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Signed Up August 21, 2013
Last Posted December 21, 2016 at 5:06 PM
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#5 i58 UF: froyotech vs. Crowns eSports Club in Matches

Wait did froyo pick gully? Crown's best map?

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Planning Ultiduo map in Map Discussion

The original koth_ultiduo creates a dynamic around the point vs height advantage. Baloo has no such dynamic, there is only "take the nipple, hold the nipple", where there's nothing to do but jump, counter jump and attempt airshots / shotgun deny. Creating a map with such a dynamic would be appreciated more than another baloo mge map.

Actually baloo itself would probably be improved if you had to stand near the edge to cap, so you could be spammed off it.

posted about 7 years ago
#27 i58 UBR2: Jasmine Tea vs. froyotech in Matches
mousiopeare they playing on lan servers now ?

Apparently yes, mostly online yesterday, but since last night, all LAN now.

posted about 7 years ago
#19 i58 UBR1: froyotech vs. XENEX in Matches

So are xenex down to lower bracket, or are they out?

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Ways to discourage stalemating in 5cp in TF2 General Discussion
unskilledwhat if 6s had something similar to koth's timer?
so controlling mid starts your team's timer
then there would be 2 ways to win the game, capping the other team's last, and running down your clock
i think it'd be good to make the timer reset to the starting time whenever a team caps mid, so it'd go back to say, 5 minutes if you recapped mid even if your team held mid for a few minutes prior

Get mid, camp mid. Doesn't fix the problem of the winning team not wanting to push.

Edit: So basically, it may as well be a KOTH map.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Ways to discourage stalemating in 5cp in TF2 General Discussion

After 4-ish minutes, start increasing one of the team's spawn times. Means slight advantages have more chance to turn into large advantages, and creates pressure for one of the teams to not be in that situation.

Though honestly I'm starting to wonder if this was ever a problem before Crowns/nL.

Edit: I mean, good map design, but there's a limit to how much you can do when you have a team that just doesn't want to push much.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 i58 Invite Group R4: Full Tilt vs. Crowns eSports Club in Matches

crowns will take the first round after a wipe, then next round, it'll be a mid-2nd stalemate for 15 minutes, then again on second-last for 10 :(

posted about 7 years ago
#20 stefan needs your help #i58 in LAN Discussion

Why doesn't he just get a bigger case...?

posted about 7 years ago
#15 Warhuryeah rant? in TF2 General Discussion
dizastavalve doesn't give a single fuck about the community, hasn't this been seen many times enough?

tf2 is just a fountain of money for them

Just because all these are things we know and just because it's old news, doesn't change how bad that this is the way things are.

posted about 7 years ago
#9 koth_avalanche in Map Discussion

Not to drag this off topic, but if it was just the particles and/or weather effects, why was viaduct converted from snow to grass?

posted about 7 years ago
#11 Valve limiting coaches in CS in CS2 General Discussion

Why on earth would they not be allowed to talk to the coach between rounds/round-start freeze-time?

posted about 7 years ago
#18 Gamemode opinions? in Map Discussion

Just a thought but, why do we count 5cp map wins, not round wins? Is it just left over when some maps in the map pools could only really be played for map win?

posted about 7 years ago
#12 Defuse-like-gamemode? Best of A/D and 5cp? in TF2 General Discussion

Right so I have an example map in the works, not for proper gameplay testing but more a proof of concept, but half the map has is 1 unit off the grid for some reason, and so most of the walls have a gap at the top or bottom and nothing's properly or obviously misaligned.

Frustration with hammer, laziness, plus this discussion is making me think "why don't we just steadily increase one team's spawn times (lets say the team that owns mid) after 30 seconds have past since the last cap cap?"

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Defuse-like-gamemode? Best of A/D and 5cp? in TF2 General Discussion
DamnEasyWouldnt people just play with heavy and sentry and keep defending one point? You cant actually win by capping as red right? So what is the point in taking back a point, just find the best point to hold in the map and just hold that point for the rest of the game? Or am i not getting this right :D

Yeah hopefully the maps don't lets that happen. For a start, if you camp cp4, then next round, Blue gets a full 5 minutes to attack just 1 CP. The incentive for Red to re-cap CPs is to give Blue a tougher time both for the rest of the current round and the next round. Also as I said, spawn points are far back from the active CPs, like in 5cp, unlike on Gpit, making it hard to get an engie or heavy there in time to do anything.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Defuse-like-gamemode? Best of A/D and 5cp? in TF2 General Discussion
WRIf I understood everything right then this gamemode requires a map with multiple cap points, who are all symmetrical since there is a possibility for midfights around every point. I think that might be very hard to pull off as it's not about making the map symmetrical but rather the points and the transitions between points.

No only cp1 would have the old symmetrical-ish mid-fight, and even then only so players have something familiar. The other CPs need not even have a "mid-fight" should the round start there, and there's no reason for the initial engagement to be even. I actually wish there were a way of granting Red a round win when the time hits 0, and then adding 5 minutes and leting teams carry on without having to respawn (which breaks up the action that doesn't really have to because nothing is being reset).

nopeThere are reasons that you can't backcap in A/D. It's hard to commit to an attack when you also have to defend your previous point. This gamemode seems like it would just buff defending even more, because Red team has the choice to either sit back and defend, or if the other team overcommits, send someone behind to backcap.

This idea also has shades of territorial control in it, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's quite complex and would probably be much harder for newer players/viewers to understand than 5cp or koth.

Teams have no trouble attacking in 5cp, and points would be designed (hopefully) to discourage Red from camping up, by spawning them far back from the current point which encourages mobility classes. Also points would be designed to be easier to assail, like they are in 5cp, than they generally are in A/D.

Also how many rounds would it take to go "oh, so it's just A/D, oh, but Blue keep their progress"

posted about 7 years ago
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