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Signed Up April 7, 2015
Last Posted January 2, 2021 at 2:43 AM
Posts 448 (0.1 per day)
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#4 ETF2L S27 W5: unexpected vs. LEGO in Matches
crackbabydumpsterTurboTabsno stream tonight due to no available producers
its a good thing you kicked the producer who covered the EU games last time this happened

That's just rude.

posted about 6 years ago
#5 TFTV NA Weekly Series #2 Powered by FACEIT in TF2 General Discussion
rocketslayidk if its possible but i would be willing to donate my 30k faceit points for a tourney

PM me on Discord or TFTV.

posted about 6 years ago
#17 TFTV EU Weekly Series #2 Powered by FACEIT in TF2 General Discussion

ze Gemm is not available for this cup, so no official casts.

posted about 6 years ago
#10 TFTV EU Weekly Series #2 Powered by FACEIT in TF2 General Discussion
MuukiRe4lityAlso the teams with the highest elo "Artic Foxes" and "Loli Squad" played in the grand final so in terms of faceit elo this system actually works. And the problem why teams like Lowpander had to play against artic foxes is because they dont have an accurate elo representing their skill level.nice post except literally no team has good representing elo in faceit since there's close to 0 tournaments ever played on that platform in regards to tf2. the seeding was a mess in the eyes of anyone who actually plays the game

This... is true, to a certain extent. Manual seeding was out of my head back when Weekly #1 happen, and we know the teams/players do ask for a better seeding system. FACEIT's auto-seeding is based on the teams' general FACEIT level. Manual seeding will be done by us and FACEIT, to hopefully better experience.

posted about 6 years ago
#5 AFC 11 Division 1 LBSF: bb tommy vs. p00t1s..iz..kil?1! in Events
chongyis concordia going to shower us with his insightful casting

I'm too wasted Kappa (also my ping in TF2 has gone to shit recently)

posted about 6 years ago
#1 AFC 11 Division 1 LBSF: bb tommy vs. p00t1s..iz..kil?1! in Events

rooting for bbtommy, WILL BE PHAT

posted about 6 years ago
#64 How tall are you? in Off Topic


posted about 7 years ago
#3 ETF2L S27 W3: the absolute nuts vs. unexpected in Matches


posted about 7 years ago
#1 TFTV EU Weekly Series #2 Powered by FACEIT in TF2 General Discussion

TFTV EU Weekly Series #2 Powered by FACEIT

Registration for the EU Weekly Series #2 is now open on FACEIT, with thirty-two team slots available. Player can sign with either a team or the solo feature to have FACEIT match you up with other players. Sign ups will close on June 17 at 18:00 CEST; check-in will be on June 17 at 18:00 CEST, with the tournament commencing on the same day at 19:00 CEST. (Time may be prone to change if there is enough requests.)


The map pool will feature 5CP maps from the ESEA map pool, with the maps being:


The ruleset for the tournament will adopt the ETF2L rules. 5CP maps will have a thirty minute time limit and a five round win difference, with Golden Cap rounds deciding tiebreakers.

Prize Pool

10,000 FACEIT points are up for grabs, with the distribution being as follows:

1st: 5,000 FACEIT points
2nd: 3,000 FACEIT points
3rd-4th: 1,000 FACEIT points

Join our dedicated Discord server:

posted about 7 years ago
#14 ETF2L S27 W2: Se7en vs. NUNYA in Matches

TFTV 3? We are literally pulling all resources. We've gone mad.

posted about 7 years ago
#67 Who is the best tf2 caster of all time and why in TF2 General Discussion

Gecks, Marxist, or ever_x for the best voices

Sideshow and Bren definitely one of my favorite duo. So much hype and knowledge throughout the game, that's why they got picked up for a number of OW gigs. Gecks is amazing, smooth voice, amazing analysis for the game, Marxist too. HiipFire is actually p good too, also Frysk, my NEW favorite Irish caster. Both these guys prove they know how to hype and analyse a match and doing good in it. Cornpop is absolutely nice too. Bless the new gen casters, Bless the old gen casters.

posted about 7 years ago
#8 TFTV Weekly Series: May Edition Feedback Thread in TF2 General Discussion
CommanderCallumManual seeding would be very nice

Seeding is done automatically based on your team's FACEIT level. I'll ask the admins if we can do manual seeding, but AFAIK we can't.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 TFTV Weekly Series: May Edition Feedback Thread in TF2 General Discussion
CoYoTeNo event in the upcoming events seemed odd, when I got a notification that tftv was streaming I legitimately thought someone had gone live by accident.

Yes I forgot to ask Cornpop to put the NA series on the events thread (I was asleep I can't be arsed to stay over 24+6 hours the next day). EU got one though, but because I was directly organizing it that time.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 TFTV Weekly Series: May Edition Feedback Thread in TF2 General Discussion
saami know its not u guys but whats the status on being able to use subs or play 5v6

That's what the Live Issue system for. Unfortunately once you use your first 6 in the tournament you can't change your roster, this was the issue with Se7en. So you can use your subs to play off FACEIT's system and we input the scores manually, and if you are being casted just give us the IP through the discord or the match room chat. For 5v6, I think I need to ask the FACEIT admins about that.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 TFTV Weekly Series: May Edition Feedback Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Hello guys, obviously by now the first 2 Weekly Series for both EU and NA have ended. As this is my first time organizing a tournament, obviously I definitely expected for some hiccups and problems to surface. So, before the Weekly Series #2 starts (probably around the end of June or something), I'll be clearing up some extra details.

  • First up, matches can be played off the FACEIT system (using the Live Issue system), we'll have to input the scores manually. This is the case with the EU Series #1, but not with the NA one, because I'm a sleep deprived human who forgot to enable it.
  • As of now, the Weekly Series' prize pool is among the highest one in FACEIT so far compared to the other weekly tournament organizers on FACEIT. With that said, now the prize pool is now 10,000 FACEIT Points. The 20,000 points prize pool was in agreement with FACEIT for Weekly Series #1.
  • Registration open a week before the tournament, you can still register during the Check In phase (the Check In phase is 1 hour long before the tournament starts). This ensures if a team is interested to join they can ensure they can definitely compete in the tournament.

So now, for Weekly Series #2, what do you want to see? What went wrong for Weekly Series #1 from your view, and how we should deal with it? What do you think will attract more players/teams to participate in the tournament? Comment below!

posted about 7 years ago
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