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Signed Up September 18, 2013
Last Posted April 30, 2020 at 8:49 PM
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#2 internet in Hardware

This is probably really unhelpful, but simply said: no.

You will probably try a number of different approaches with TWC's "customer service" department in order to see if they can say anything remotely intelligent, or at least different from what the last person left you with in regards to excuses, and then maybe during your tenth or fifteenth attempt you will have a "technical engineer" pay visit to your house and do nothing but fiddle with the modem they gave you or criticize the one you decided to choose for yourself. Perhaps the issue will resolve itself "magically" at some point, but really, I would abandon any and all hope if you want this issue to be fixed in a timely manner by paid people actually working on it.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Brave/Strong Toucan in Off Topic

Pretty crazy that such a bird, considered a mascot for the town, was maimed so brutally and pointlessly. I know the article says that law enforcement isn't exactly on the toucan's side in Costa Rica, or anyone's side for that matter, but did they never find out who did it aside from a witness probably saying the culprits were "teenagers"?

Pretty crazy regardless, but awesome to see the toucan go forward; hopefully the 3D printed beak idea works out for him or her.

posted about 9 years ago
#25 ESEA IM S18 Power Rankings Week 3 in News

When I realized our team avatar was foster downing a hoagie, my motivation to compete and do well soared into the sky like the very eagle that foster rides on to college.

london_calling4812622nonis said he wasn't playing for topshot boys for the season, just so they could hijack

foster played in the match against us and so did phelon over fragg but maybe he was subbing idk

good to know, thank you.

Our scouts are foster and I, soldiers pheloN and pauldogg, demo topshot, and tooth medic. Lot's of roster issues in the beginning, especially with that first match where we got framed like a bad picture since I played demoman. And I suck.

posted about 9 years ago
#64 How did you come up with your name in Off Topic

My old alias sounded a bit lengthy and was somewhat meaningless (escapist), so I decided to roll with a name that I've used before ten or so years ago on, peculiarly enough in-line with some of the posts on this thread, RuneScape.

I picked it mostly because it's a shortened form of a small area I visited near Geneva, Switzerland called Vandoehvures, as well as somewhat of a portion of my middle name.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Premium Code in TF2 General Discussion
bustahHey can I get a Esea trial code?

Just for future reference, don't be this guy. If you need a code (probably from anyone on these forums, and definitely from me) at least attempt to look like you play TF2 and aren't trying to get a code to play CS pugs.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Premium Code in TF2 General Discussion

I see your folks situation has been solved, but just putting this out there:

I have like twenty or more one week ESEA premium codes that aren't specifically tied to my account that I can give away (already gave away like four or more before). Not sure how I got them but they all expire at the end of 2015, so a good bit of time left if anyone needs to use them; just send me an add.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 KTB LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Ridiculously good soldier in general. I got to play against him a good bit in the last season of Open and he definitely went crazy often while being on the ball most, if not all, of the time.

Definitely came across as a down-to-earth, well-mannered player as well - a huge plus.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Here we go again, as we make assumptions about a player, judge them as much as possible based on possibly unwanted behaviors that they could very well have gotten past quite some time ago, and just alienate them from the community in general due to invoking a feeling of a permanently tacked, unnecessarily harsh image.

From my experiences with Leaky, he's a solid scout that could definitely hold his own in IM and even go as far as developing above and beyond simply because of how much time he puts into playing the game, to begin with, and how much time he could put aside (given the right team) to really get moving forward. He's also an exceptional sniper that, although sometimes gets ahead of himself, can prove to be insane in that select off-class aspect.

More importantly though, he's just a fairly awesome, down-to-earth person. There are times that he rages, of course. There are times that he may get frustrated by something that is a non-issue (such as someone typing something to him in an in-game chat or something), of course. These are not things that any sane person should find stopping them when considering Leaky to add to their team, however, since with a team he can grow as both a person and a player past petty matters such as that, as well as this stupidly harsh image that some "voice-less" people seem to enjoy bashing him with wherever he goes.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 What pub community did you come from? in Off Topic

My very existence is defined by one map...WARPATH.

Since TFC released it as its second(third?) CP map, always pubbed that one map and its various versions throughout the years. For TF2, I mostly played on a server called TheVille that hosted a good bit of Warpath and another called No Heroes. The few good TFC servers a good while back were Bronson's Lounge, Lottuvspam, and "FragFestival" or something.

Only one that's really alive now is No Heroes - always nice to go there and relax a bit with all the crazy spam and chaos.

EDIT: To answer the question more concisely, I hail from No Heroes.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 what do in Off Topic
hurrykannGive some more info, you can always make a support ticket and ask support for assistance.

You have to do this. I hope you already have at least started working with Steam Support, but if you haven't, go for it. Presuming someone just swiped your password and hijacked your inventory, Steam Support tends to have access to more than you can see and can probably restore your inventory.

posted about 9 years ago
#764 It begins! in Off Topic

edit: thanks!

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Music while studying in Off Topic

I seldom listen to music while studying, but when I do, it's usually from the above artist Bonobo, Bibio, Hauschka, Prefuse 73, or someone similar in terms of ambiance-building.

posted about 9 years ago
#32 How do you dry yourself? in Off Topic

A good book + neighborhood wind tunnel = Dry

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Newbie Mixes! in Events

Ah, all right. Thank you.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Newbie Mixes! in Events

I'd like to participate in this tonight. Just to be sure, the down-time for that mumble server at the moment is only temporary, right? Hopefully everything goes smoothly tonight.

posted about 9 years ago
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