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Last Posted March 23, 2016 at 2:16 PM
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#120 Highlander pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion
XplayerThis means that using the stock in most situations, which is often the best option anyway, will likely become the most common playstyle.

I would hope that given the interest the TF2 team has expressed in balancing items, that if the stock weapons are becoming clear favorites in the system, that other alternatives will receive buffs of some manner and hence encourage players to keep at least a few extra weapons.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 there WILL be a Fully Charged tonight -- however.. in TF2 General Discussion

I think it would be neat if some other plat UGC HL players would join and give their input. I know Ruwin has been quite active in the discussion- He would be a great person to have as well. Or perhaps Vhalin, founder of the Black Box strat. himself.

posted about 10 years ago
#110 Highlander pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion

^ Great summary, just to add in, I think the other big question would be whether there will be an elo/ladder based system so that people can create proper teams and play for a ranking. If there is such a system, I would definitely use the pick/ban system far more frequently as it offers an incentive to keep playing, and my "team" can keep working together as a group.

posted about 11 years ago
#361 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
BLoodSireRuwinBLoodSirenote, I'm against something like Jarate that rewards an entire team with greater DPS just for throwing something sorta at someone
run pyro! you of all people can't be opposed to this!

plus, they still have a sniper after the jarate. it'd be worth revisiting as a community. just to try it. maybe see if we like it. just the tip.

I'm not 100% against it, but stemming from my cynicism, I'm trying to maintain a certain grasp on how hard the comp community will push back and I just can't ever get to the point that someone will go pyro to counter when a sniper might throw his jarate and think players will be okay with it.

I think there are some unlocks that have flawed concepts. Jarate, in my humble opinion, borders this line as it has a huge reward for minimal risk. Note the reward isn't just in the weapon perks, as I see it it is mainly in the weapon use. It's a throwable, it requires little to no aiming. This is my main problem with it. It carries very big implications for very little effort.

Something like the sydney sleeper on the other hand provides similar bonuses but is a completely viable side-grade, imo. Combined with the buschwaka you could have some fun moments... but again jarate, the way I see it, bypasses something core to the competitive format

I think one of the strongest points about valve's proposed system, is that unlocks like the jarate, if proved to be too huge of a reward for a minimal risk, will be elected to be banned by teams -> which will come to valve's notice, and they will work on balancing it to a more agreeable level.

i'm all for trying it. i want the game to grow. i want the game to be exciting for more than just the existing 6s fan-base. but i promise you that i am one of few who will support this idea as an inviter.

I think Ruwin's support is wonderful, he's looking at this system with the possibility of far greater dynamic and growth for the community- We may have to leave our comfort zones, but in all honesty, maybe Valve's belief is the slap in the face we all need to at least give a chance to an incredibly more dynamic level of competitive play.

posted about 11 years ago
#77 Highlander pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion
ArxbobmusThe problem with protecting stock and allowing people to ban all unlocks is that for most classes the stock primary is the best choice, but poor little Pyro can have what is almost universally the default choice for comp pyros banned under these rules.

Same goes with Secondaries - a Sniper without Jarate is nerfed, but it doesn't affect his ability to hit heads; a Soldier without Gunboats is greatly reduced in his capability of doing his primary job in HL - bombing in and getting picks.

Basically what I'm saying is you either need to have everything up for banning (impractical) or protect some of the weapons the community can identify as 'essential'.

Different unlocks will change the different roles of classes. If the gunboats gets banned, it will reduce his effectiveness at that particular role (diving getting picks) but he will have to play a different role, or accept that his ability is going to play that style will be reduced. That is called adapting and that is a skill.

It promotes a diverse way of playing the game, and in terms of competitive highlander, it could even be a strategic choice. Maybe you've researched your opponents and found out that their soldier is picking off medics frequently so you want to reduce his effectiveness. It is then up to the opponents to adapt. Maybe they will want to utilize their demoman as a more aggressive pick class and keep their soldier closer to home for medic protection. This game shouldn't be so one dimensional when we have so much variety available to us.

I honestly think this would be really neat. I would love for a ladder (elo) system where teams are required to consistently utilize the various abilities of classes to their full potential rather than setting predetermined roles for each class. Hopefully, a valve supported matchmaking system will also support pre-determined teams that actually develop strategies as a team and then have a chance in matchmaking to play against another team.

posted about 11 years ago
#56 Highlander pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion

I really like the idea of having preset ban lists that you update on your own time, and then the match making system just tallies up the teams lists to create the ban list for the lobby. I think such a system would speed up the large number of lobbies of just random people set together as a team. However, I do think such a system would hinder pre-built teams with team strategies. If I'm playing with 8 friends who I know and perhaps have practiced with, could there be a separate lobby ladder option for prebuilt teams, with perhaps an elo ranking system and then a team decided ban list?

posted about 11 years ago
#43 Highlander pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion

For the sake of balance in the competitive setting but also providing access to new players, here are my thoughts:

Always Unlocks:
I think these are necessary regardless of the pick/ban format.

- Kritzkrieg (completely changes the flow of the game- provides teams with an alternative strategy to use as needed)
- Degreaser (the degreaser allows the pyro to compete with other classes in being an effective class that uses m2 and also combine it with other weapons. Otherwise, all we'll get is this:
- Stock weapons

I would also argue for bans > picks and an unlocked loadout simply because by banning certain items, you still have the option to use other combinations of loadouts. Also by having unlocked loadouts, team's can have a greater variety in strat. as per need. (Oh I've got forward spawn as heavy, let me run by brass beast).

I think bans should be common for both teams, and as a guide to the newer players, the UGC/ETF2L whitelists could be provided as templates. Furthermore, a team vote should decide the bans (with a timer, if you don't vote in time, your vote doesn't count. Ties are put up for a revote).

Also, one point of curiosity is, will this matchmaking system run a elo ranking system as well? Regardless of this choice, I would definitely join these matches to help out newer folk. However, by adding in an elo system, higher level "teams" would be able to exhibit their skill (maybe add in watch stv option so newer guys can watch high level matches?) This would also give players with high skill credibility to the lower players- OH his elo is XXXX he must be good.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Origins of Your Name/Alias in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#61 Lan Highlight video in TF2 General Discussion

Ruwin's spy play and then respawn cap on badlands. Enigma's spy play where he gets caught but still pistols down a scout (on badlands again).

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Random Access Memories Ad feat. Pharrell in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#12 scout lft esea-o in Recruitment (looking for team)

I'm putting together a UGC 6's team that will hit up ESEA in the fall. This way we can take the summer as it is, but get to build up our teamwork. Let me know if you're interested :P.

posted about 11 years ago
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