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SteamID64 76561198044511912
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Signed Up April 20, 2014
Last Posted May 31, 2024 at 4:45 AM
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#15 HLPugs.tf in Projects

Unbanned the dragon's fury, phlogistinator, and short circuit for play testing with the recent update.

Update #8 should arrive this weekend ideally.

posted about 6 years ago
#14 HLPugs.tf in Projects

Beta Update #7 (03/11/18)

  • Substitution System Rehaul Changes #1...
    - Fixed the infamous bug where the dropdown box to substitute in a player would not appear if no one applies for spot
    - Added a system message that is emitted to the captain when no one applies for the substitution spot
    - Substitution notification now disappears instead of persisting on the page
    - Removed the "Hide substitution boxes"
  • Added a pre-ready button (timer starts at 5 minutes; 10 minutes for patron supporters)
  • Fixed warning pick buttons
  • Fixed PUG scores showing up as "undefined" for 5cp maps
  • Fixed the bug where pick buttons were sometimes disabled for captains
  • Timezone on the EU site will now display in CET
  • Captain Elo
    - Elo is now defaulted at 5000
    - Elo on site chat is now rounded
  • Added a privacy policy in the rules page: hlpugs.tf/rules
  • Updated pl_vigil_rc2 to pl_vigil_rc2a
  • Announcements
    - Announcements can now be advanced by clicking on it
    - Added region based announcements
  • Added a role management system that will allow us to give admin/mod/patron/etc roles without restarting the site
    - If you supported our patreon and have yet to receive your perks, please link your Discord to your Patreon and PM an admin.

Discord (For anyone to use in order to suggest feedback, talk to the support team, or submit any questions to the team)
Steam Group (Receive announcements for when PUGs are starting)
Patreon (Supporting our project will give you a site icon, ability to change the color of your name, longer pre-ready up duration, and more)

posted about 6 years ago
#12 HLPugs.tf in Projects

Beta Update #6 (2/25/18)

  • Players are now static during drafts
    - This means you can no longer f5. :)
    - Captains will not be removed from the draft list and are unpickable
    - If a player is needed on a certain class, then captains cannot pick them on other classes (will help to prevent dead drafts)
  • Fixed an issue with DB connection to the EU servers
  • Fixed color UI not showing up consistently
  • Fixed a case where Adblock would block the "socialterms" tag -- causing player links on profiles to not display
  • Fixed the case where having multiple tabs while added up would cause you to display both in the draft and continue to be added up
  • Fixed the issue where the favorite class options would not allow you to disable certain classes
  • Web notifications will now auto-close after 60 seconds
  • Player Honors
    - Player cards with platinum or premiership experience will now have a darker blue color
  • "Platinum" players will now start at a default captain rating of 5100
    - This is currently an experimental change. If it works well, then we will implement it on the EU site.
  • Map Pool: Removed Millstone from NA and Process from EU
    - Updated koth_product_rc8 to rc9 and pl_vigil_rc1 to pl_vigil_rc2
  • Implemented rotating announcements
  • Captain rating is now displayed on mouse hover
  • Tool tips for the buttons on home page now displays below the icon
  • Updated rules to be more specific about medic captain overriding
  • Chat messages now have props that indicate author status (admin/mod/voice actor)
  • Added new message indicator to chat (only shows up if you aren't scrolled all the way to the bottom already)
  • Added a visible scroll bar in the chat
  • Added an "@everyone" ping in the site chat (only for admins/mods)
  • Added time zones on the bottom right
  • Added a score update for 5cp maps

Upcoming: We plan on rehauling the substitution system. We understand there are issues with subbing out players and plan to tackle the issue in our next update hopefully.

Thank you to everyone for participating in our open beta so far. It has truly been an amazing journey and it is from your support that keeps this project live and going. Thanks once again.

Discord (For anyone to use in order to suggest feedback, talk to the support team, or submit any questions to the team)
Steam Group (Receive announcements for when PUGs are starting)
Patreon (Supporting our project will give you a site icon, ability to change the color of your name, and access to our private Discord channel)

posted about 6 years ago
#11 HLPugs.tf in Projects


Beta Update #5 (2/6/18)

  • Mouse hover now displays your UGC player honors history
  • We have added an API documentation for HLPugs.tf: https://minicircle.github.io/hlpugs-api-docs/
  • Fixed "NA" showing up in notifications instead of "EU"
  • Fixed the issue where changing your name would crash the server
  • Fixed an issue with the banning logic
  • Added a warning system for captains when picking a certain player on a class would force the enemy captain onto a particular class
  • Clicking the "class name" will now add up to that particular class
  • Fixed player stats incorrectly showing the number of losses on the Player Statistics Panel
  • Added a new page that is thrown when a player does not have enough hours or is banned from the site
  • Added a new logo for the site (thank you KonektiV!)
  • Added ability for Patrons, admins, mods, and voice actors to change their name color (affects their color in chat and while added up)
  • Made chat text bigger
  • (Finally) added ties on 5cp map which will show on your user profile
  • Banned the Rocket Jumper
  • Links in announcements are now clickable
  • Class icon will now become larger if you hover over someone on that particular class
  • PUG Status Update will now give the STV and overview link on each score update
  • Fixed emote auto-complete so you can now type :omegalul: in a sentence
  • Voice packs should now be significantly louder (1/4th multiplier on sound has been removed for all packs except default)
  • Significantly updated the draft layout (should look better on mobile landscape)
  • Ability to hide sub boxes

STATUS ON THE MAP POOL AND EU SERVERS: We are going to test with a new map loading logic. This will hopefully allow us to create a different map pool for both the EU and NA regions respectively.

