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Last Posted June 12, 2018 at 10:21 AM
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#190 What are your weird in game habits/behaviour? in TF2 General Discussion

Constantly swapping primary to melee in downtime. I'm not sure why I only have like 10 hours combined in CS:S + GO.

Also doing 180 spins.

posted about 7 years ago
#65 Biannual iseries idea feat. NA in TF2 General Discussion
SideshowI'd rather not focus on any idea that relies on Valve. If they do anything it'd be nice but let's gravitate away from in-game stuff that counts on their official backing.

I think that as much as we've never relied on valve before it will be hard to raise this amount of money per year for an extra lan as the people that donate are a smallish portion of people already involved in the competitive format in some way or another (competitive stream viewers/play competitive/spectate competitive). The community isn't massive, has a lot of people paying student costs etc.

You'd need to get some advertising out of Valve, maybe a main menu background, message of the day, it would be fantastic to get team badges/pins as others have suggested into the Mann Co store. But I think with the way Valve has treated this is you can't expect them to actually do any of this with their dev team. I don't even think they design their own cosmetics anymore.

We'd need to have modellers/SFM animators and stuff with ideas already to present them. Give Valve the easiest route where it's hard to say no than count them out entirely. If these ideas don't work, well stick them in the compendium idea as one of the benefits.

The reason that the compendium or equivalent works so well with other Valve games is because it is massively in your face. I wouldn't even count recent years but TI3 it was all over the client. We need to raise a smaller amount but our community is also smaller even if you count pub players and traders and whatnot. It would still need the same advertising and without help from Valve it would seem quite difficult without finding sponsors to cover most of these costs.

I don't mean to be down about the idea, I think it's great but it's probably best to recognise that it's going to need a lot of help.

posted about 7 years ago
#84 Crowns are gold at Insomnia58 in News
saamtrashI'm incredibly confused at how this level of coaching was even allowed. isn't one of the core parts of 6s that one or two players in the team call for plays with only their viewpoint and what teammates tell them as their information?

having live coaching, while being able to see every single player POV seems to just skip that entirely, it's an objective upgrade

Did Kaidus also use a plugin that allowed him to be at a computer and see everyone on his team's POV's? I could maybe have been OK with him standing behind but using a plugin like that feels like it goes far beyond what should be happening.

The plugin allows him to spectate his team but his team only. Unlike in CSGO where coaches were a thing (although drama recently with valve) CSGO coaches got dumbed down to talking in pauses and stuff but weren't actively calling.

The way Kaidus was used, as said in one of the interviews, was that he calls everything for them. Kaidus is a great player and could already do this whilst playing, now he has less pressure on the actual playing of the game and can do this to an even better extent, not to mention with more insight into the rest of his team.

They have really talented players just not a strong leader which makes this win feel a little cheaper than it should in my mind. Maybe they wouldn't have gotten as far, maybe they would who knows. Stark made a game changer in the GC and probably not kaidus and that's where it came down to really.So GGWP.

posted about 7 years ago
#43 Everyone thank the production team ITT in TF2 General Discussion

I wanna say a big thanks to production. Amazing this kind of event at this quality can be pulled off, so much talent from all of production but big shoutouts to Dashner for the organisation and the ideas, Uberchain (and the other artists) for making the game look super professional and slick. David for stepping up when things got difficult and not getting phased.

Also want to thank the analyst team and the casters. Keeping us sane through the day 1 teething issues and super entertained not to mention through all of the weekend it just didn't stop. WAR and the Getawhale combo had me in stitches so many times throughout each day.

Thanks to eXtine and Arx & Beta for showing up, it really made this i-series special and how it should be. All of the casters were phenomenal, amazing to see the improvement they've all made and specifically the improvement Maks made on camera.

An all around fantastic event that will be hard to top and I wish the crew the best of luck in their future plans.

posted about 7 years ago
#131 oldschool runescape in Other Games

There's a bunch of us playing so if you were thinking about playing/wanted somewhere to chat occasionally come to the cc! :)

posted about 7 years ago
#20 Pokemon GO released in AUS and NZ in Other Games
cirloI'm waiting for the first injuered cos someone tried to catch a pokemon in some dangerous place (i.e. train rails)

I think when they've been testing this they said it's not going to be anywhere dangerous, it's not going to send you down dark alleys to get stabbed etc. The only thing will be idiots crossing the road and not looking at cars but hey, natural selection and all that.

posted about 7 years ago
#27 woolhud v2 in Customization
STOGEFireThere are quite some people that want woolens hud but don't know how to make it and they can use this one here.
Plenty of people may want woolen's hud, but I doubt they are browsing forums

Exactly, I very much doubt this forum is full of closet spy mains.

