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SteamID64 76561198039435228
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Country United States
Signed Up January 14, 2015
Last Posted November 9, 2019 at 8:38 PM
Posts 102 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.89/ ~ 2.7 in/360
Windows Sensitivity .5
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Mouse Mionix Castor
Keyboard Corsair RGB Strafe
Mousepad Origin PC Goliathus Medium Speed
Headphones Sennheiser Urbanite XL
Monitor BenQ XL2730Z
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#16 Beer in Off Topic

It may be because I'm in Hawai'i but I like Asahi a lot which is a japanese beer. I'm also prone to drinking Corona Extra and Samuel Adams and I really like alcoholic root beer.

posted about 7 years ago
#1405 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

I forgot most of this website listens to hip hop.... It's not bad, actually, just because it's not my preferred genre it doesn't mean I won't enjoy it. I'm glad it's 90s hip hop honestly, since that was the era I was really interested in it. I was always a rock fan though myself.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 OZF 15 UPP: Jasmine Tea vs. ego in Events

Literally best playoff game since the mixup HRG days and we aren't even to the Grand Finals yet. Please let the Grand finals go for a glorious six maps.

posted about 8 years ago
#23 EVL Gaming sponsors new team in News
RainmanAka monsters with scizors

This is somehow an even better team name

posted about 8 years ago
#12 ESEA Invite Post-Season Roster Tracking in TF2 General Discussion

We need this for prem too honestly

posted about 8 years ago
#21 ETF2L S24 Preseason Cup Grand Finals in Events

I know it's been over a day, but I just want to say, Bren + Sideshow is the most hyped up, energetic cast I've ever watched, and I curse the fact I'm forced to watch this via a vod rather than witnessing this hype live.... Great work to the casting and production staff for this match.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 drop out in Off Topic

I mean, I dropped out with enough credits to still graduate... I still don't know if it worked out for me though. I was getting into a lot of fights, so it was decided it was better for me to not be in high school and just start applying for colleges or work. Personally, I think it kinda isolated me and made it more difficult for me to fit in with those around me. That being said, after Junior year, school teaches you less and less about life, and more about very specific skills that are only applicable to very specific fields. This is mostly a problem with modern school systems. Not sure what country you live in, but there have been efforts to amend this, and if your school is forward thinking enough, it may just be better to graduate.

Finally, if you're not sure what you're going to do in life, stay in school. It gives you more time to consider where you're going. If you already have a job, and a career path outside of school, I'd recommend at least talking about this with your instructors and counselors.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Murders back Home in Off Topic

So in the past five months, there have been 2 violent murders back home, literally blocks from where I went to high school and down the street from my parents home. I used to live in New York, where stuff like this was kind've par for the course and I always would think when I watched television "Oh, how horrible, but that's like way on the other side, and I'd never see these people." I guess that doesn't really excuse what's happening and I don't know... I feel like while I used to be able to confidently quote statistics for reduced violence and stuff as a positive trend in humankind - this just makes that stance so much shakier to stand on.

My parents live on Maui, and Maui's effective population is only 160,000 people for the entire island. By contrast, Honolulu's effective population is 300,000, and New York's is 3.sum million (and that's just a single city). You don't kill somebody on Maui and get away with it, literally the entire island will quickly start taking sides because it's so small.

Already, I see posts on social media from people who I interact with who are at each others throats over the innocence of a suspect, or the need for closure over a victim. Friends and family are going at it, and honestly, the haole (white people) versus local population issue is even drowning out the original problem. It's become a battle over who is really innocent, and pointing fingers, and who can scream the loudest. Personally, and probably thankfully, I'm sort've on the outside, as I am not even born in America, let alone Hawai'i, and while I've lived here almost sixteen years, I've not really bothered to adopt the culture here as much as just appreciate it. But I've friends who have lived their entire life here and it's just extremely unpleasant to watch as they all tear each other apart.

Anyway, ultimately it's not my place, and I can only show my condolences for the victims, and avoid pointing fingers at any of the accused. I think I needed to vent, and a forum of people who I only barely know to vent to. If any of you have any advice or want to comment, feel free to. I am well aware some in the community have been hit even harder closer to home than me.

posted about 8 years ago
#134 ESEA S21 Playoffs: froyotech vs. Street Hoops eSports in Matches
Oh so when FROYO was up 2-0 connection issues started to happen until when 20b was up 4-3 they all ddos'd?

Well, it doesn't really matter since the match needs to be replayed, but B4nny has been complaining about connection problems all day, and then throughout the match he couldn't stay in for longer than 30 seconds. They were up 2-0 while he was constantly coming back into the match (and pausing every time he dropped), then he decided it wasn't worth it after they lost a round (stv had to catch up), and at 2-1 they had subbed shade in. The rest of the team called attention to connection problems when clockwork dropped out at the 4-3 scoreline.

posted about 8 years ago
#34 College in Off Topic

University of Hawai'i at Manoa. I was a graduate of University of Hawai'i Maui College though as well.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Best looking race? in The Dumpster


posted about 8 years ago
#9 CrossFire Issues in TF2 General Discussion

What? How is setting two launch options in steam more complicated than going into Radeon settings, then into additional options, then disabling crossfire, then having my computer spend two seconds flickering as it disables a card, every single time I launch tf2? And yes I'm not running crossfire on tf2 if the second gpu is under 0 load but I don't want tf2 to run in crossfire anyway. I just want crossfire globally enabled for everything else and while it was globally enabled, TF2 was having texture glitches and nothing I could do software side was fixing the problem. Symantics are good and all, but I'll happily forgo them if I don't necessitate them to simply post an update.

And I have no idea what 5770s do to TF2 since I think the gpu is very different than my R9 fury crossfire setup.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 CrossFire Issues in TF2 General Discussion

This is just an update: Crossfire will work properly (as in completely ignore my second video card but not require disabling) if I set launch options to -windowed -noborder which.... Isn't really a solution, but at least I can play TF2 at full resolution without having to have a worthless card in the system. Just following up with more information.

posted about 8 years ago
#43 Any AmericanTF2 people want to meet up or host me? in Off Topic

Too bad I don't see Honolulu in your plans

posted about 8 years ago
#15 ex-iM players form new team: ego in News

I'm all for this. Brutalix and Gossip Girl really need good competition if they are to remain i58 playoff contenders. It's a shame nosafeword didn't pan out. Three strong teams in ozfortress would do the scene a ton of good and make people more willing to watch (Hawaii residents studying for finals and a sleep deprived dreamboat using ozfortress as a standing for coffee not withstanding)

posted about 8 years ago
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