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Last Posted January 5, 2024 at 6:55 PM
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#13 etf2l season 38 in TF2 General Discussion
twiikuuAny reflections on the plugins? Interested to hear

We will be taking the time after the end of S37 to further discuss the direction we take with the plugins in the future. More communication to follow.

counouETF2L clearly demonstrating their lack of faith of any lans happening in 2021 either. Which is fair.

For the schedule we have put out now we've assumed Copenhagen Games isnt happenning. If by any chance it were to happen we can always adjust the schedule to fit around it

posted about 3 years ago
#327 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic
batemanreally happy for perez but Im gutted for russell, dont think Ive ever felt this bad for a driver since Massa Brazil 2008

Yeah that sums up the day pretty well. Praying for no post race penalty for George

posted about 3 years ago
#323 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

This can't be real

posted about 3 years ago
#321 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

Merc just took a page out of ferrari's book

posted about 3 years ago
#275 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

As Sainz said, luckily no car was horizontal over the track at that point or it would have been really nasty

posted about 3 years ago
#272 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

Was expecting a dull race here as well. 4 corners raced, 6 cars out is far from what I saw happening

posted about 3 years ago
#245 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic
MrSmithers96hulks a beast but 4 times world champions dont forget how to drive overnight. somethings not right over there

I agree, besides his car being mediocre at best currently there clearly is something wrong mentally for Seb

posted about 3 years ago
#240 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

The hulk in P3 big Pog

posted about 3 years ago
#203 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic
Twiggynot sure about vods but live feeds can be found in various places, including here :

I don't even know if you can buy a subscription from F1 directly, I guess this would go against their deals with local TV channels?

In multiple European countries, including Belgium where I live, you can get F1TV Pro directly from the F1 website. It's a subscription based service that allows you to watch all races live, including F2 and Porsche super cups. Also gives you access to a various range of other channels and live data.

You probably won't be able to buy it in the US as ESPN holds the broadcasting rights.

posted about 3 years ago
#182 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

The 2020 season was worth the wait so far

posted about 3 years ago
#16 etf2l admins in TF2 General Discussion

Let me start this response of by saying I'm disappointed that you didn't even take the time to await a response on your latest response in the admin request. Furthermore, you didn't present all the evidence you present in this thread as I will point out below. I'm always open to discuss further but this is not the way to go about it.

jorskiMe and the boys were mixing once again, searching games through etf2l discord and found these fine gentleman

The first whom name is visible on the first screenshot and the latter (most likely an alt account) decided to greet us with the message on the second screenshot (the third screenshot just because i dont want to be hit by the admins with "but the changed the name already everything is fine xd)

The response from the admin team was fairly unexpected from older reports about matters such as these

You provided none of the Imgur screenshots in your initial report, nor did you mention you found the game through our discord. You didn't mention that you found the game on our discord server until your first response to my initial response at 14:45. I wasn't home at the time and I guess since I didn't respond within 5 minutes a public post had to be made.

Jedi(fla)master got banned on etf2l for posting a video regarding BlueBunny for a lifetime or until the video was taking off the platform, once again this wasnt on etf2l but rather on youtube, that being out of etf2l scope.

This is incorrect. He asked us whether he would be punished if he reuploaded a video for which another player got a warning initially. The obvious response here was yes, he proceeded to re-upload the video either way and the rest is history.

jorskiIn the second fresh meat cup a team who had an admin at the time decided to play with these names because their opponents were named Niger gaming. Their punishment was a major warning (meaningless in the playoffs stage because the team hadn't taken any other warnings on the season) and a map pick disadvantage on the next round on the playoffs.

I admit we could have dealt with this case in a more suiting way. As opposed to common believe we are not to proud to admit mistakes another example of which is the case below.

jorskiThe last case that comes to my mind is RRR aka littlenyar getting banned for initially 4 years, shortened down to entirety of 2020, for posting a negative comment about a league admin who had recently passed away.

