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SteamID64 76561198059645150
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Signed Up March 12, 2013
Last Posted May 28, 2024 at 9:03 PM
Posts 3814 (0.9 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.88
Windows Sensitivity stock
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse zowie za11
Keyboard quickfire tk mx blue
Mousepad puretrak talent
Headphones grado sr225i
Monitor asus vg248qe
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#23 Bitcoin in TF2 General Discussion

I guess I might as well mine, since its free, but seems pretty risky to invest money in it.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 highest fps+config.cfg in Q/A Help
Drewaudiopicmip hack my system is e8400 3 ghz and gtx 260 asus p5q motherboard
you mean the nivida inspector or an other programm? for the picmip hack

or that one
I used to destroy TF2 with maxframes and basically the same setup. It's a shame the game has tanked so far for a few hats.

quoted for emphasis
If only they let you just play tf2 without all the useless shit.

posted about 11 years ago
#20 Bitcoin in TF2 General Discussion

LOL wow they've already dropped

posted about 11 years ago
#10 highest fps+config.cfg in Q/A Help

Get a new cpu or overclock it

posted about 11 years ago
#141 recent purchases thread in Off Topic
i got a used set of these for $30 and now i am listening to animus vox and i am having multiple orgasms

Yes. Just yes.
I have those speakers and animus vox on them... godly

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Building a new computer in Hardware

Actually pheesh is probably right. I'd wait for haswell. That is a pretty good price for the 660 ti. However, honestly amd and nvidia cards are just as smooth. I have compared my system (660 ti) to my friends 7870 side by side and they were both about equal. With crossfire vs sli it definitely is better for nvidia. The amd fx chips are getting way more hate than they deserve, especially when you can grab a 6300 + a decent 970 motherboard for $150 at micro center. $150. That's $70 cheaper than the 3570k even without a mobo.
But, agreed, basically any of these cpus will be fine. Just make sure you get a good motherboard and quality other components. No point in spending big money on a cpu and then cheaping out on the mobo or psu, or vice versa. You want the most balanced build.

The only previous reason to buy nvidia in my mind was for CUDA suport in adobe cs6, but now they have announced they are going to make it work with opencl. People say nvidia drivers are better than amd, but they're both really fine as long as you don't use like beta drivers.

PS about the power hungriness, in that same tek snyicate video they calculated it costs about $15 more per year for the 8350, but that's only in extreme situations (I believe that was like running it all day 7 days a week). And I've heard people can usually get up to 5ghz with the 8350, or at least ~4.6+

edit: also the 7950 overclocks like a mofo, way more than a 660 ti. The 660 ti really competes better with the 7870

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Bitcoin in TF2 General Discussion

If they're still rising you might as well buy/mine some and then sell them once they rise a little

posted about 11 years ago
#60 A good single player game for PC? in Off Topic

Metro 2033
Crysis 2
Crysis 3 (didn't like the original)
Left 4 dead 2
Tf2 offline jump maps (lolz, do this when my internet goes down)
Tf2 fucking with rollouts offline

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Building a new computer in Hardware
CknSaladI would try to get the Nvidia 660 TI or AMD 7950 for $300. Cpu I would opt for the i5 3570k.

Case is honestly subjective: bitfenix prodigy, sg08, or lian li q08 (mitx), lian li a04, sg09, tj08-e (matx), fractal arc mini (m-atx). Personally if you are only going to have one card and maybe a dedicated audio card with just a few hard drives, I would just opt for matx as mid towers are pretty damn big.

Ram I would go with g-skill as they have been in the business for a long time. 8 gigs at 1600mhz is enough and should be around the $50-65 mark.

Motherboard: I would pay for at least a $130 motherboard (make sure its the 1155 socket if you go with ivy bridge, i5 3570k). Gigabyte and Asus are my favorites probably by far to go with. Asrock I hear is a hit or miss as their quality control can be inconsistent. MSI is a decent cheaper alternative.

Hard Drive: Mechanical drive I would go with Western digital blacks as they are very fast. A good thing to try is a Western Digital Raptor 10000rpm drive with an SSD (Get a Samsung 840).

PSU: This is easy, if you're going with a single gpu setup, honestly a quality 450-550 watt psu is all that's needed as pc components have gotten much more power efficient over the years. Brands to go with are: Pc power & cooling, corsair, seasonic, antec, enermax, rosewill capstone line, kingwin platinum series. I personally would go with gold modular as you get the best of both worlds: good power efficiency and using only the cables you need, which means less clutter and easier cable management inside the case.