On the topic of the crashes with the EU TragicServers, we are looking to retrieve a couple dedicated servers from certain players in the community this weekend. Please be patient as we try to get this issue resolved, thanks.

In Progress: Adding extended stats that displays all the wins/losses on particular maps with another player

Discord (For anyone to use in order to suggest feedback, talk to the support team, or submit any questions to the team)
Steam Group (Announcements will be posted here as well as the Discord)
Patreon (If you would like to support our project)

posted about 6 years ago
#10 HLPugs.tf in Projects
Iatginkcan only access the website until i need to sign in then its 504 Gateway Time-out

For first time logins, you need to set your profile to public in order to verify the number of in-game hours that you have. You can set it back to private after you set your alias.

posted about 6 years ago
#6 HLPugs.tf in Projects
31keep having bad gateway error as soon as the ready up alert disapearsJynxiiservers keep dying :(

We've been working on fixing this issues. Please be patient, thanks!

EDIT: Apparently tragicservers were at 99% memory usage and ran out of memory -- causing the crashes...

posted about 6 years ago
#2 HLPugs.tf in Projects

Beta Update #4 Change Log (12/30/17 - 1/20/18)

  • https://eu.hlpugs.tf/ site launch

  • Implemented a new captain rating system (View this in overview)
    - Default rating is 5000, Elo K-factor = 32
    - If captain A has 100 R more than captain B, captain A is expected to go 64-36 against captain B over 100 pugs (assuming no draws)
    - New ratings will only take into account pugs in the past 90 days
  • Added a FAQ in the Rules page: https://hlpugs.tf/rules
  • Autocomplete
    - Fixed username autocomplete entries being stored in memory
    - Fixed issues with typing a colon and erasing it -- causing the player to enter the autocomplete
  • Fixed Patreon and microphone icon not displaying while added up
  • Fixed a bug with the role checking algorithm
  • Fixed a bug where the player card would be stuck in the connect info screen
  • Fixed auto-add on PUG end not working
  • Fixed logged out users seeing random messages with @mentions as highlighted
  • Fixed issues with the database query causing the site to crash
  • Fixed issues with server #1 not executing rcon commands and crashing the site
  • Fixed issues with favorite classes & add up to all classes button unadding players from captain
  • Made player card display on the side and not on top
  • Made class lists transparent
    - Fireworks SFX should now look better (can be enabled in settings)
  • Added homo-glyph detection in the chat filter
  • Added more emotes and gifs (see site announcement)
  • Added a warnings system for admins/moderators to use
  • Session logins are now saved for 2 weeks
  • Admins can now rename players
  • Either captain now has a 50/50 chance of getting first pick
  • Added the enemy team's players and classes in the connect info screen
  • Enabled interactivity with the site on the connect info screen
  • System message now displays the captain's Elo that were selected in chat
  • Banned the Phlogistinator after much evaluation
  • Added profile links in 'Your Team' to your teammates for the connect info screen
  • Chat now has a beeping symbol when a new message is sent
  • Added player history panel with another player
  • Finalized Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Voice Pack so that is is much louder
  • MOTD now directs to the Steam group
  • Voice Packs
    - Added Nice Woolen, Mean Woolen, and Italian Bowl voice packs
  • Map List
    - Updated pl_badwater_pro_v11 to pl_badwater_pro_v12 and pl_vigil_b6 to pl_vigil_rc1
posted about 6 years ago
#1 HLPugs.tf in Projects


a highlander captain draft pug system

First Time Registration: Please set your privacy Steam settings to the following here.

Many thanks to everyone in the community for their continued support into allowing this project to happen. You all deserve it.

posted about 6 years ago
#94 TF2 Center adblock fuckery in TF2 General Discussion
MasterNoobI just released a patch this morning, should be fixed now ;-)

Can you fix the http://tf2.center/ link too?

posted about 6 years ago
#51 HL Pugs Open Beta in TF2 General Discussion

Beta Update #3 (12/30/17):

