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Last Posted May 28, 2018 at 2:50 PM
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#17 4's TF2 Script Editor in Customization

.: Update :.

I added a new text box control which allows line numbers (turn them off in settings) and syntax highlighting as well as some smaller updates like Ctrl+Shift+C automatically comments/uncomments a line.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Medigun checker script in TF2 General Discussion

So this script targets mainly 6s players who quickly want to check the enemy medic's medigun? And couldn't you save a key press if you put "medcheck1" and "medcheck2" into one and add a small wait in between?

posted about 11 years ago
#15 4's TF2 Script Editor in Customization
BolshevikI attempted to use the Interp Exploit with a teammate on an empty pub server last night using 4Script, and for some reason it wasn't working. I tried it in autexec, binds, and sniper configs. But when I went in manually to autoexec and put it in it worked. Don't know if this was a problem on my end, or something you want to address, but just thought I would mention it.

I did the same and it worked for me. The first question would be, did you save it? And in case you had tf2 running, id you reexecute the file?

posted about 11 years ago
#12 4's TF2 Script Editor in Customization

I found a control that suits my needs and that's what the syntax highlight looks like right now:

There are still some wrong markups tho~

posted about 11 years ago
#11 4's TF2 Script Editor in Customization
krakowNotepad++ is extremely useful for editing code of any language, and I just don't see myself downloading another text editor when Notepad++ can do the job just fine. If you're going to promote a tf2-specific editor, you may as well add more tf2 features than just toggles/loops.

Then don't. If you don't see the features of this tool fit your needs then you simply don't need to download it. I wouldn't want to open all cfgs and close them all when I wanna edit something else but that's you decition.

posted about 11 years ago
#75 Interp Toggle Exploit in TF2 General Discussion

Using a toggle seam like a pretty bad idea to me, I'd use a +/- bind:

alias +int "cl_interp .5;"
alias -int "cl_interp .033;"
bind SHIFT "+int"

So it sets the interp to .5 when you press shift and resets it when you release shift. :)

posted about 11 years ago
#1 rPuush in Off Topic

A couple weeks ago I wrote a tool called rPuush which automatically loads random images from the site in multiple threads. I haven't showed it to many people so I guess I could post it here and see what happens.

Really any picture that anyone ever uploaded to this site can show up (porn included :P).


Download: (press i when in rPuush to hide the extra info)


posted about 11 years ago
#9 4's TF2 Script Editor in Customization
krakowNot trying to rain on your parade, but I'm not really seeing what this offers over Notepad++.

Notepad++ is a great tool but my program focuses on tf2 scripting and adds some features that are only useful for tf2 scripting like ckap said the loop dialog and some optimizations that only work for tf2 scripting. What does Notepad++ offer for scripts over this tool other than keywork highlights?

posted about 11 years ago
#6 4's TF2 Script Editor in Customization

syntax highlighting?

I thought about that and I also tried it once but it's not really possible for me alone to write a proper one. I could use an already made control like Scintilla.Net to do this without having much trouble. Maybe I'll add that in the near future, as well as easy auto completion. However, I want the core features of the editor to be prefect first, then I'll add extras like that. After all tf2 script is not really in need of syntax highlighting since it's easy to read but I'll try to make it happen.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 4's TF2 Script Editor in Customization

Support me by joining the steam group :3

Hey I'm four and I've always liked Juzz's script editor link so since he doesn't seam to be updating this anymore I decided to write my own one. My goal is to write a small handy tool with small features that make scripting for tf2 easier. I don't wanna give this tool a shitload of features but smaller ones that actually improve the flow of coding.

I wrote it in c# and works on Windows.

Most features of the tool:
- Auto-completion
- Tabbed editor for all cfg files
- Advanced Syntax highlighting
- Highlighting of same words
- Rectangular selection
- Dialogs to easily insert loops and toggles
- File Blacklist
- Find/Replace
- Batch add to selected files
- Backups
- Add numpad key names by pressing Ctrl+Numpad
- A Person who is willing to keep this tool up to date

- Editor with highlighting and auto-complete menu

- Dark theme:

- Insert loop menu

- Batch add menu

Handy hotkeys:
- F1 / F3: changes tabs
- Ctrl+F1 / Ctrl+F3: goes to the previous/next search
- Ctrl+Numpad: to insert the name of the key
- Ctrl+(1-9): select the classfile (e.g. Ctrl+1 -> scout.cfg)
- Ctrl+Shift+C: Comment/Uncomment line
- Ctrl+Backspace: Delete whole word
The obvious hotkeys should be visible in the tool itself by hovering over the icon.


This program uses the opensource project fastColoredTextBox and it's source can be downloaded here.

You need to have at least .Net framework 2.0 installed but it should be already installed on you pc (if not google it).

Please be picky and tell me any error/bug you find. Even if it is just a typo or a wrong tab index.
I've bugtested every feature of the tool but there is always a possibility that another one exists!
If you wanna help me, you can share this post in other forums <3

posted about 11 years ago
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