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Signed Up July 9, 2017
Last Posted March 8, 2023 at 1:41 PM
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#14 ETF2L Season 32 Coverage Feedback Thread in TF2 General Discussion

What happened to the stats before a match? (screenshot)
I really enjoyed them as a viewer and it would be cool if they came back.
Or Did I miss out on why they were removed?

Other than that great coverage guys, looking forward to next season! :)

posted about 5 years ago
#18 TF2 is the most fun competitive game in TF2 General Discussion
fizzwhizfasterthanahamsterquake is like the raw uncut cocaine of tf2 which is objectively MORE FUN
Which Quake game is the best and why?

QL - for them tactical duels
Quake 1 - faster QL and no rails :D... also giant projektile splash
CPMA - for the highest mechanical skillceiling
QC - for shitty performance, shit netcode and nonsensical abilities

posted about 5 years ago
#4 the current condition of movement shooters in Videos
botmodepretty good video only thing he misses with qc imo is how broken the queue system is
it takes way too long to get into games that are way too short to really warrant wanting to play
also the game is really slow to update but that kinda ties into one of his later points

I still think there's a pretty sizeable, untapped market around if something comes that's actually a pretty good game tho

It would also need a big publisher behind it tho, which won't happen cause these publishers always want all the money...
I mean wasnt reflex a really good arena shooter (aside from some balancing issues) and it went no where? or did I miss some drama or something else that prevented it from getting big?

posted about 5 years ago
#151 tactics.tf strategy tool in Projects

Really sorry to hear, always liked that site.
Also does that mean that training.tf will be taken down or does someone else own that site?

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Stream Voxtec in Requests

country: Germany
name: Voxi
Streaming tf2 pugs, scrims, mge and some quake .

posted about 5 years ago
#12 Games that are like comp tf2 in Other Games

I second this! Also check out NTF or CTF for the team aspect

posted about 5 years ago
#12 Best 1v1 map period. in Other Games


posted about 6 years ago
#8 Who is your favourite player to watch? in TF2 General Discussion

quad puo ams

posted about 6 years ago
#22 Biggest Sweats? in TF2 General Discussion
Jynxiiin season 25 my team was forced to play 5v6 and we managed to win on reckoner and came very close to winning viaduct until they went mini sentry engineer. I wish I still had the chat log but they said the reason for the denying of our mercs was because they knew we were better than them.


Reckoner: http://logs.tf/1542798#76561198041995688

Product: http://logs.tf/1542751#76561198041995688

Yeah I remember that game :D really sry about you being forced to play 5v6, we weren't very mature about anything and I dunno why our teamleader was such a cunt about your mercs back then. Hope it's all fine after all <3

posted about 6 years ago
#14 "TF2 is still better than OW." - Sadokist (CSGO) in Off Topic
Kavwell realistically making a sequel would likely be more feasible than undertaking the massive optimization, rebalancing, and rebranding that tf2 would need to really compete as a high end esport these days. tf2 has a serious reputation as a pub game and hat simulator on top of needing a lot of work anyway; and if valve really cared about making it into a profitable esport itd probably be more successful as a sequel rather than an improved tf2.

I agree tf2 should be treated like CSS and valve should just put out a 'sequel' which is more competitively viable, like CSGO was for the cs series. Remove unnecessary items, allow every player access to crucial weapons and revert some balance changes. Then price the whole thing at 15-20$ and add skins without ruining performance (maybe no hats to preserve the recognisability of the different classes). Finally, push it a bit as an esports and enjoy profit :) .

posted about 6 years ago
#11 i61 invite group is going to be kinda bad in LAN Discussion

Will antic actually be going? Cause I heard they won't be going anymore.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 More carry potential for medic in TF2 General Discussion

Classic prsn x)
playing med in valve MM smh

posted about 6 years ago
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