  • Fixed the captain algorithm sorting captains from least to greatest ELO and not the other way around
  • Fixed audio issues with captain picking players
  • Fixed captains not receiving a voice cue when time is running out
  • Fixed abort draft voice cue not playing
  • Fixed issues with players picked in the draft not showing while logged off
  • Fixed issues with the main elements of the site not showing while logged off
  • Fixed the time stamp being wrong on site chat
  • Fixed substitution notification lingering on the home page
  • Fixed auto-add not working on PUG end
  • Fixed weird auto-scrolling on the site
  • Fixed "@ [person'name]" being highlighted to everyone on the site
  • Fixed issue where clicking the name of a someone who has been picked does not open their profile in a separate page
  • Pug Status Score
    - Fixed time stamp during PUG status score
    - Fixed issue where the PUG status score is incorrectly labeling the winning team
    - Fixed PUG status score not labeling the captain's alias on ties
    - Fixed system messages not showing up until after refresh
    - Added STV connect info on PUG start
  • Fixed sorting issue with the captain ELO panel
  • Fixed issue where players are unable to be picked during the end of the picking stage
  • Added a new mouse hover, which now contains wins and losses for every class
  • Added announcements on the home page
  • Added support for tab functionality for auto-complete (Thanks Jack!)
  • Added automated emote functionality
  • Added more emojis and gifs
  • Updated credits for the new voice actors
  • Edited punishments in rules for low offenses
  • Added a fireworks SFX effect for New Years
  • Made the "snowing effect" more light weight with a new click effect
  • Voice Packs
    - Added new voice packs: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Bowl, and Mean Oblivion
    - Removed crab_f voice pack
    - Improved oblivion voice pack audio quality (with new lines as well)
    - Improved Oldbot voice pack audio quality
    - Added more lines for the Hammock voice pack

Happy New Year's everyone! :)

Steam Group

posted about 6 years ago
#49 HL Pugs Open Beta in TF2 General Discussion

Beta Update #2 (12/23/17):

  • Moved the chat bar to a persistent right position (thanks minicircle!)
  • Added auto-chat complete when typing “@ [person’s name]” (thanks minicircle!)
    -"@admins, @support, @moderators" will now alert us on discord
  • Added a favorite class options when clicking the star symbol
    - Also auto-applies when you join the site or after a PUG ends
  • Rules
    - Moved the rules from the overview to the homepage
    - Added new rules such as captain restrictions on overriding the other captain to medic
  • Added a captain panel in the overview where you can see the ELO of every captain in the database
  • Added ability for moderators and admins to substitute players
  • Map Pool
    - Removed cp_croissant_rc6 and koth_ramjam_rc1 and added in koth_warmtic_b6 and pl_vigil_b7
  • Unbanned the backburner from the whitelist (bug has been fixed)
  • Added website icons for Patron supporters and for Voice Actors
  • Added new animations when a player is picked
    - Added a setting to turn off these animations (on by default)
  • Added five new voice packs: Oblivion, Hammock, Oldbot, Karl_Wheezer, and crab_f
    - Added more Kegaman Voice Lines
  • Fixed Kegaman VoicePack not working on FireFox
  • Added a voice cue when you are picked by a captain or when the duration of the timer to pick a player is about to end
  • Added a lot of emojis into the chat
  • Added two SFX settings: snowing (snow is interactive with your mouse) and blizzard
    - Can disable the snow in settings (on by default)
  • Fixed a lot of bugs

Major Bugs/Features In Progress: Warnings System and Refresh Issue

If you support our Patreon, you will now get access to our private channel in Discord and also a symbol on the website. If you have any problems receiving your donator benefits, please contact one of the head admins.

Thanks to everyone for their continued support of this project! Happy Holidays!

Steam Group

posted about 6 years ago
#24 waxx LFT Open Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

engineer.tf admin

posted about 6 years ago
#44 HL Pugs Open Beta in TF2 General Discussion

New map changes for the off-season.


Should be live now.

posted about 6 years ago
#17 Forward spawn script with item presets in Customization

I am actually so happy that this particular script exists because it helps me tremendously. Thank you!

posted about 6 years ago
#41 Koth Product (former pro viaduct) in Map Discussion

I am not sure what the consensus is, but I wanted to make a suggestion to remove the fence behind the rock.

For highlander and 6s - it essentially allows the sniper to have a sightline through main, pocket, japan, china, and connector while being easily protected and exposing very little of himself to the enemy sniper, which makes sniper v. sniper really difficult. This is due to the geometry of the rock and how 70% of the sniper's body is covered and how the sniper can easily rotate to watch any sightline based off comms. During sac waves, it is difficult to kill the sniper as you are betting on hitting a perfect splash on around the geometry of the rock, while also dealing with pyros, scouts, heavies, etc denying you while you are in the air. Thus, your only viable option is to win the sniper v. sniper fight, which already is a disavantage for the sniper that is not playing on rock as his body is fully exposed and has to deal with flankers/bombers, while the sniper on the rock can be protected by his team and his body is not fully exposed.

For 6's in particular - the biggest argument for keeping the fence behind rock is that it allows the scout to climb up the rock and have the movement to jump back between china, cliff, and rock to deny the soldier and demoman during the sac waves - an important aspect of the metagame in the gamemode. If the fence were to be removed, it would impact scouts as they cannot jump on the rock as freely as they can to deny the bombs, which would potientally make scouts weaker on the map (?). The sniper argument also can apply here in 6's as it would make sniper a bit worse, which is always good.

These are just my thoughts though. I would like to hear other people's opinions regarding this topic.

posted about 7 years ago
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