Account Details
SteamID64 76561197978308259
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:9021265
Country United States
Signed Up March 19, 2015
Last Posted December 11, 2016 at 6:10 AM
Posts 735 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.6
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
120Hz + Lightboost
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse G303
Keyboard Logitech G610
Mousepad Tt Esports Conkor
Headphones Audio Technica ATH-M50X
Monitor VG248QE
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#24 ESL to host 100k Overwatch tournament in Esports

Twitter link doesn't work anymore?

100K on the line, get ready for some cancer class comps. The game is actually still broken. No class limits. Several overpowered heros (McCree, Widowmaker, roadhogs hook etc). 20 tick. I like the game but TBH it still feels exactly the same as Beta. It needs some fixes still.

posted about 7 years ago
#47 Blizzard statement on Overwatch cheating in Esports

The might be banning prior cheaters based on MAC address of their network card or something. I wish valve would do the same thing. Then someone can't just make a new FTP account and start hacking. Or drop $7 on a go account and go at it again. I also like how Blizzard in China listed the 1500 hackers names on a public forum. It definitely sends a no BS message to cheaters.

posted about 8 years ago
#72 NVidia GTX1080 and 1070 have been launched in Hardware
Screwballdollarlayer6.5 on the 1070.Actually it is closer to 5.6 tflops in reality. Boost clocks are only good for benchmarks.

Do you have a source for the 5.6 TFLOPS on the 1070? There is only a 114Mhz (~7%) difference between core and boost clock on the 1070, I don't know how that could account for 0.9 TFLOPS difference?

This is where I saw 6.5 TFLOPS on the 1070.

Whatever the actual numbers are don't really matter that much as those are reference numbers at stock clocks. Most cards these days come with a decent 10-15% factory overclock and can be pushed even further. And by the looks of it, a 20-25% overclock might be possible on these cards!

posted about 8 years ago
#70 NVidia GTX1080 and 1070 have been launched in Hardware

More card model numbers and specs have been leaked, which include the 1080 Ti and new GTX Titan and the much more budget friendly GTX 1060:

posted about 8 years ago
#22 Fuck Microsoft in Off Topic
fnmwhat's his steam profile?

Child predator alert.

posted about 8 years ago
#24 Aim Booster Sniper Training in Off Topic
Geel9aroseIn terms of requiring aim for moba and rts games, this chart shows the aimbooster scores of starcraft 2 pros, many of whom got this score after just a few tries.

I got 0:59 on my first try in challenge mode and I wouldn't consider myself good at mobas or fps games

Wow thats shockingly good for challenge mode first try. My best is 40s with 95% accuracy for challenge, but I've played it maybe 20 tries.


I've played the sniper mode default setting more and yesterday I managed 2:24 @ 88% accuracy. I should have gotten longer, but right near the end I thought I failed my 3rd one so I stopped even though I could have clicked a few more and kept going until I had one more failure.

posted about 8 years ago
#68 NVidia GTX1080 and 1070 have been launched in Hardware

Oh look what we have here @ Newegg

Interesting I thought founder edition cards were going to be only nvidia branded and not a GPU maker brand. I wonder if these will be $699?

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Aim Booster Sniper Training in Off Topic
EXC0okay so this comes up quite a bit. Since there is no reference from a grid to a 3d rotation, meaning it wouldnt scale accordingly, things such as this and osu! dont really help aim too much.

If you take your inches per 360 in game, adjust your DPI so that when you move your mouse from one side of the monitor to the other, it roughly matches your in-game inches 360 it should be pretty close, or at least for me it feels close. I'm not sure if this is perfectly accurate but others can try it out.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Aim Booster Sniper Training in Off Topic
aroseI used to play this game a bit, just tried now and my best after a few rounds in challenge was 44 seconds.
I think the aim you develop in games like these are more suited for MOBA and RTS players honestly, but the sniping and twitch mode could help for TF2.

Quite good for challenge mode. Do you recall your accuracy?

I think it might be a good tool for people to try and use between games/plugs/scrims etc.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Aim Booster Sniper Training in Off Topic
Trianglesince this is not ingame and therefore doesnt have raw input on, won't this have windows mouse accel?

Good point: Turn off your windows mouse acceleration if you use raw input in game.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Aim Booster Sniper Training in Off Topic

You guys ever try this site?

The last few days I've been doing the Training and going with the sniping modes default settings.

Post your scores, I'm going to post mine later on, but I'll just say the first day I tried the sniper one my high score was ~45 seconds after about 10-15 tries. But since then I've gotten higher scores which I'll post later on.

Also feel free to also post your score for the default Challenge mode. I personally didn't enjoy this mode as much as the sniper mode as its more about flicking and less about tracking.

TIP: If your windows mouse sense is quite different from your in game, might want to temporarily adjust your DPI so it feels similar to your in game.

posted about 8 years ago
#64 NVidia GTX1080 and 1070 have been launched in Hardware


Details about AMD's Polaris were released today here:

Doesn't look like they will be competing with nvidia on high end cards based on those specs. 5.5 TFLOPS from the R9 4000 series vs 9 TFLOPS on the 1080 and 6.5 on the 1070.

posted about 8 years ago
#62 NVidia GTX1080 and 1070 have been launched in Hardware
mathsadis there a definite release date for the aftermarket coolers/cards? i'm def gonna pick a 1080 up.

I just came across this:

Marketing material from Gigabyte suggests at least one flavor of their 1080's will be available in June sometime. :)

My assumption and the assumption of others is that nvidia will have their 1-2 weeks of exclusive founders edition sales, then it will be a free for all with aftermarket coolers being available from various other manufacturers.

posted about 8 years ago
#15 This guy is insane in Other Games

I have a hard time believing this is legit. Either he has the best tracking in the world of any gamer i've ever seen by far or he's using something....

I watched a couple clips at 0.25x speed situations where he has 2 targets in his site and switches from one to another. I noticed there is literally zero describable over or under aim compensation. As in he never seems to move his mouse too far or not far enough. It's always perfect. Example watch it at 0.25x speed. Another Example.

posted about 8 years ago
#58 NVidia GTX1080 and 1070 have been launched in Hardware

Well, I sold my GTX 980 and am using a borrowed GTX 970 until the 1080's come out at a decent price.

The benchmarks of overclocked GTX 1080's are insane!

posted about 8 years ago
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