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SteamID64 76561198006886607
SteamID3 [U:1:46620879]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:23310439
Country Korea, Republic of
Signed Up October 2, 2012
Last Posted June 18, 2022 at 12:42 AM
Posts 2376 (0.6 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.945 (9.4"/360)
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse DeathAdder 2013
Keyboard Microsoft Rubber Dome, i ctap w/ RMB
Mousepad Steel Series QCK (
Headphones Audio Technica ATH700x but not the black
Monitor Benq panel that everyone else has idr
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ⋅⋅ 155
#33 why did tf2 die? in The Dumpster

this is my lowest rated post on this site but I still stand by my initial claim

posted about 3 years ago
#16 The Great TFTV Waifu Challenge in The Dumpster

im actually a normie now
follow me on twitter instead :)

posted about 3 years ago
#60 cbt: current bicep thread in Off Topic

how's everyone been holding up under quarantine?

posted about 4 years ago
#9 movn 2 kentucky in Off Topic
Air_where are you moving from?

birmingham, al

THEBILLDOZERKentucky has more barrels of bourbon aging than it has people.
I think that's pretty neat.

yeah, when I went to interview they took us to a fucking massive distillery. I work in a brewery rn (we have some of the distillery's barrels :) and they had a couple dozen buildings the size of our entire cellar

Menachemkentucky is a big place. are you going to loovull? if so itll be great

if not uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gl


Hedgeavoid kentucky if possible. It's in the official circle of boring ass states (see below)

can't avoid, didnt get accepted anywhere else.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 movn 2 kentucky in Off Topic

hello friends
i am moving to a new state to mine coal / farm hemp (and/or go back to school)
does anyone have advice about living in the state? i am v unfamiliar w yankee culture and looking for apts but do not know the area
thank u very much
have a blessed day

posted about 4 years ago
#21 where do the tf2 shitposts happen now? in Off Topic

all on a nikon optiphot 2. Its a neat scope, p sure its been modified bc its got topdown and passthrough lighting, which isnt standard for models w its stage/power setup. Similar ones were used for microchip work in the 80s/90s, and fluorescent ones are around (which i want) for molbio stuff. The neat thing about the series is theyve got a topdown camera mount over the slide. curr camera is super shit and washes out color p hard, but im not gonna buy a dslr for work.

the bacteria one is at 400x iirc, w the colored portion being contrast shadowed to convey some depth. the phase contrasted portion is lit top down, but the uncolored, non shaded area (outer portion) is lit by bottom up lighting so theres no sense of depth. Its v boring to look at but is what i use for 90% of my work

posted about 4 years ago
#17 where do the tf2 shitposts happen now? in Off Topic
Casualreally? no requests for the microphotography?

do indulge me..

sorry, forgot to check back

here's a bunch of bacteria around a hyphae:

Show Content

here's a comparison shot of some yeast inside water droplets. First is under episcopic brightfield, second under episcopic differential contrasting

Show Content
posted about 4 years ago
#3 where do the tf2 shitposts happen now? in Off Topic

thanks man, preciate it

posted about 4 years ago
#1 where do the tf2 shitposts happen now? in Off Topic

site dead?
(willing to join a team if necessary)

also do u guys wanna see my microphotography ive been looking at cilliates and shit

posted about 4 years ago
#15 best tf2 player twitter accounts in Off Topic

nah local twitter is less a thing than it was a few years ago
moat my irl friends use insta now unless they're politics nerds

posted about 5 years ago
#4 The Aging Process in The Dumpster
toads_tftelomeric microbiology

that would be molecular genetics
you basically never work with telomeres for micro organisms

youre bad at the pretending to be smart thing

posted about 5 years ago
#17 Adderall Fan Club in The Dumpster
Comangliareeceshits literally meth dude stop doing it
no it isn't

similar yes, but not the same. Meth is significantly more dangerous due to how fast if crosses the blood-brain barrier delivering a more powerful "high" faster. This also causes meth to be significantly more addictive. Methamphetamine also breaks down differently were the byproducts are neuro-toxic unlike adderall amphetamines. Yeah both are bad for you but Meth is still WAY WAY worse.

Now I have ADHD and have a dextro-amphetamine prescription, after having been on these meds for about a year now. I don't understand the craze for them anymore. It's nice to not be tired as shit anymore, but god is it annoying focusing on the most useless shit constantly. ex. Marveling at the texture on a cubicle wall while having a deadline to deploy new equipment. Shit when I play TF2 while on my meds I feel like I play way more like a bot than when I'm not. Maybe it's different for people who don't have ADHD / don't take it everyday.

actual active doses of meth and and normal amphetamine are actually not that different of experiences (relatively sure I haven't done meth, so just going off what I've read). The biggest differences are in amount and route of ingesting. Smoking gives you a higher peak and addicts typically take something close to 100mg of IR equivalent at a time, both of which will get you addicted to regular amphetamine too. If you're regularly taking equivalent doses of meth/amphetamine, you're only slightly more likely to get more addicted to meth, since it is a bit more euphoric on the whole and makes it easier to form the response.

I take a lot of adderall, fwiw, and I know what you're talking about to some extent. I find it depends heavily on the sort of work you're doing, your motivation, etc etc. At work I mostly program, read articles, or write so its not a big deal if I hyperfocus for 4-8 hours, cause no one really interacts with me anyway. Days that I have to do stuff down on the production floor are rough, though. It gets better as you get more and more used to the actual ride, but its still pretty easy to lose yourself (I wrote a 3 page footnote on the history of the Darwinian individual yesterday :( )

posted about 5 years ago
#26 Procrastinating in Off Topic
GUNSGUNSGUNSAderall also known as addy

1. developing a stim habit just to finish high-school or w/e is dumb
2. it still requires you to actually start doing shit, otherwise you just clean your house

salts are great for productivity, but they dont really do much for actually starting a project ime. Theres not really a workaround other than building better organizing habits to get you to actually begin things. then snorting shit actually helps

reccing ^ Ciggs/ vapes / shit that you can do every couple hours to take breaks. if you get in the habit, it helps workflow a ton cause you dont burn out as quick and it's less miserable, so you dont end up psyching yrself out on starting the next thing

posted about 5 years ago
#81 CoLLeGe in Off Topic
poopsharkeeeI finished my GRFP application, feel fairly confident & submitting tomorrow
if I get it, theres advisors at Harvard & GA tech who are kinda interested in my stuff (also one at MIT but he does open ocean so eh)
doesnt nsf announce the awards well after admissions? expressly to avoid having the GRFP affect admissions?

in theory. in my field, advisors can pretty much take you on whenever they want, especially if you're independently funded
my proposal was basically derived from my work, anyway, and the potential advisors whove seen it felt confident in my chances (as confident as can be at least), and I'm kinda half sure I'll be able to make two Applications b/c the rules are weird

did you submit anything? shit v nearly killed me, I spent prolly 20 hours a weekend on it this month

posted about 5 years ago
#66 CoLLeGe in Off Topic

I finished my GRFP application, feel fairly confident & submitting tomorrow
if I get it, theres advisors at Harvard & GA tech who are kinda interested in my stuff (also one at MIT but he does open ocean so eh)

if I dont prolly just gonna stay at my brewery tho

posted about 5 years ago
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