Hope this helps!

For psu go with a quality brand like seasonic. For hdd just get segate. You can get a 1tb 7200.14 for $70, or a wd black for like $100. Both work fine.
About the gpu, the 660 ti is a terrible value. I own one and use it in my build, but only because I got it on sale for $230. At the current price ~$300, its not worth it. I'd just go with a 7950 and overclock it. Even stock speeds it beats the 660 ti on most games. (not trying to be amd vs nvidia, its just a fact that the 7950 outperforms it).

3570k - $230
660 ti - $300


8350 - $160 (ish)
7950 - $260-300

The 3570k is $100 more than the amd fx cpus, or even more if you get a combo deal with motherboards. You can find a fx 6300 + 990 fx ud3 mobo for less than the price for the 3570k alone at micro center.

Here's a comparison of the 8350 vs the 3570k. On a lot of games, the 8350 beats out even the $300 i7 3770k

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Building a new computer in Hardware

r/buildapc is bad. Just a bunch of intel fanboyism.

Right now the best value (basically) is a fx 6300, a 990fx mobo, 8gb 1866 or 1600 ram, and a 7870. But if you need to be intel nvidia than a 3570k and a 650 ti or possibly a 660 non ti, but that would cost more. Amd is the way to go unless you have tons of extra money•
Do you need to do all max settings? Or could you be fine just turning it down to medium or lower AA. Multi monitor? How much money are you going to spend.

Building it yourself is ALWAYS. ALWAYS the better option. Prebuilts cheap out on many of the most important parts, oem psus are usually complete shit. I'll link you to a pcpartpicker list once I get out of school (in free block right now)

posted about 11 years ago
#61 Demoman's Balance (Is he truly balanced) in TF2 General Discussion
that took so much skill

Kind of funny how he just effortlessly can charge around the corner with free crits ready for whoever he sees. If that's not a cheap kill I don't know what is

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Selling Processor and graphics card :) in Hardware

Really 105-110? They go new for like $99

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Selling Processor and graphics card :) in Hardware

Sorry but a 550 ti is not a professional graphics card. Even a $150 7850 can preform on par with a 580 (or a 660 non ti).
And 550 ti is $120 max, most go for under $100.

Not trying to be an ass but this is a terrible deal, nobody is going to pay $100 for a used year old 550 ti, not to mention the fact that nobody is buying old 550 tis anymore.On craigslist, 560 tis are like $100-140 or less, and 550 tis are like $70 or $80

posted about 11 years ago
#10 P-Rec and SSD's in Q/A Help

I don't see how it could do any harm to it, other than maybe just wearing it out but thats not really something to worry about. SSDs have gotten way more reliable

posted about 11 years ago
#48 post your build! in Hardware
DMLTerrabearodactylNo that one looks pretty solid, z77x ud3 and ud3h are great mobos, the only thing thats better is some other ones that are in the $130 range with good built in audio. Not sure how people make builds without the os... do they just torrent it? Maybe they just transfer it from their old computers•
Oh, and do you live near or can drive to a micro center? They have the 3570k on sale for $170-180 (believe its $175 but could be $170 or $180) and they have $50 off motherboards when you buy them with cpus. Sick deal. Also the 3770k is $230 there, so you could easily upgrade to that.

For gpu, if you buy at newegg you can find the 7850 for as cheap as even like $150-160 ( and it comes with free tomb raider and bioshock infinite.
Or to spend a litte bit more you can get a 7870 for $220 ish ( still with those free games. Heck, if you sold the games you could probably get a 7950 for the same price :P

Another thing you can do is use an older case and cut out the optical drive, you really never use them anymore. I just have a usb one I use on all my computers (parents, brother, and my two)
I do live near a Microcenter, and a Fry's, if that matters. Is there a real difference between the PowerColor 7850 GPU and the HIS 7850 GPU? The mobo/processor deal is awesome. I will definitely look in to that. I'll prolly just cut the optical drive... Does it really matter if there's a hole in the case where the optical drive is supposed to be?

I wouldn't worry about it myself but if you have a negative airflow (sucking air in instead of positive where it just blows dust out) it would let more dust come in. Might be a way to just cover it. For powercolor vs HIS I don't know, id just google it or go on tomshardware or ocn or something.

@the 660 for $180 thats a pretty good deal, but I'd much prefer a 7870 or a 7850 for cheaper. The 7870 competes with the 660 ti ($300, though on sale for $260 sometimes) and beats it a lot.

posted about 11 years ago
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