A negative comment is grossly understating what happened, both nyar and the admin team have talked about this in private and sorted it out.

As an ending note I'll state I'm more than happy to continue this further in the admin request you made but the false information being spread here really warranted a public response.

posted about 3 years ago
#13 ETF2L SEASON 36 WHO WILL TIERS? in TF2 General Discussion

There is a reason they are called provisional tiers :)

posted about 3 years ago
#22 ETF2L and the Fresh Meat Challenge #2 in TF2 General Discussion
MatZerThey said they checked every team's profile the day before the competition to ensure every overexperienced player was kicked from the competition. Obviously, when we discovered that, we were pretty pissed, but also we were expecting another default win.

We did check all teams for players with previous experience, most of this was done using a script since going over all teams manually would take a ton of time. Only ESEA experience had to be checked manually for people with an ESEA account, as their site is web scraping proof via ReCaptcha (I even got banned temporarily for doing to many searches on their site). Defaulting every game he played in this cup is simply not feasible as a big part of the cup would have to be replayed.

MatZerThe player got kicked from the team, however, the team was still in the tournament, and we were not given the win.Its weird that the winning team is the the one with biggest number of alt accounts/cheaters/overexpirienced players.Fixing everything after the event ends is pointless...

The team didn't break any rules concerning the use of alts nor did they break the skill ceiling rules. Therefore there was no reason to remove them from the competition.

-stanAlso the guy got kicked before the match with an admin in the enemy team
enemy team with proky, and etf2l admin -
the team that got their player kicked by aleskee, another etf2l admin whos a friend with both proky and austinn -
really makes you wonder doesn't it

The player was reported to us by a player and not an admin. Even if proky would have a biased opinion on the matter the rest of the admin team was unanimous about the decision. AlesKee just carried out the decision, it could have been any other admin if they were online at the time.

DuMmTmAdmin team btw

They got punished for this, not sure what you are implying here.

posted about 5 years ago
#21 ETF2L and the Fresh Meat Challenge #2 in TF2 General Discussion

Right, I'll go over this one point at a time. This has already been thoroughly explained in our discord, but I'll go over it again.

MatZerIn the round of 16 in play-offs, we faced off against a Ukrainian team named [ՈoᗯЛаЯ ᗰOлЛИ]( We ended up losing the 2 maps, but the enemy team had a suspicious player in their roster. [Match link]( They had a private profile and were singlehandedly carrying the team to victory. We decided to report it to ETF2L admins, after which they banned him for being over experienced and gave us a default win, thus advancing us to the quarter finals. We were obviously pretty happy about that and we thought it was just an isolated incident.

This is completly irrelevant to the case at hand. Futhermore, I don't believe we have ever banned a whole team from a competition when we caught one of their players cheating. Unless there is obvious proof the team was aware of the player in question cheating.

MatZerIn the match we played against that team, they played with a guy named nicoapkm. So what's wrong with this player? He had UGC Platinum experience. - nicoapkm UGC record , he was playing plat games for example - .Since this is a competition for newer players, using a platinum player in a match is obviously forbidden. Again, the player was rostered, it wasn't a merc. How did the admins even let them be in the team in the first place?

The player in question (Nico, does indeed have UGC experience. However, UGC SA doesn't have any skill tiers. Trying transfer the skill from this division to our system is nearly impossible as there is no indication of how good these teams are. That being said, he did win or place near the top of the board a couple of times on top of having multiple seaosn under his belt. On top of that UGC doesn't count matches and thus it is impossible to do a total match count like we did for ETF2L players.

He did however not break the skill limitations set by us for this cup. This is a mistake from our part, we should have anticipated for South American and further for Australian players. Once it was brought to our attention that this player was playing in the cup we removed him from the roster as he clearly didn't embody what this cup is about.

posted about 5 years ago
#4 You have successfully voted for: GrumpyKoi in TF2 General Discussion

He was all over discord with his MAY puns. Someone stop this man

posted about 5 years ago
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