Secondly if Woolen wanted to release his own hud he would. It's not for redistribution as its tweaked to his tastes afaik. As much as people want his hud, they'd use it for like a day tops because the only reason they want it is "to be as good as him" I imagine as its something spy mains are obsessed with. For example stabbys shit thats he has made in the past, to most people it looks retarded everything he's done but hey, spy mains believe it will make them better.

posted about 7 years ago
#199 Rest In Peace Britian in World Events

God bless the queen, Britain is stronger alone we have heritage and our culture and we are a major world power just like we used to be in the good old days!


posted about 7 years ago
#19 Rest In Peace Britian in World Events
Viperthe north wanted to stay and the south wanted to leave

now if that doesn't hint at possible civil war, i don't know what does

The North? You mean Scotland. They already tried to leave UK where it was a close vote and they stayed. It won't be a civil war, just their next referendum to leave will pass because they benefit from the EU.

posted about 7 years ago
#18 Rest In Peace Britian in World Events

Cameron has now resigned as well. Some banks shares have dropped 30-40% (including Barclays I think). On the map a large portion of leavers either have low populations of "foreigners" or are in areas that don't get affected greatly by the EU which really says a lot about the UK and not being able to think further than their doorstep. Some outliers to this though would be all of Wales and South West England where they get a ton of funding from the EU to improve infrastructure. In fact Wales straight up benefits from the EU getting much more money than they even contribute so I don't know why that country voted to leave for the most part.

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." - Winston Churchill

posted about 7 years ago
#126 Serpents qualifies for DreamHack Summer in News

It's not so much complaining about Open teams, it's complaining about teams in general who want to improve and think that the cup is a waste of their time when there's a very good chance it isn't. Whether you're open or high it would be a good learning experience but people don't want to for the fact they won't win so why bother.

It's a general lack of effort all around from the European side at least. If you think about the number of teams that sign up for ETF2L to commit to a season, that you'd be able to find 32 of those teams that want to get better AND are able to play on weekends. Signups should be gone by the time these cups were announced but you end up trying to convince people a day before that it will be fun, it goes smoothly, you'll get experience vs good teams in an official format (when theres some more pressure than a scrim).

And as Sideshow said, signups really do matter to the sponsors. Just showing up and getting knocked out the first game supports the scene a lot more than a £5 donation for flights to LAN. Maybe if LANs had more money from sponsors to play for, more people would pay out of their own pocket?

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Announcing the Dreamhack Summer 2016 Broadcasting Team! in News

This is a broadcasting super team.

posted about 8 years ago
#40 Serpents qualifies for DreamHack Summer in News
TomMaxi-TomThen give the money to lego, publiclir etc so they can go to lan? Im sure those teams will have a fundraiser for them to get players there.
I'm all for LEGO and Publiclir attending if Suave/Serpents don't go, but they shouldn't be given to money as a free pass, as they should have won a qualifier.
The tournaments should be seen more like 1000€ prize, plus an invite to DHS if the team can attend.
Tomteams are signing up with no intention to actually go hurts the tiny potential tf2 has. Now we end up with two top teams and whichever two teams already live close enough or have enough money to go anyway rather than 4 top teams just because people signed up with no intentions of going.
Pretty sure SUAVE wanted to go but complications, and Serpents could if not for VISAs.

edit: If the money is a primary thing over the invite then what is the point of calling it a qualifier if the money is more sought after than the invite, if no teams want to attend and they just want the money host a series of cups with 1000 euro prizes and give out the invites to whoever will actually turn up. Having half the qualified teams not turn up makes this not a qualifier but a series of 1000 euro cups

It's an invitational tournament. They QUALIFIED for an INVITE and they got some money you know regardless. Now as far as I know, being invited it is entirely optional to say whether or not you want to go to something. It's not like there won't be a Dreamhack tournament. It just won't be any more skillful than the ETF2L season.

Sure you can say it's disappointing as maybe the people who are actually going needed the money more but really whats more disappointing is the current prem teams being beaten by the likes of Suave and Serpents. They deserve the money as they won it fair and square.

posted about 8 years ago
#221 b4nny v thalash in TF2 General Discussion

I'm really confused reading this thread. Seems like a lot of people just come out of the woodwork to shit talk and make b4nny feel bad but the thing that is really confusing is people are actually surprised/shocked at his behaviour.

I don't watch his streams as you know, I don't like them or the way he acts on stream but why is suddenly having an ego, potentially lacking humility in having one a bad thing? It's pretty natural for competitive people in general and at least b4nny's is sort of justified considering his LAN wins compared to some open player thinking he's the dogs bollocks because he can airshot a dude 20 times.

And people complaining about shit talking eu? EU shit talks NA a lot, just not really publicly. I assume it's the same over there because everyone feels the need to pick a side and be like MY OPINION IS BEST.

Honestly this thread is just bait to get a rise out of him and make him say something more stupid to make him look worse for whatever reason. Just chill out and play videogames dudes. It honestly doesn't matter if you like the guy or not, keep that shit private although I add if you don't like him, don't watch his streams then the world is a better place.

posted about 8 years ago
#68 DreamHack Summer TF2 Online Qualifiers by TFCups and Razer in News

Yes it's a bad idea with the short notice they gave for the first cup but people could still put some mixteams up to show support for razer and tfcups.

We're at 6 signups now and 4 of these teams look to be good practice for even mid teams to contest with.

posted about 8 years ago
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