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SteamID64 76561198000153925
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Country Canada
Signed Up July 27, 2012
Last Posted July 25, 2016 at 3:54 PM
Posts 101 (0 per day)
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Headphones sen hd 480
Monitor 2233rz
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#4 Upgrading my computer in Hardware

i dont think upgrading is the best option. maybe wait out buying a new one

posted about 10 years ago
#19 Merc's Pride Scarf in Off Topic

lol i wouldnt buy this because the method this guy is using to make it should make it cost ATLEAST $455 considering it takes 72 hours to make. too expensive for me. I would consider buying one at a later time for around $50.

posted about 10 years ago
#23 5-0 while captain in pugna in TF2 General Discussion
defynow im playing tf2mix
no one is twisting your arm to play

i don't see how you get that impression that's literally what i was doing because i wanted to play some 6s tf2 where everyone stays and the game ends with 12 people.

alfunksoI don't really see the problem here, if there are 16 people wanting to pug and all 16 people are fine with not playing until someone else captains, why bother them? if they're cool with waiting let them wait.
the amount of 30 games required to captain is ok too, if someone really wants to captain so bad I'm sure he can be patient enough as to play the 30 games until he starts adding as captain.

i was never talking about the minimum number of games required to play captain. people dont want to wait, the important classes are leaving (medics) because nobody is adding up as captain. id like to volunteer and captain when i dont know the people and everyone else is too pussy to captain.(someone added likely is capable of captaining well)But i dont because there are rules that could get me crestricted if it doesn't go well. im trying to make this thread about making the rules looser on being restricted as captain for 1 or 2 shit games.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 5-0 while captain in pugna in TF2 General Discussion
SnowyI don't understand. Does he want people to step up and actually captain? Or is he complaining about himself not being good enough at captain?

Because if he has 381 games, the only way he'd not let be captain if there were more than two captains that shoved him aside, but then he talks about there not being enough captains for so long that the medics are leaving.


there is a rule that if u captain a 5-0 u get crestricted. so i want them to loosen up and create a system that doesnt get stuck at 90% (2 meds 14 people added and 0 captains)
Edit: i didnt captain up because i didnt know the people. and the meds left because nobody wanted to captain

posted about 10 years ago
#9 5-0 while captain in pugna in TF2 General Discussion
milehighmilitiaaside from the problems with gamesurge where i am never authd and cant captain 40 games is pretty reasonable. The real problem is that people dont want to captain, not the limit.

i think that the people added up in that pug i was added up in 40 min ago did know the players and couldve captained but didnt. thats more the broader issue but i'd be glad to captain if they would losen up on restricting. I'm going to try to captain more and just face some restriction if i ever really want to play tf2 and that kind of thing happens.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 5-0 while captain in pugna in TF2 General Discussion

Edit: the real topic im trying to get across is how people are getting crestricted over 5-0 games while games arent starting and important classes are leaving. I have personally seen aristotle and them crestrict people over a single 5-0 game. although ive had like 3 or 4 and have never been caught so maybe i should nut^ more but still the rules arent working well because people are scared shitless of being captain.

i have 381 games played. in pugna i pretty much only captain when i know the people there so that my games dont have a chance of getting 5-0s. but what often happens is nobody captains and the game doesnt get played for as long as an hour. i witnessed several pugs die(everyone left after 2 medics were added up).
let me play captain so the game gets played and i get better at captain.

posted about 10 years ago
#43 Lan Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

1. HRG
2. Tri Hards
3. Mix^
4. AG


1. HRG
2. Mix^
3. Tri Hards
4. AG

I think Mix^ and HRG will be in the finals because that's how it's been for a few seasons now. I don't see that changing. Tri Hards will do well, but lose to Mix^ 5-4. HRG will win instead of Mix^ because Plat isn't playing demo (look back: mix^ has won seasons when Plat played demo for them).

I don't think AG deserves to go to LAN. They have had by far the easiest schedule (I mean, only playing HRG and Tri Hards once when everyone else plays them twice?). I know they've worked hard to get to where they are, but I feel like Mad Men and the Top Guns had to work harder.

ALL of tri hards have shown me before that they can perform at LAN better if not the same as they do at home. i can say the same for mixup and HRG which is what makes LAN exciting. dont be so quick to predict based on who has been to the most LAN's and won the most times.
EdIT: won the most times at LAN*

posted about 10 years ago
#28 Lan Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

EDIT: this spot could easily be taken by AG instead of top guns or Madmen but one of the 2 latter deserve the spot imo at this point during the season.
I think any of the top 3 teams could win depending on how much they tri hard.
i believe we are especially going to be surprised by how well mixup does.

posted about 10 years ago
#48 Looking for a game to kill time. in Off Topic

play sc2 i know you'd be good it's really fun

posted about 10 years ago
#9 tf2 crashes when choosing class again... in TF2 General Discussion

figure eight!

posted about 10 years ago
#3 add me to the streamlist plz in Requests


posted about 10 years ago
#10 Saltysally1 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Salty sally has learned how to make a looking thread! =D.

posted about 10 years ago
#55 Toronto LAN July 6th in LAN Discussion

me and tbone might show up if we get a team. msg me if u want ta scout and soldier or scout demo or scout scout

posted about 10 years ago
#1 add me to the streamlist plz in Requests

Name: Stig
Streamlink :
ive streamed almost an hour on another account and im pretty happy with the stream quality at this point.
im going to do mostly invite demo reviews. im also going to stream silver div highlander scrims and matches if i feel like it.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 New Player in Q/A Help
manaHonestly, I don't know how much of your post I can agree with.

1) Can anyone EVER be comfortable in TF2 Lobby? I certainly can't, and definitely do not recommend it if you actually want to learn 6s.

2) UGC 6s, while it has its problems, is not a bad idea. Not everyone will want to jump into a paid league from the start.

you can easily find a lobby with 6 or so players with more than 100 lobbies.
i think lisening to a few coaches in newbie mixes will give you enough to practice in tf2 lobby. which when you feel like you are doing well (K:D and win loss is a good overall indication i think. although damage would be better it is unfortunately unavailable.) you can move onto tf2mix. when you start playing tf2mix and feel comfortable there you can start looking for an esea team and never have to play UGC 6's to get good enough to play in the paid league.
i'm probably not giving ugc enough credit. it is free but you wont get nearly the type of experience you would get from esea. especially because no platinum or Gold team will pickup someone new. Yet surprisingly esea teams do and when you get into the circlejerk of tf2mix you might even make some friends that will either make a team with you or recommend your awesome DM skills as an addition to someone elses team (play Soap DM a.k.a DM MOD).
BE friendly. Make calls. get over your voice. dont talk pregame and after the game too much.

oh! and download mumble. this is where you will be comming your entire tf2 career

posted about 11 years ago
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