, take a 20 minute train ride to downtown, and either walk or take a bus 1 mile to my school. Their bus system is still kinda shit honestly but it nevertheless made me upset that public transport is so awful here. Like, my city's bus system is on par with Sydney's and that's considered "good" lol. I geniunely don't think Americans who haven't visited a city like Sydney can even imagine a place where you don't actually need a car to get to 95% of places in a timely manner.

posted about 2 years ago
#3 old snakewater version download in Videos
TailorTFif we're recording snakewater clips then do we just replace the old snakewater map in the maps folder with this?

yea, rename the current version to something you'll remember and put the old version (the one linked above) in your maps folder. The game will just read whatever map file is called cp_snakewater_final1 as the version it runs when it plays the demo.

posted about 2 years ago
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