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Country Australia
Signed Up June 11, 2016
Last Posted September 16, 2021 at 9:41 AM
Posts 45 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2
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Headphones HyperX Cloud Core
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#11 Recommended games from the sale? in Off Topic

I picked up The Stanley Parable and The Beginners Guide and have found them both to be fantastic games. Both are quite short games, but are really unique and interesting.
There's a bundle with both games in it.

posted about 6 years ago
#24 Interesting study in Off Topic
SnackThis may seem like a stupid point, but seeing as the study focuses on one's reactions with their hands and feet based on their height, would your reaction to something you see be affected by your height, since your eyes are right next door to your brain?

I'm fairly sure that your brain waits for the signals from your feet to arrive before it starts processing anything, because if your brain processed information from your eyes before your feet then things would seem slightly out of sync, i.e you would kick something and you would see the thing being kicked before you felt it.

posted about 7 years ago
#35 B4nny pyro video in Videos
bleghfarecDr_FezWhat is wrong with pyro being a more generalist class if it is fun and skill-based? B4nny isn't saying that pyro needs a straight-up buff, he's arguing for it to be reworked in a way that makes it less frustrating to play against and more viable to play as.
The problem is: How would you do it?

It's a difficult question, in terms of making pyro less frustrating to play against, fixing the airblast and flame particles would make a difference, however I think that the airblast as a whole is kind of dumb, as are most movement-impairing mechanics. In terms of making pyro more viable, one way would be to buff his flame thrower's damage/range while making it harder to aim.
Ultimately, I'm not an expert in game design and I don't know what specific changes could be made to improve the pyro, but I think making pyro's effectiveness more skill-based would be a good place to start.

posted about 7 years ago
#32 B4nny pyro video in Videos

What is wrong with pyro being a more generalist class if it is fun and skill-based? B4nny isn't saying that pyro needs a straight-up buff, he's arguing for it to be reworked in a way that makes it less frustrating to play against and more viable to play as.

posted about 7 years ago
#11 who is the funniest tf2 player of all time? in Off Topic

Shade, sideshow

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Quick survey for stats class in Off Topic
damneasy50 and 0 xD


posted about 7 years ago
#37 whats your sens? in Off Topic

2@800dpi 26cm/360
I play soldier and scout and prefer to aim with my arm

posted about 7 years ago
#4 How do I get better? in TF2 General Discussion
Spritepractice makes perfect, if you realise your mistakes you'll start learning to apply them and thats how you improve. rome wasn't built in a day. just keep playing and doing what you're doing and you'll learn even more overtime.

That's kind of frustrating advice, regardless of how true it is

posted about 7 years ago
#23 Thoughts. in Off Topic

Also with videogames, if it's clearly a problem in your life, then stop it. However, if you know that's not the problem, then quitting videogames could do more harm than good. Maybe if tf2 has lost some of its charm, then trying out other games couldn't hurt. Exactly what games to try depends on your own preferences, just look for games that interest you.

posted about 7 years ago
#22 Thoughts. in Off Topic

I cut out 95% of sugar in my diet in an attempt to be more healthy. I would recommend it, it may seem extreme and unnecessary, but I definitely feel better for it. When I say sugar I'm mostly talking about processed/concentrated sugar, I still eat plenty of fruit. As far as depression goes I'm not an expert but from what I can tell, social activity is the best counter to it. Even just talking to people on this forum is a good start.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 New way to play 6's (Just a thought) in TF2 General Discussion

5cp is at it's best the fastest-paced gamemode, that's what makes it so fun. What makes it not fun is that at it's worst it's one of the slowest-paced gamemodes. What we really need is some sort of fix to remove stalemates in 5cp, whether that's even possible I don't know, but the fix would probably need to be by valve, not us.

In terms of alternative solutions, A/D is possible but the majority of people don't enjoy the gamemode because it tends towards being slower-paced. Quake CTF could be an idea, I'd have to see it tested to develop an opinion on it though. Personally, I'd like to see more viable koth maps in the rotation, as it's the next-best thing to 5cp in my opinion

posted about 7 years ago
#61 esa mvps in LAN Discussion

Flank scout: Stark - more inconsistent than he should have been at times, but made up for it with ridiculous plays and his viaduct game in the finals was crazy
Combo scout: B4nny - Although he had some uncharacteristic underperformances on some maps he still in general played very smartly.
Pocket: Paddie - Stepped up massively, and was one of the most consistent players throughout the lan. His ubers were excellent.
Roamer: Drackk - Played super well on the first day to keep his team in the upper bracket, and continued that performance on day 2. His ability to catch the medic at the end of a bad fight was at times key to Se7en's play.
Demoman: Have to say Alle, amazing throughout the lan and stepped it up even more in the finals. Hasn't really had a performance like this since Dreamhack.
Medic: Raymon - Credit to Nursey and Cookiejake, but Raymon's medic play was near-flawless. He's up there for best medic of all time in my eyes, and mvp of the lan.

Honourable mentions:
Freestate, Yomps, Cookiejake, Nursey, AMS, Garbuglio... the list could go on and on, so many great performances and so many players making their lan debut. Even the lower-finishing teams put on some crazy games, and all together, made it an event that will not be forgotten for years to come.

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Badlands basic scout positioning in Videos
hpqoeui played it down mumble and stark got upset and deleted it

Ah shame, I'd love to see more like it from him, he's my favourite scout at least in terms of playstyle and skillset

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Badlands basic scout positioning in Videos

Quite liked this video, went back to search for it today and found it was unavailable, wondering why that is?

posted about 7 years ago
#502 Fantasy TF2: Let’s do this! in Projects


posted about 7 years ago
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