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SteamID64 76561197999814521
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Country Italy
Signed Up August 30, 2012
Last Posted July 3, 2013 at 11:41 PM
Posts 197 (0 per day)
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#35 Dear TF2 Community in TF2 General Discussion
ChaplainArxdope-wolfArx Multiplay took the courteous approach and informed us that TeamFortress.TV had submitted a coverage proposal and that we too had to submit one, otherwise would be given the coverage slot. Sure, the Multiplay events do not belong to VanillaTV.
What's wrong with this? two organizations submitting proposals to gain exclusive coverage of an event. This is how business works my friend, get used to it.

Nothing is wrong with it. But surely the better solution would have been for the organisations to work together?

Yeah I think in an ideal world it would be perfect to unite both, but there has been too many Bridges burnt not to light the way to these conclusions. I want to support TF2 and that's why, despite my affiliation with TFTV, I will support VTV at i49 as much as I can and I genuinely want them to succeed.

I understand that you are an outspoken guy Arx, but I don't think this post achieves much more than hanging out dirty laundry for all to see. I think its great you're passionate about this game but if this is aimed at the TF2 community it shouldn't be so specific.

Blessings and do a good job


I don't think uniting the two would be a good plan. I think should aquire Would ever sell to

posted about 11 years ago
#20 Dear TF2 Community in TF2 General Discussion
Arxdope-wolfArx Multiplay took the courteous approach and informed us that TeamFortress.TV had submitted a coverage proposal and that we too had to submit one, otherwise would be given the coverage slot. Sure, the Multiplay events do not belong to VanillaTV.
What's wrong with this? two organizations submitting proposals to gain exclusive coverage of an event. This is how business works my friend, get used to it.

Nothing is wrong with it. But surely the better solution would have been for the organisations to work together?

It's a perfectly legitimate and strategic business decision, I am sure wants to have all the viewers tuning into their stream instead of splitting the viewers up between vanilla and

I assume this is a business decision on's part they can in return take those numbers to sponsors and advertisers, instead of having lesser numbers because it would have been split with

Makes perfect sense.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Dear TF2 Community in TF2 General Discussion
Arx Multiplay took the courteous approach and informed us that TeamFortress.TV had submitted a coverage proposal and that we too had to submit one, otherwise would be given the coverage slot. Sure, the Multiplay events do not belong to VanillaTV.

What's wrong with this? two organizations submitting proposals to gain exclusive coverage of an event. This is how business works my friend, get used to it...

you yourself said multiplay does not exclusively belong to, should have every right to be considered to cover the event exclusively just as has the right as well. Fair competition, nothing wrong here sir.

posted about 11 years ago
#42 Moist in Off Topic

moist is a great word, moist brownies yum, moist vagina yum squared, how can you hate this word?

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Halp a friend to spread her indie game in Off Topic

pics plz

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Skill or Luck? in TF2 General Discussion

how the fuck can you minus frag 2 girls kissing on roller-coaster.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 bad player looking for help in Mentoring

aim is an O.G. sup niggy.. dude moves metric tons not ounces, (on a serious note.. has very solid gameplay.)

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Skill or Luck? in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 11 years ago
#10 icTus Looking for Scout Mentor :D in Mentoring

kid is a DM monster.. + mentoring he will be an even bigger monster

posted about 11 years ago
#59 Mangachu is about to "wap" in TF2 General Discussion

da fuck happened here, what did i miss

posted about 11 years ago
#30 I got scammed for my max severed head in TF2 General Discussion

dogs cant say no to weed.

posted about 11 years ago
#55 Rap Music in Off Topic[youtube]


posted about 11 years ago
#158 Stupid shit you've done in Off Topic
mustardoverlordLactose8. masturbated during state standardized testing
are we gonna make this thread "weirdest place you've ever jerked off"

mine is a public bus, my friend's is a church pew

mustard do u think your tough, bullying round people on the intraweb?.. I would love to fist fight you in an alley way... I would love to break your nose.... i'm not to far either i'm 10 hrs away from new york. i'll meet you in buffalo (1.5 hrs from Toronto (Newmarket, ON to be exact) just buy me a beer after I sock you out. put it on youtube... ill mge you irl. Ikpure pencil this down as the next "stupid shit i've done" thnx...( please respond mustard I will meet halfway and film it.)let's have a good ol'e fashion fister, give a good vid, lets put her on youtube.............. :):):):) i'll walts over to America and fight you on your soil. respond please.. #goleafsgo

colton orr your ass #goleafsgo

posted about 11 years ago
#227 Esea Client Mining Bitcoins in Off Topic

If there is ever prefect timing for to make a pay league, now is most definitely the time.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Stupid shit you've done in Off Topic
ikpuredope-wolfAhh shit sorry to hear that man, how much bud did they book you with? You got lucky cause your in Canada, if it was the states they would probably send your ass to jail or something retarded like that.

I have done so many stupid things, I got ton's of cop stories. I'll leave you with my most most recent cop endeavour. This past winter I threw a snowball at a cop outside a bar and got thrown in the drunk tank for it and charged with drunk and disorderly, luckily he didn't charge me with assault, O Canada. (p.s. I'm not in high school any more either, I'm 26, I need to grow up haha)

3 grams, I forgot to spray my locker before leaving it but its not like that would have helped. The secretary said teachers had been complaining about my locker for quite sometime now so it was only a matter of time before I got busted lol that's crazy bro I would have tazed your drunk ass

3 grams, damn that must have been some superman kush. Instead of the tazer the cop and his buddies rammed me face first into a snow bank and I got a mouth full of road salt and probably dog piss in my mouth... or maybe it was just dog piss, whatever it was it was salty.

posted about 11 years ago
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